I have the first 3 seasons of the Simpsons on DVD. At what season should I stop purchasing sets? I was told that season 8 was the last consistently good season. I haven't watched Simpsons since the late 1990's, but I checked out some recent episodes on Hulu and they were bad. What the hell happened? Did they run out of ideas, or was it a change in the philosophy of the writers. I don't remember them ever resorting to sight gags and slapstick for the sake of slapstick.
The writing team on the first few seasons were so subverse. It was like they were starving artists who were hungry to prove something.
lol. What game is that?
Bart the General still holds up pretty solid for me.
Bam! I'm Dick Tracy, take THAT Prune Face! Now I'm Prune Face! Bam! Take THAT Dick Tracy! Now I'm Prune Tracy! Take THAT Dick F...
So let's start a friendly debate...
^^ Greatest Simpsons song of all time? I say yes.
So let's start a friendly debate...
^^ Greatest Simpsons song of all time? I say yes.
So let's start a friendly debate...
^^ Greatest Simpsons song of all time? I say yes.
So let's start a friendly debate...
^^ Dr. Zaius - Greatest Simpsons song of all time? I say yes.
So let's start a friendly debate...
^^ Dr. Zaius - Greatest Simpsons song of all time? I say yes.
Best song is the monorail song.
They say those things are awfully loud.Best song is the monorail song.
This play has everything.
So let's start a friendly debate...
^^ Dr. Zaius - Greatest Simpsons song of all time? I say yes.
^^ Dr. Zaius - Greatest Simpsons song of all time? I say yes.
Is there a chance the track could bend?
Not on your life, my Hindu friend!
We've done this a few times in the last thread.
Instead of doing what I normally do and spout off a list of episode names which some may deem arbitrary (although I have watched every episode - something few people in here would be willing to admit), here is a list of the top-rated episodes from Season 18 and onwards as per their IMDB user rating score:
What about us brain-dead slobs?
you were probably sent here by the devilYou'll all be given cushy jobs!
How do I still know the lyrics to this a decade later???
How do I still know the lyrics to this a decade later???
you were probably sent here by the devil
You mean two decades later.The monorail episode aired in 1993.Unless you saw the episode later.
Can I play the piano anymore?
Of course you can!
Well I couldn't before.
Übermatik;54862269 said:What episode is this?
EDIT SHIT double post... I should go to bread...
but wait...
Well Mr. Burns had done it
The power plant had won it
With Roger Clemmons, Clucking all the while
Mike Scioscia's tragic illness made us smile
With Wade Boggs lay unconscious on the bar-room tile...
"I am selling only the concept of karmic realignment."Hey! He lied to us through song. I hate it when people do that.
But this is LA, and you're rich and FAAAAAAMOOOOUUUSS
But actually I think the burlesque house song is best
Our skimpy costumes ain't so bad, They seem to entertain your dad!
"I am selling only the concept of karmic realignment."
"You can't sell that! Karma can only be portioned out by the cosmos."