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The Sims 3 |OT|

NetMapel said:
I just hope EA resist the temptation to release a billion different expansion packs afterward though.

Why? You don't have to buy them, and they usually alter the game pretty significantly. Sims 2 with all the expansions has a crazy amount of content.


BobJustBob said:
Why? You don't have to buy them, and they usually alter the game pretty significantly. Sims 2 with all the expansions has a crazy amount of content.
Well in Sims 2 it was pretty obvious where they left content 'holes' to be filled by future expansion packs. I hope Sims 3 is more well-rounded.


GameGamer said:
I was excited for this but after that vid I'm not sure.

Is there any online? Having your sim be in another sims town, or anything co-op?

You mean Sims Animal Crossing? ;)


polyh3dron said:
I've seen a couple giant billboards on the sides of high rise buildings in LA, maybe that's what they meant. lol
Yeah, over by Sunset and Vine. The ads are huuuuge.


NetMapel said:
I'm quite excited about this and may get it when it gets out. I just hope EA resist the temptation to release a billion different expansion packs afterward though.
im sure they will microtransact it like crazy this time around


Looking forward to it, even though bit-tech ripped into it.

Wonder how it will run, though. I thought Sims 2 was an unreasonably heavy game to load and run.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I just hope the build mode is tricked out in this version... That's all I really cared about, spending time designing buildings. I just ignored the actual Sim part :lol

Really, give me significantly more floors on a building and I'm sold.


NetMapel said:
I'm quite excited about this and may get it when it gets out. I just hope EA resist the temptation to release a billion different expansion packs afterward though.

I hope and PRAY we get as many expansions as we did with Sims 2 and 1, and not have to deal with a bunch of microtransaction shit. I could see how a bunch of expansions could annoy people, but they definitely made the game a lot better in my eyes.

Dead Man

BocoDragon said:
I just hope the build mode is tricked out in this version... That's all I really cared about, spending time designing buildings. I just ignored the actual Sim part :lol

Really, give me significantly more floors on a building and I'm sold.
Same. And more freedom with the damn fittings!


The Everyman
you know what, i cant believe the concept of the sims worked out into such a fantastic game now that i think of it


NetMapel said:
I'm quite excited about this and may get it when it gets out. I just hope EA resist the temptation to release a billion different expansion packs afterward though.

The chances of that happening stand between neglible and non-existent. The franchise only exists to milk people for expansion packs. Personally I wonder why they don't just give a "core" game (consisting of a few room furnishings and other accessories) away for nothing and let people buy DLC content in-game.


Visualante said:
Why would it be? It's designed to run on 2 year old run of the mill laptops.

my sister forced me to build her a core i7 + gtx 280 1GB + 4 GB Vista 64 desktop computer some weeks ago since she read somewhere her core2 duo laptop wouldn't be enough for Sims 3.



Perhaps you're confused between what The Sims was and what The Sims is.

When it first released, The Sims was a behemoth loved by all. It swept through the hardcore and casual audiences alike. It was a lot like a Mario game. It would attract tonnes of people who played anywhere from no games to piles of them. But over time, they narrowed down the target audience to a large, devoted core that would buy expansions like crazy.

You will not find the same sort of excitement for The Sims 3. At least, not here. I'm not sure if it's the games that changed, or people's perception of them, but things are different from when the original had just released.
Yeah I think youve all have totally missed everything. Theres been so much stuff online for it, so many I think they had tons of workshops for it for months now, also it made an appearance on a tv show, was it, One Tree Hill, in which they made the characters Sims 3 characters (available for download), heh even people saw the inclusion of the participants in Election 2008 as Sims in it. Theme song too.

Its gonna be great! If the series has already over 100 million plus unit sales, then I think there are tons of people willing to get the Sims 3 and even know about its existence


Visualante said:
Why would it be? It's designed to run on 2 year old run of the mill laptops.

It probably starts, but does it also run? TS2 was horrible in that regard, and became more horrible the longer you kept installing addons.
"The game will have disc-based copy protection—there is a Serial Code just like The Sims 2. To play the game there will not be any online authentication needed," EA said on the official site. "We feel like this is a good, time-proven solution that makes it easy for you to play the game without DRM methods that feel overly invasive or leave you concerned about authorization server access in the distant future."

I had no idea they were stepping back from activation limitations and have been ignoring the game so EA's Steam delay didn't bug me. A major Sims title is a must-play for me so it's a day one sale then. :) Hopefully this continues with Dragon Age.
DrXym said:
and let people buy DLC content in-game.
That's exactly what they'll do with Sims 3.

BTW Does anyone know if the 10 bucks worth online shop points are also part of the normal edition or only the collectors?
Visualante said:
Why would it be? It's designed to run on 2 year old run of the mill laptops.
That doesn't mean it's not optimised.

Also, no it's not. The required specs are a 128MB DX9 GPU and 1.5GB RAM (for Vista).

Mau ®

Oh simltaneous mac release too? I hope my MacBook Air can run it, doesnt look too hefty. Sims 2 in HD.

I love the sims. Its obvious that there would not be hype for this, its like with Nintendogs, they sell loads of them and release new versions every couple of months but GAF doesnt care anymore.


keep your strippers out of my American football
SupahBlah said:
Didn't they delay it to move it into another fiscal quarter?

Yeah, that was the reason for the delay.

I am looking forward to the game. Sims 2 was the ultimate timesink.
brain_stew said:
Others prefer gaming to advance at more than a turtle's pace. A GPU about 3x the capabilities of those featured in the PS3/X360 can be had for $75 right now (4830), there's just no excuse to be running a P4 and Nvidia 5 series based rig anymore if you play anything other than flash games.

I really do kind of wish they were a bit more forceful pushing the technology, huge mainstream games like this can work wonders for bringing the hardware of the PC userbase upto date which in turn is only ever going to benefit the platforma s a whole. Designing the thing around a 2ghz P4, a CPU that wasn't even decent by the standards of half a decade ago, isn't really going to manage that.

Edit: The P4 is 8 year old tech now. Jesus, that's insane, pushing the requirements up to 5 year old hardware surely isn't asking much is it?
:lol x10000 posting this shit in a THE SIMS 3 thread.

As far as I'm concerned all PC games should run on DirectX 8.0


dskillzhtown said:
Yeah, that was the reason for the delay.

I am looking forward to the game. Sims 2 was the ultimate timesink.

I can't decide if Civ4 or Sims 2 was the bigger timesink


The highlight of the Sims 3 for me so far is the "nevernude" trait. My husband and I already have plans for an Arrested Development house.


My wife knew this game existed before I did, and she reads exactly 0 gaming publications, online or otherwise.

I just hope the freaking thing works fine on my PC. I stopped upgrading for PC games about 3 years ago. Apparently my X800 is good enough, but Sims games have never been known for running particularly well.


As someone who considers himself to be a fairly hardcore gamer on a budget-induced sabbatical, Sims 3 is still pretty much going to be a day one purchase for me. I've sunk so many hours into the Original (missed out on 2, and like the poster above me, am waiting for a compilation package before I consider it) I know it'll be worth it.

Since there doesn't seem to be much hype, I guess I'll fan the flames a little with a few things I've noticed. Most of this is taken from the Creator's Camp Preview from The Sims Resource. Here's the link; http://www.thesimsresource.com/articles/creatorscamp.

Here's a few of the things I am looking forward to...

- I'm a builder. I could usually care less what the Sims are doing so long as they aren't in my way while I'm trying to put together a minimalist / asian themed dream mansion on stilts, over a moat. That said, one of the things I have always hated about the Sims was the way furniture was implemented; you'd have the perfect couch, but it'd be some piss-ugly yellow. In Sims 3, you'll be able to swap color / texture patterns onto any object. Want the seat cushions on your couch to match the curtains? Click and drag the style between objects and it's done. You can even drag styles to clothing and cars.

- Not only is the grid size smaller (allowing you to place objects more precisely), but you can also free-rotate objects 360 degrees to place them how you like. So if you want a chair angled just so, now you can do it.

- On that note, you can now expand and contract rooms with a click-and-drag interface, allowing you to move walls at will and watch the entire rooms contents shift to compensate. No longer must you tear down a room and try to put it back together. Walls and floors will apparently also auto-fill, so you don't have to go in and paint the single wall spaces you've added.

- You can modify doors to be 1, 2, or 3 tile sizes, and you are now less restricted on how you place doors (apparently you can fudge the rules slightly and place doors between tiles). Stairs are also apparently much more customizable, and can be quickly scaled from 1-10 tiles wide.

- Lights can now be scaled between brightness levels and you can even tint them. Red light sex dungeon, here we come!

- You can box in a room and the game won't automatically roof it off, allowing you to create a courtyard without having to fudge the rules.

- Tables and surfaces will have 'clutter slots' that you can tack extra little goodies onto for added effect. (Mentioned here at the end of the article). The example given is perfume, toilet paper, and a hand towel being placed onto a bathroom surface.

- Apparently you can invest in businesses in town and take them over. The town will apparently have a lot of Animal-crossing like collecting and searching, from fish to minerals to plants. A lot of the skills you can improve, like cooking, benefit from searching for fresh ingredients or growing your own (yes, there's a sim garden).

Really, anyone considering this game should quickly browse the Sims3 site blogs, there's a lot of little tidbits there.

Thanks for the info. I only bought the Sims 2 to build enormous houses, and then use the sims for a day to make sure they can walk around it fine, then off to the next lot.

is there non residential construction? Parks, stores etc?


stuminus3 said:
My wife knew this game existed before I did, and she reads exactly 0 gaming publications, online or otherwise.

I just hope the freaking thing works fine on my PC. I stopped upgrading for PC games about 3 years ago. Apparently my X800 is good enough, but Sims games have never been known for running particularly well.

Go here and you can see if your PC can handle the Sims 3
The Sims 3 is a totally different beast now. It plays vaguely similar to the Sims 2. There are a few fundamental differences that are both good and bad. I am a bit turned off by it, it is not more awesome than The Sims 2.

Oh, it has Securom in it too from what I've heard.


There's a huge central town area, but from what I have read a lot of the stores and such are just facades. For example, if your sim works at the Hospital, he just walks in the door; there's no interiors to a lot of the buildings (a lot of people have speculated that this is prime expansion pack territory). Not 100% sure on that, however.

It has been said that you can invest into businesses though, to earn an income;

Something new to me (and most likely you) is the fact that your Sim can buy into the partnership of these Community Lots. It's costly (around §7,000) but your Sim will then earn an income from that Lot. They can then go on to buy out other partners until they eventually own the business (at a cost of around §20,000). Once you own the company you can rename it, fire the staff if you don't like them and make use of its facilities for free, so free food or books or movies. You can eventually buy up many or all of the properties and have a Monopoly of the town, but given the huge expense this would be something you might aspire to later in Sim life when you have lots of funds and fulfilled many wants.

I'm willing to bet that an expansion dealing entirely with businesses or something will come out eventually.

It's also worth mentioning that the neighborhood is now seamless and is evolving as you play. So while you're focused on putting together an awesome house, the people in the area are going about their business. The town is essential, apparently, because it drives the social aspect of the game as well as providing places to develop.

Also, they just recently announced that there will be an entire second town for you to build in. The game ships with "Sunset Valley", but you can download "Riverview", which is apparently more rural. So your sims can go for a visit out to the country, where there's supposed a ton of extra things to do (one article mentioned a mysterious stonehenge-like ring in the middle of the woods that has some odd interactions... hmm

If your Sims want to work out and meet other athletic Sims, they can make the gym their regular stop. Art-loving Sims can visit the art gallery for inspiration and you can even replace the art there with paintings by your Sims! The bustling park is one of the most popular hang outs with its convenient fishing spots and an open green space that is perfect for picnics, barbeques, and games of catch. I don’t know if I’m just a nerd, but I especially like the town library that sits off the corner of the park. Maybe it’s the study areas surrounded by regal bookshelves or the grand central staircase or the kid’s play area in the west wing… or maybe it’s the Power Study moodlet my Sims get when they do their homework there.

That's worth a mention to; Moodlets. They've done away with the major hand-holding of the game, so you no longer have to spend time making your sims gauges go up before they will do something you want. In their place are Moodlets, which act like Buffs and Debuffs from MMORPGs. For example, if your Sim has to relieve himself, instead of there being a giant red bar and imminent danger of wetting yourself, you now just get a little Debuff that negatively effects everything you do until you take action to remedy it.

From what I have heard, there is never a time that a sim will outright decline to do something now.

Seriously, read through the developer blogs, they kind of throw a lot of hints and outright details out in there. http://thesims3.ea.com/view/pages/community.jsp?type=blog


KibblesBits said:
The Sims 3 is a totally different beast now. It plays vaguely similar to the Sims 2. There are a few fundamental differences that are both good and bad. I am a bit turned off by it, it is not more awesome than The Sims 2.

Oh, it has Securom in it too from what I've heard.

It has the basic disc check, no online authentication required. You guys really need to stop using Securom generically.


works for Gamestop (lol)
They had a demo of this at the Apple Store and it's basically the worst demo ever. Well that was after I found out that it was just a demo on the sims creation part. I thought it'd be a demo of the actual game but I guess people would just stay in the store playing all day.


The Sims 3 seems much more interesting as a game to me than The Sims 2. Less micro management of urination is always a good thing.
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