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The 'Skylanders Giants' |OT|


Neo Member
Just wanted to give a huge shoutout to a friend at Activision who has now hooked me up with 2 variants. He had gotten me the E3 2012 Spyro, and now the Employee Editiion Prism Break.


I just want to say a couple of things.

This friend at Activision had every right to keep this item for himself as a great novelty item, or do what other employees at Activision seem to be doing with their Employee Breaks (what I call him, haha), which is sell theirs on Ebay. Two of them fetched 1700 dollars when these first started popping up. The person who helped me, could have done the same, yet he chose to hand this figure over to me for free, out of generosity. It takes a lot this day and age, for people to put others over a chance to make money.

Words can't describe how nice it was of them to contact me out of the blue and ask me if I needed and wanted one. This person saved me money, by giving me something I feel he earned. That's just not something you see a lot of anymore in life, and I couldn't be more appreciative for his kindness.

I have to give mad props to this person, and I feel the need to add Wes in there as well, for helping me get figures that are out of my reach.

The reason you saw me update my collection, when I said I wasn't a few posts back, was due to this friend of mine at Activision. He just further motivated me to get my walls setup faster than I was going to, and as of this typing, this figure is sitting next to my other store exclusive variants.

I will probably move them to the 3rd wall, where the bulk of my sealed figures are, as soon as I can find out for sure how many Triple Packs will be releasing for Giants. If it's no more than 8, I can put the variants I have now, plus the ones I am missing (Stones, Glitters, and Flocked P. Break), and any convention exclusives I get lucky enough to get, where the Triple Packs currently hand, which is below the sealed Legendary figures.

However, if the rumored 9 Triple Packs is true, I will have to make due with the spot my variants are hanging in now, and see if I can fit them all.

Thanks again, to the person who helped me get this figure. I can't be more thankful to get something like this.


Neo Member
Sorry for the double post, but I decided to update post #899 with two updated pics and one new pic. Someone on another site mentioned how there are technically 6 Portal of Powers. 3 different ones for the home consoles, and 3 for the 3DS. It gave me the idea to find a means to display them, and I did.

So, right after the pic of my first Skylanders: Giants wall (which has been updated), you will see the newly added pic of all six Portal of Power variants, with the ingame variants sitting on top of some. This is also where my permanent display will be for the ingame variants.

Scarlet Ninjini will be on top of the first console portal (where Granite Crusher currently is), and Punch Pop Fizz will be right in front of that portal. Royal Double Trouble will be on the first 3DS portal, while Granite Crusher will be on top of the second 3DS portal, which is on top of the second console portal. Jade Flashwing will be right in front of that portal. Molten Hot Dog will be on top of the third 3DS portal, while Polar Whirlwind will be to the right of it, which is in front of the third console portal, which Gnarly Tree Rex will be standing on top of.

I had been having issues finding a good display spot for the ingame variants, and thanks to someone mentioning the six portals, it gave me an idea finally.


Neo Member
I agree, Bumpkin. LC Prism Break is one of only 2 Lightcores based on Series 1 characters that light up really well. The other is Eruptor, but you have to check multiple figures to find the one that lights up the most in his mouth.

It seems all of the Lightcore Newlanders (ie Jet-Vac and Shroomboom) have the best lighting and in multiple spots. I hope Lightcore Pop Fizz has both potions lighting up and not just one, and I hope Lightcore Chill's shield and Ice Javelin both light up. That would be awesome.

And thanks Wes. I never in my life imagined I would have owned one of those, but thanks to the kindness of a friend at Activision, I can say I own one. I still cannot thank that friend enough.


Okay so... My fiance wanted to get Skylanders for ages, and finally got Giants on Wii U. I saw Spyro's Adventures on 3DS for cheap so I ordered it for Dark Spyro. Then today we saw Giants on 3DS for even cheaper so I got that too. I just started playing. What have I done? :p

We also bought tons of Spyro's Adventures Skylanders because they were seriously discounted. Where am I going to put all these things? Why is this game so fun? ARGH!


Neo Member
Yeah, I have about 20 Skylanders for sale from the first game, for about 5 bucks a piece. They don't include the card or sticker, but do have the webcodes. It was an extra set of my kids. I decided to make them share a set from the first and second game, instead of buying each of them their own set.

The other 17 I gave to a friend, who I also gave copies of the first and second game on Wii/360 and 3DS.

They are in great shape, due to me supervising the collection, despite them being my son's collection.


Yeah, I have about 20 Skylanders for sale from the first game, for about 5 bucks a piece. They don't include the card or sticker, but do have the webcodes. It was an extra set of my kids. I decided to make them share a set from the first and second game, instead of buying each of them their own set.

The other 17 I gave to a friend, who I also gave copies of the first and second game on Wii/360 and 3DS.

They are in great shape, due to me supervising the collection, despite them being my son's collection.

is Terrafin or Zap included in that set? :)


Neo Member
None of those two. I have -

Double Trouble
Chop Chop
Legendary Chop Chop
Drill Sergeant
Legendary Trigger Happy
Wham Shell
Lightning Rod

The rest are already spoken for. 5 dollars each is what I was asking for them, plus 5 dollars shipping via USPS Priority. Here's hoping I can get rid of them one day. :O


Zap is the only Skylander my son and daughter are missing from the first set. Tyson (2) is pretty big into playing with the figures, and likes doing the first level over and over since he can't handle the others just yet. Before Christmas he decided he wanted Wham Shell so I found one on eBay for him since stores around have nothing. It didn't arrive until well after Christmas though, but he was pretty happy with his Skylanders Giants haul anyway :D


None of those two. I have -

Double Trouble
Wrecking Ball
Stealth Elf
Chop Chop
Legendary Chop Chop
Stump Smash
Drill Sergeant
Legendary Trigger Happy
Prism Break
Wham Shell
Lightning Rod

The rest are already spoken for. 5 dollars each is what I was asking for them, plus 5 dollars shipping via USPS Priority. Here's hoping I can get rid of them one day. :O

If I didn't just get laid off I would have bought Wham Shell. :/ Hope you can sell them all!


Any news on the next wave. I read some rumors that Eye Brawl, Thumpback, and Hot Dog might be out today.


Been playing Giants with my son, enjoying it, but I have a couple of questions.

Is it worth buying new versions of old characters? Like if I have a Stump Smash from Spyro's Adventure, what benefits are there to buying the Giants version?

Also Lightcores, is there an in-game difference or is it just that they light up on the portal.

Thanks! :D


Been playing Giants with my son, enjoying it, but I have a couple of questions.

Is it worth buying new versions of old characters? Like if I have a Stump Smash from Spyro's Adventure, what benefits are there to buying the Giants version?

Also Lightcores, is there an in-game difference or is it just that they light up on the portal.

Thanks! :D

I decided I was only going to get one version of each. I think they have the same abilities, just different poses or they have the lightcore technology etc etc. I could never find Zap or Terrafin from the first game, so I decided to just get the new pose from Giants for each of them and call it a day,

TLDR: If you're a collector, you'll want as many as possible, if not, one of each is fine!
Any news on the next wave. I read some rumors that Eye Brawl, Thumpback, and Hot Dog might be out today.

The Scorpion Striker Battle Pack comes with S2 Zap and Hot Dog, it is out as of yesterday exclusive to GameStop at the moment.

Eye Brawl and Thumpback are apparently being found at Walmarts though they seem to be quite rare, and I personally checked 3 Walmarts in town last night with no luck, they had next to nothing actually.


The Scorpion Striker Battle Pack comes with S2 Zap and Hot Dog, it is out as of yesterday exclusive to GameStop at the moment.

Eye Brawl and Thumpback are apparently being found at Walmarts though they seem to be quite rare, and I personally checked 3 Walmarts in town last night with no luck, they had next to nothing actually.

Well, it's off to Walmart i go, The Walmarts in Orlando SUCK, but I'll take my chances!


I actually just bought a Starter Pack for Skylander's Giants today. Didn't know THAT much about the game, I'm really surprised you can't jump. Having fun so far though.

I was at a Walmart and the only giants they had were Swarm and Bouncer (and Tree Rex in the starter pack obviously).

Are some of these actually really hard to find? I'd like to get them all but if I have to hunt hardcore for some, or pay a ridiculous amount I probably won't try.
The Toys R Us and Targets nearby me have had better luck with Hot Heads and Crusher/Granite Crushers.

I tried my Walmarts for Eye Brawl and Thumpback. No luck. :C


Neo Member
I really dislike when they do this. I had a feeling things were going to feel tough again, when it comes to getting new figures. Now, all of the sudden, Eye Brawl and Thumpback feel like they're going to be tough to get. I honestly thought TFB was truly making sure that supply meets demand, but they can't when only certain regions of the US are getting it, instead of all regions and states at the same time. I figured they would ship enough, so people wouldn't be quick to scalp them, thus making them hard to find.

However, someone bought one on Amazon for 250 bucks. This person in Kentucky has sold a total of six (3 Eye 3 Thump) for 100+ each, and that's going to make people hunt for these, and make it harder for us fans to find.

I did call ALL of my Walmarts yesterday and notta.

I don't want to think getting Eye Brawl and Thumpback are going to be frustrating, but I have a feeling they will be. Here we go again. :(


Thankfully, I don't have to share Skylanders with anyone. I just can't find any where I live, and we're a wave behind.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I just got this game, 12 figures (10 more in the mail), and its been super fun. Playing with some friends. I love the whole idea of this game, and dig the blatant commercialism of the figures. Makes me wish I was still a poor kid so I could treasure these more. :p

I've got a couple questions. First off, is there any Portal of Power that works with both iOS and 3DS (and maybe even consoles)?

Second questions. Can you farm your actual console characters on any of the iOS games? I'd love to level them up and get some money on the go on my iPad/iPhone, and then use it in the console game. Is this possible? If so, with which iOS games? (Already bought them all, but I don't have a portal for ios yet.)

Also, is this online at all? Anymore sequels planned? Love this game. It's sort of like a new age meta Pokemon.


Neo Member
CHECK YOUR GAMESTOPS, FOLKS! I grabbed these today at Gamestop.


Updating collection photos, since wave 3 is complete, shortly. I will make a new post and delete the old one.


You complain people scalping them are going to make it hard for people to find them, then buy four of each :p

Still nothing here. Tyson's really eager for Thumpback, but neither kid seems interested in Eye Brawl at all.


Neo Member
4 of many, bro. You know I always mean good with my Skylanders intentions. Other Gamestops had them, but I only grabbed what I needed for me and the kiddos.

Aren't you in Canada, Orca?


I hope they won't be hard to find, don't think I'm spending a penny on these at the moment but cool to know they're out I guess.


4 of many, bro. You know I always mean good with my Skylanders intentions. Other Gamestops had them, but I only grabbed what I needed for me and the kiddos.

Aren't you in Canada, Orca?

Yeah. The Walmart here has been picked clean for ages. All they have left for Spyro's or Giants is about 40 Drill Sargeant (walmart exclusive red) and more or less equal numbers of the glow in the dark Sonic Boom.


Neo Member
Okay, here is an update to my collection. Even though I forsee Legendary Chill coming soon, I will only edit this post with any new pics, until a new wave of figures hits and I have them all, in which I will update with one more new collection pics post, until - hopefully - when Skylanders 3 comes out.

This update reflects the completion of wave 3, which consists of -

Giants -

- Thumpback
- Eye Brawl

Battle Packs -

- Scorpion Striker Battle Pack

Triple Packs -

- Prism Break/Lightning Rod/Drill Sergeant
- Eruptor/Stealth Elf/Terrafin

Series 2 Single Packs -

- Prism Break
- Eruptor
- Cynder
- Lightning Rod
- Stealth Elf

Here is a pic of my entire "Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure" wall -


Here is a pic of the Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Skylanders display -


Here is a close-up of the sealed single packs -



Here is a close-up of the sealed triple packs -


Here is a close-up of the sealed adventure and legendary triple/single packs -


Here is a close-up of the silver, gold, glow-in-the-dark, ice, Toy Fair 2012 Cynder and Hex (New York and Nuremberg), E3 2012 Chrome Spyro, Flocked Stump Smash, as well as the Toys R Us exclusive Sapphire Bash and Wal-Mart exclusive Ruby Drill Sergeant variants -


Here is a closeup of my Skylanders Sidekicks -


Here are each of the Skylander cards -


Here is a shot of my Skylanders merchandise and variant display shelves -


Here is a pic of the first Skylanders: Giants wall -


Here is a pic of the Skylanders: Giants Skylanders display -


Here is a pic of every Portal of Power variant, Ingame variants, and Skylanders books -


Here is a close up pic of the Giants character cards -


Here is a pic of the second Skylanders: Giants wall -


Here is a close up pic of the sealed Giants -



Here is a pic of the sealed Newlander Single Packs -


Here is a close up pic of the Lightcore Single Packs -


Here is a close up pic of the sealed Series 2 Skylanders Single Packs -


Here is a close up pic of the sealed Triple Packs from Giants -


Here is a close up pic of my sealed Skylanders: Giants Battle Packs -


Here is a close up pic of the sealed Skylanders: Giants Legendary Bouncer, Triple Pack, Stealth Elf, Store Exclusives, and Variants -


Here are both sets of my personal Skylanders collection. One set is for the first upgrade path. The second set is for the second upgrade path -


Here is a pic of the extra sets of cards and stickers accumulated by buying multiple figures -


Here is a shot of my Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Starter Packs -


Here is a shot of my Skylanders: Giants Starter Packs -


Here is a shot of my Skylanders: Battlegrounds Starter Packs -


Here is a shot of my Wii Skylanders Bundles, which include Gnarly Tree Rex -


Here is a shot of my Xbox 360 Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Bundle -


Here is a shot of my double-sided Skylanders Giants Starter Pack display that a friend sent me -



....how many time are you gonna post your collection, lol?

Edit: Checked 2 Walmarts, 3 GameStops, a Best Buy and a TRU...no EyeBrawl or Shark fella


Neo Member
....how many time are you gonna post your collection, lol?

Edit: Checked 2 Walmarts, 3 GameStops, a Best Buy and a TRU...no EyeBrawl or Shark fella

Generally once per wave. So, next time I update these photos, it will be when -

- Ninjini
- Spyro
- Wrecking Ball
- Drobot
- LC Hex
- LC Chill
- LC Pop Fizz
- Legendary Chill


If they all don't release at the same time, then I am still waiting. I am also hoping that during the release of those figures, they finally release Scarlet Ninjini, Jade Flashwing, Molten Hot Dog, and Polar Whirlwind.

Everytime I re-create my collection posts, I go back and delete the old ones. So, this is the only collection post on this entire topic, as I removed the rest, and I will do so with this one, when wave 4 releases in full (whatever comes from that wave).


Okay, here is an update to my collection. Even though I forsee Legendary Chill coming soon, I will only edit this post with any new pics, until a new wave of figures hits and I have them all, in which I will update with one more new collection pics post, until - hopefully - when Skylanders 3 comes out.

This update reflects the completion of wave 3, which consists of -

Giants -

- Thumpback
- Eye Brawl

Battle Packs -

- Scorpion Striker Battle Pack

Triple Packs -

- Prism Break/Lightning Rod/Drill Sergeant
- Eruptor/Stealth Elf/Terrafin

Series 2 Single Packs -

- Prism Break
- Eruptor
- Cynder
- Lightning Rod
- Stealth Elf

Here is a pic of my entire "Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure" wall -


Here is a pic of the Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Skylanders display -


Here is a close-up of the sealed single packs -



Here is a close-up of the sealed triple packs -


Here is a close-up of the sealed adventure and legendary triple/single packs -


Here is a close-up of the silver, gold, glow-in-the-dark, ice, Toy Fair 2012 Cynder and Hex (New York and Nuremberg), E3 2012 Chrome Spyro, Flocked Stump Smash, as well as the Toys R Us exclusive Sapphire Bash and Wal-Mart exclusive Ruby Drill Sergeant variants -


Here is a closeup of my Skylanders Sidekicks -


Here are each of the Skylander cards -


Here is a shot of my Skylanders merchandise and variant display shelves -


Here is a pic of the first Skylanders: Giants wall -


Here is a pic of the Skylanders: Giants Skylanders display -


Here is a pic of every Portal of Power variant, Ingame variants, and Skylanders books -


Here is a pic of the second Skylanders: Giants wall -


Here is a close up pic of the sealed Giants -



Here is a pic of the sealed Newlander Single Packs -


Here is a close up pic of the Lightcore Single Packs -


Here is a close up pic of the sealed Series 2 Skylanders Single Packs -


Here is a close up pic of the sealed Skylanders: Giants Legendary Bouncer, Triple Pack, Stealth Elf, and Giants Triple Packs -


Here is a close up pic of my sealed Skylanders: Giants Battle Packs -


Here is a close up pic of the variant and store exclusive Skylanders I have obtained so far -


Here is a close up pic of the Giants character cards -


Here are both sets of my personal Skylanders collection. One set is for the first upgrade path. The second set is for the second upgrade path -


Here is a pic of the extra sets of cards and stickers accumulated by buying multiple figures -


Here is a shot of my Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Starter Packs -


Here is a shot of my Skylanders: Giants Starter Packs -


Here is a shot of my Skylanders: Battlegrounds Starter Packs -


Here is a shot of my Wii Skylanders Bundles, which include Gnarly Tree Rex -


Here is a shot of my Xbox 360 Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Bundle -


wow You REALLY like Skylanders
I don't think "like" is a good word to describe his fondness for them. Anyway, I am already bore with the game... but it's still cool watching the figure come to life.


After spending far too much money on my collection my passion is pretty much gone.. mainly because I found those stupid Funko Pop collectables and they have been my obsession.

So at this point I might buy more of the actual Giants that come out but I think I may be done.. sell off my duplicates and keep my favorites. Just sort of hit my limit sadly.


I am gonna post my amateur skylanders collection here in the next couple of days, hopefully after I find eye brawl and shark man (forgot his name, lol). I have checked 5 gamestops, 2 Walmarts, 2 TRUS, and 1 best buy but no luck. Gonna check later today on my lunch break and hope for some luck. I'm in Orlando Florida, and I've been hearing most of the sightings of the 2 giants have been mostly west coast, so there's that. But I hope to start the first game once I finish Far Cry 3. I don't have any games on the radar until Tomb Raider so I have plenty of time for some Skylanders!!


Neo Member
Awesome, Wes. Hot Dog is an absolute beast when taken down the Burning Bow Wow path, and Thumpback's path A (combo attacks) is definitely the best path for that one. Eye-Brawl's path B is more fun, but there is one fatal flaw in that path. When you detach your eye and start going around to shoot lasers, while the body starts aimlessly flailing its fists, the enemies go after the body, which takes damage and you can die easily.

His combos are pretty neat. The combos deal with him spinning his eye with its socket, lol.

And Rkownage? No collection is too amateur in my opinion. You have one Skylander, you already have an awesome collection. Why? Because, it was people like us on this topic, that helped TFB be what it is now. We gave this franchise a chance, while others played it safe, buying games that are considered AAA, are M-Rated, and always score 9's by reviewers. Those gamers did things by the books, while we exercised opens minds and support and love this franchise. Post it. I would very much like to see it.


In case anyone missed it:
Gamestop is giving away all 4 sidekicks untill January 31, while supplies last. Same 4 from last year's Frito Lay deal.

Now, here's the kicker: You get 1 sidekick out of 4, when you spend $29.99 or more on Skylanders stuff (everything except accesories). So, for all 4 you have to spend at least $120.00 across different transactions...unless you know someone in the store I guess. :p


After spending far too much money on my collection my passion is pretty much gone.. mainly because I found those stupid Funko Pop collectables and they have been my obsession.

So at this point I might buy more of the actual Giants that come out but I think I may be done.. sell off my duplicates and keep my favorites. Just sort of hit my limit sadly.

I mistakenly went into Lego Gaf (after visiting Lego store at Downtown Disney)... I still find the figure cool and even pick up the first game but the game get boring real quick for me especially none of my kids want to play with me. : / They said it's a baby game.


Neo Member
Wow, found this thread when I was trying to find info on a Hot Head variant I found.....never imagined it would take almost 3 months to get my account activated!

So, any info on the white/pearl/silver Hot Head and how rare it is? Took about 2 weeks before I ever saw one on ebay, and that sold for close to $300.


Yeah. The Walmart here has been picked clean for ages. All they have left for Spyro's or Giants is about 40 Drill Sargeant (walmart exclusive red) and more or less equal numbers of the glow in the dark Sonic Boom.

We didn't even get the red Drill Sergeant here. Was pretty disappointed since my brother managed to get me a blue Bash!

Rumour has it Wave 3 hits the UK in two weeks

Thanks for the heads-up; will be checking the shops soon!

Also, can I ask that people not quote that huge image post any more - it's making it absolutely nightmarish to read this thread and have to scroll through the same collection of pictures again and again.


Neo Member
I'm kind of glad they staggered Wave 3 in the US over the course of 3 weeks and 3 days. It allowed me to get bit by bit.

If wave 3 hits in full, in the UK, man, you guys will be spending some serious money.

Wave 3 consisted of -

Giants -

- Thumpback
- Eye Brawl

Series 2 -

- Prism Break (S2)
- Eruptor (S2)
- Cynder (S2) (for those who didn't buy a Starter Pack)
- Lightning Rod (S2)
- Stealth Elf (S2)

Lightcore -

- Lightcore Shroomboom

Battle Pack -

- Scorpion Striker Battle Pack (Zap, Catapult, Hot Dog)

Triple Packs -

- Prism Break/Lightning Rod/Drill Sergeant
- Eruptor/Stealth Elf/Terrafin

That's a lot to take in.

I am hoping the next wave is the last, and has everything left, which is -

- Ninjini
- S2 Spyro
- S2 Wrecking Ball
- S2 Drobot
- LC Hex
- LC Chill
- LC Pop Fizz
- Triple Packs 7,8, and 9 (rumored to be 9 from a Gamestop.com listing)
- Scarlet Ninjini
- Jade Flashwing
- Molten Hot Dog
- Polar Whirlwind

and the rumored single packs of Hot Dog, Jet-Vac, Shroomboom, Chop Chop, and Zap.
This is my lot from the original Spyro`s Adventure: all figures + legendary ones and the dark spyro.



I need to take a good picture from the ones I have from Giants.


wow You REALLY like Skylanders
Anyone quoting gamemaster's collection posts needs a swift kick to the nuts.

Quoting it in full just to type one sentence without even using punctuation deserves a glowing red hot poker in the ass.


In case anyone missed it:
Gamestop is giving away all 4 sidekicks untill January 31, while supplies last. Same 4 from last year's Frito Lay deal.

Now, here's the kicker: You get 1 sidekick out of 4, when you spend $29.99 or more on Skylanders stuff (everything except accesories). So, for all 4 you have to spend at least $120.00 across different transactions...unless you know someone in the store I guess. :p



Quoting myself, since it works a little better than I thought.
You don't need to spend $29.99 across different transactions to get them. So, you can spend $119.96 (before taxes) in one transaction and you can get all 4 figurines in the same receipt. Each figurine is scanned and each one is priced at $999.99. But, the price goes to $0 if all items in the transaction apply for the offer (accesories like bags and cases don't count for example).

Someone at Cheapass mentioned that he was short for a few cents and they couldn't give him a second "sidekick", so he had to buy something else to get a second sidekick. Seems that they're quite strict with the offer since they need to scan each.

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