So you're telling me the birth of the universe, the miraculous formation of our galaxy, our solar system, our planet, the billions of years of evolution, the cells that formed multiple creatures which could reproduce, the advent of conscious beings, the surival of these beings, human evolution, human survival, formation of human civilisation, human contemplation during horrific and barbaric times which eventually pieced together that this planet just so happens to have all the materials for some reason that can create electrical currents which can be channeled to make electricity which can create things which eventually led to to moment where I'm on a video game forum which exists because video games exist because of electicity which was initially powered by the trillions of dead animal and plants that could be used as energy to power things and I speaking to you from wherever I am in the world giving you this contemplation using the internet was all a result of chance and not by design?

I don't do drugs and I'm not drunk. 
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