thanks for the info. so basically they cut corners? is that kind of vertical fire spread more or less impossible otherwise?The exterior wall of any high rise is not actually connected to the floors of a building. As all buildings are designed to move, connecting the exterior with anything but limited bracing would cause mass amounts of glass to shatter. Depending on the height of the building there will literally be a 1" to 4" gap between the floor and the exterior wall which is then filled with a fire proof compound flexible compound which is suppose to last two hours when exposed to flame before failing.
Then cement that composes the floor obviously is fire proof so this fire is spreading up that gap.
If you really want to stoke your fears, consider that at these heights and from what I understand of Dubai fire code, the fire fighters which are in the building likely have no central command and control communications. (Two Way radios do not work very well in high-rises).
if this building was in the states, these jokes about the tower's name would probably be bannable![]()
thanks for the info. so basically they cut corners? is that kind of vertical fire spread more or less impossible otherwise?
Really? Should we start crying that every time something tragic happens?
Why wouldn't it have spread horizontally...
And here I thought modern buildings, especially state if the art skyscrapers have a pretty good fire prevention coverage. What the hell...
i cant even imagine how many migrant slaveworkers they've thrown into that building to fight this fire
Uh oh, looks like it is rising up in the gap between the curtain wall and deck. Looks like a contractor directed his slaves to use caulk instead of fire stopping and neglected to put in window sprinklers.
And here I thought modern buildings, especially state if the art skyscrapers have a pretty good fire prevention coverage. What the hell...
I hope it doesn't burn all the way to the ground. That would be a real shame.
The high winds we are experiencing here at the moment along with higher temperatures than usual for this time of year would have contributed to the fire spreading quickly. The building is also pretty much on the sea front so it's even more exposed to the high winds than any inland buildings would be.
Off-Topic: Amazing how expats personally benefiting from Dubai can whitewash over the slave economy they benefit from.
Same as every Damn Dubai thread man. They haven't seen the changes in the construction worker accommodation or anything and regurgitate the same comments in every thread regardless of context.You seem bitter. Also misinformed.
There's probably a slave economy right in the very country you reside in as well.
Why don't you go screaming from your lungs to solve that problem before concerning yourself with what other country's are doing?
Same as every Damn Dubai thread man. They haven't seen the changes in the construction worker accommodation or anything and regurgitate the same comments in every thread regardless of context.
I still think people would be surprised if they came here and notice how similar every day life is to other major cities. Except, a lot safer.
Random comment on an local news site so take it with a grain of salt, but scary if true:
"The thing is me and my friend were the first two people whom realised building is on fire and we called the 999 at 1:50 am and ran into our floor (30th) and ranged on neighbors doors and bells and told them that building is on fire but still the fire alarm was not turned on! so we ran to the exit stairs and while we reached the 20th floor the alarm was still not turned on so I personally turned on the alarm manually by breaking the alarm button! it was then that for the first time the alarm turned on and people started coming out of their flats ! Atabak, Dubai, United Arab Emirates"
Man's hubris never learns, does it?
Yeah saw lots of false alarm reports but at least everyone got out safe.Unsurprising considering the reports of false alarms. At least the system remained in operation even among the constant false alarms.
Phat Michael said:Jesus at the jokes in here. Some posters are being fucking idiots. "thread about Dubai? Quick, I need to be the first to make a slave, Muslim or terrorist joke!"
GHG said:Hypocrites, it's how they work. And of all threads to bring it up in as well when peoples lives were at risk.
Hypocrites, it's how they work. And of all threads to bring it up in as well when peoples lives were at risk.
I'll just leave graphs from an ILO report in 2014 here:
So if anybody wants to talk about "slavery" in Dubai, you are more than welcome to. I'd just like to know what exactly you think is going on here, how it works and who you think is at fault? Don't hold back, let it all out.
I've got all the time in the world today, there are sandstorms outside plus I'm sure I'll need some distractions while playing through the order today considering how bad everybody has told me it is.
ironyWTF is this shit?!
Fire fighters are now slavewokers or just because this fire is happening in an Arab country! smh fucking ignorance
That article was from 8 years ago mate. Who joked about that when it happened? You're really stretching here aren't you?Yeah come on guys, don't joke about workers dying in skyscraper fires, that would just be tasteless.
But since I live on the planet Earth and have in some way benefitted from slave labour I can never speak out against it anywhere.