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The toxic relationships of entertainment, divorce and Hollywood.


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
We know that it is not new that there are always actors, artists and especially singers, who the more they raise their category or status, they always fall to the lowest and deepest, to the point of being admitted to psychiatric hospitals.

It seems incredible to me that someone would think that having fame and fortune their lives are resolved, but on the contrary, they are ruined... and especially when they start a career in Hollywood, the same coworkers "Force or want you to show that you are great" Using drugs, marijuana or any other substance.

I came to this topic, because how is it possible that Hollywood has a very high divorce rate, as in the case of Natalie Portman, who, being someone beautiful, is not exempt from filing for divorce.




How is it possible that, having many qualities, they have tragic endings and divorces in most cases?
Irishman describes it well (actually a theme for many scorcese movies) - being on the top/popular is a very short lived moment. It’s hard to get there and pretty easy to fall off. And then you’re spending the rest of your life trying to get there again, never to do it again. Must be maddening, depressing
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Gold Member
I'm going to assume all the rich and famous celebs, singers, athletes do dumb shit like drugs, going bankrupt, and crazy divorces or acting psycho despite having it all (you'd think they'd just chill out and coast the rest of their lives in a giant beach house).

- Most of them are stupid to begin with. Great talent in movies or sports. But dumb as rocks
- Think they are invincible. Rich and famous gods. How the heck is this bottle of vodka or fentanyl pills going to beat me? I'm king
- The kind of career requires some guts, ego and always being amped up. So as some people have said, they booze and drug it to be high because they need that constant rush of adrenaline. Just sitting at home after work watching TV and eating dinner like everyone else does is too boring and joe schmo. They need constant action in life
- Miserable seeing people rag on them or other celebs surpassing them. It's like pro athletes being pissed because another guy who he thinks is worse just scored a better contract. So the guy is pissed all season and will drown his sorrows in a case of beer

All I know is that like everyone else I dream the dream of hitting a lottery one day and what I'd do with the bag of cash. I'd buy a better house, nicer car, make an awesome man caved house. Give some money away to fam. At some point quit my job. Who the hell wants to be drugged up bombed out on the living room couch all day or blowing all their cash in the first 2 years. Just sit back and coast till you die.
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Probably many of the actors are narcissists and clash naturally after the "romance dies down".
I honestly do think relationships get enhanced by having to need each other, holywood stars are loaded with money and having to take into account the other person is probably not working well specially when both have the same mindset.


Gold Member
I'm not sure "celebs" have a higher fail rate than regular folks, we just hear about it more. Few outlets are running around talking about couples in 20+ year relationships, no drugs, and well adjusted kids.

But you gotta consider, going in to "showbiz" is already selecting for a specific type of narcissistic personality, pair that with a spotlight on their every action (made worse by todays media) and the VISCIOUS "no, no, no, no, yes, no, no, yes if you fuck me, no, no, no, yes...oh wait now no, no, no, yes if you fuck me, no, no.....etc" cycle of rejection and acceptance these folks go through on EVERY PROJECT, it's gotta take a toll. Then the job itself is often long hours, away from their home, puts them in semi-isolation around other folks just as needy while they have to drum up emotions for scenes over and over...no wonder so many fall off the normalcy wagon. It's a hard gig and so very few hit it big enough to anyone to notice.


Rodent Whores
I came to this topic, because how is it possible that Hollywood has a very high divorce rate, as in the case of Natalie Portman, who, being someone beautiful, is not exempt from filing for divorce.

America in general has a high divorce rate. While many of them do live a more extreme version of life than what "regular" people might live, they're not that particularly special in this regard. It just seems that way because of how often you hear about it because we as a culture love celebrity worship.

In 2021, a total of 689,308 divorces occurred across the 45 U.S. states that report this statistics.[1] During that same year, 1,985,072 marriages occurred, making the U.S. marriage rate 6 per 1,000 people.[1]

Far more people get married over the course of each year than get divorced. These divorce statistics show what happens to marriages that end, and when and how couples decide to end them.

So, what about the famous statistic that half of all marriages end in divorce? That’s true, but only when it comes to first marriages, half of which are dissolved. Second and third marriages actually fail at a far higher rate.[2]


I mean, actors were pretty much prostitutes back then.
Almost everything starts to make sense when you look at history. Time is a flat circle


I suspect lots (not all of course) of the marriages, and divorces, are not real and are used for publicity, sadly. The timing of divorces right around movie, tv, and music releases is a fairly common thing.


Gold Member
I'm not sure "celebs" have a higher fail rate than regular folks, we just hear about it more. Few outlets are running around talking about couples in 20+ year relationships, no drugs, and well adjusted kids.
Yep, sensationalism sells. People say they want feel-good articles, but the reality is that positive news doesn’t sell copy. It’s why social media is predominantly negative, they’re giving people what they click on.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Surrounded by beautiful people, constantly traveling and living away from home. Thousands of people who would happily sleep with you just to say they did. Sometimes having to get in bed with naked beautiful people and pretend to have sex with them for your job. Limited physical boundaries in general. Tons of money, constant validation. Disparate success fame and income.
I mean it's not exactly shocking that monogamous relationships are shaky.


Gold Member
Yup. Our obsession with unhealthy drama is. . . unhealthy. Look at these chads.

I think it definitely helps them that their careers cooled off quite a bit early on. They seemed to prioritize their personal lives over Hollywood. Plus they are an interesting couple in that they are, i think, both single children raised in single parent homes, I'm sure it plays into it (I know my early exposure to divorce as a kid has affected my opinion on it).


Divorce is not by neccessity a failure. We're no longer dependant on a spouse just to survive. You can live a perfectly happy life as unmarried. Especially I reckon if you're rich, attractive and surrounded by fame and friends. These people don't need our sympathies.
adversity builds characters, and the worst thing that has happened to you, is the worst thing that has happened to you.
Or in other words, for the people living these affluent lives, they generally aren't familiar with real hardships or rejections, and with celebrities its even worse since they have the added "pressure" of staying relevant enough to keep their spotlight; all of this can lead to plenty of bad judgement and decisions, because they aren't the most stable/well adjusted people in the first place, they pretty much live in a fantasy world.


Divorce is not by neccessity a failure. We're no longer dependant on a spouse just to survive. You can live a perfectly happy life as unmarried. Especially I reckon if you're rich, attractive and surrounded by fame and friends. These people don't need our sympathies.
I suppose if you have tons of money, you can swing it. Not hard to get the care you need in that case. But for the average joe and doe, I disagree. Life has many pitfalls, and it's good to have someone that compliments your shortcomings
Ah yes, the ol' intellectual "people are hamburgers" argument.
Sexual compatibility is a thing, unfortunately. Ignorance is bliss in some cases, it helps you be less picky.


Most of Hollywood are Dems, and the far left seems to be anti-traditional family.

I don't know if you remember the 2015 movie, Jurassic World? But it was one movie that gave a nice SLAP IN THE FACE to them.

It's clearly pro traditional family. It reveals the emotional disruption of divorce on children. It reveals the selfishness of progressive parents. It strongly suggests that emotional stability and fulfillment come from following traditional gender roles. I couldn't believe it!! The movie is Hollywood's worst nightmare! Some in Hollywood were raging over the film's critique of overly professionalized women being selfish and cold and emotionally flat. And since all the dinosaurs are genetically engineered females, others in Hollywood were saying the dinosaurs are a misogynistic symbol that suggests women who don't follow natural gender roles become monstrous destroyers of culture and civilization. Half of Hollywood would also huff at all the traditional families represented in the theme park.

The film hits every anti-Hollywood button.


Most of Hollywood are Dems, and the far left seems to be anti-traditional family.

I don't know if you remember the 2015 movie, Jurassic World? But it was one movie that gave a nice SLAP IN THE FACE to them.

It's clearly pro traditional family. It reveals the emotional disruption of divorce on children. It reveals the selfishness of progressive parents. It strongly suggests that emotional stability and fulfillment come from following traditional gender roles. I couldn't believe it!! The movie is Hollywood's worst nightmare! Some in Hollywood were raging over the film's critique of overly professionalized women being selfish and cold and emotionally flat. And since all the dinosaurs are genetically engineered females, others in Hollywood were saying the dinosaurs are a misogynistic symbol that suggests women who don't follow natural gender roles become monstrous destroyers of culture and civilization. Half of Hollywood would also huff at all the traditional families represented in the theme park.

The film hits every anti-Hollywood button.

You’ve read a lot out of fucking Jurassic World.

I only saw it once and don’t remember much other than it was bad and clear that could safely avoid any follow-ups


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Relationships are difficult at times and if you don't work on them some one may poop on your bed.


Most of Hollywood are Dems, and the far left seems to be anti-traditional family.

I don't know if you remember the 2015 movie, Jurassic World? But it was one movie that gave a nice SLAP IN THE FACE to them.

It's clearly pro traditional family. It reveals the emotional disruption of divorce on children. It reveals the selfishness of progressive parents. It strongly suggests that emotional stability and fulfillment come from following traditional gender roles. I couldn't believe it!! The movie is Hollywood's worst nightmare! Some in Hollywood were raging over the film's critique of overly professionalized women being selfish and cold and emotionally flat. And since all the dinosaurs are genetically engineered females, others in Hollywood were saying the dinosaurs are a misogynistic symbol that suggests women who don't follow natural gender roles become monstrous destroyers of culture and civilization. Half of Hollywood would also huff at all the traditional families represented in the theme park.

The film hits every anti-Hollywood button.
There were reports of Hollywood being shaken to its core by the scene with Chris Pratt riding a motorbike alongside velociraptors (a clear metaphor for the nuclear family working together).


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
You think most people get divorced because their partner isn't good looking enough anymore?


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Most of Hollywood are Dems, and the far left seems to be anti-traditional family.

I don't know if you remember the 2015 movie, Jurassic World? But it was one movie that gave a nice SLAP IN THE FACE to them.

It's clearly pro traditional family. It reveals the emotional disruption of divorce on children. It reveals the selfishness of progressive parents. It strongly suggests that emotional stability and fulfillment come from following traditional gender roles. I couldn't believe it!! The movie is Hollywood's worst nightmare! Some in Hollywood were raging over the film's critique of overly professionalized women being selfish and cold and emotionally flat. And since all the dinosaurs are genetically engineered females, others in Hollywood were saying the dinosaurs are a misogynistic symbol that suggests women who don't follow natural gender roles become monstrous destroyers of culture and civilization. Half of Hollywood would also huff at all the traditional families represented in the theme park.

The film hits every anti-Hollywood button.
Animated GIF


Gold Member
Googling it, the US first marriage divorce rate is about 40%. And it actually increases when someone gets married again and again (which sounds weird because I thought it would decrease as people settle down and are tired of splitting up). Who knows what the Hollywood divorce rate is, but when the avg joe rate is closing in on 50/50, Hollywood is probably no different.


Googling it, the US first marriage divorce rate is about 40%. And it actually increases when someone gets married again and again (which sounds weird because I thought it would decrease as people settle down and are tired of splitting up). Who knows what the Hollywood divorce rate is, but when the avg joe rate is closing in on 50/50, Hollywood is probably no different.

Yes. I'd imagine the divorce rate is similar across all social structures.

Just as many conservative christians in the midwest getting divorced, as there are tofu slurping Californians.


Gold Member
Arnold went after weird looking women. Maria Shriver could look weird too sometimes.
And that what's she looks like NOW (or at least 3-4 years ago when the story broke), not the 20 years ago when he was doing her (though I don't think she was ever a stunner).

Would be interesting if there was an AI predicter of what a woman would look like 20-30 years down the road. Lots of them 20 yo bimbettes ain't the catch you might think because they got some ROUGH mileage coming up.


You think most people get divorced because their partner isn't good looking enough anymore?
Love/marriage takes work. It was never said that it should be easy.
(“oh what the heck, let’s just get married and not put any effort into it.”)
Well, you’re going to end up divorced with that attitude.
It takes effort and commitment. Whatever you water, will grow. If you don’t water it, it’s not going to grow.

Lack of commitment is still the number one cause of divorce. Lack of commitment leads to more arguments and more easily succumbing to infidelity…. which leads to divorce
People get bored of eating the same meal, even if it's really really good.
I could eat ribeye literally every single day if I could afford it. Ribeye with eggs for breakfast or a ribeye with mushrooms and onions for dinner. Every day. I could.

Love/marriage takes work. It was never said that it should be easy.
(“oh what the heck, let’s just get married and not put any effort into it.”)
Well, you’re going to end up divorced with that attitude.
It takes effort and commitment. Whatever you water, will grow. If you don’t water it, it’s not going to grow.

Lack of commitment is still the number one cause of divorce. Lack of commitment leads to more arguments and more easily succumbing to infidelity…. which leads to divorce

Absolutely true. Many times I would have probably given up on marriage had my wife not been more committed to it. I eventually came around to understanding the importance of it all and have changed for the better as a result. My wife and I are in such a good spot now and I wouldn't trade our marriage for anything. Celebrating 15 years here in a few months.
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I could eat ribeye literally every single day if I could afford it. Ribeye with eggs for breakfast or a ribeye with mushrooms and onions for dinner. Every day. I could.

Absolutely true. Many times I would have probably given up on marriage had my wife not been more committed to it. I eventually came around to understanding the importance of it all and have changed for the better as a result. My wife and I are in such a good spot now and I wouldn't trade our marriage for anything. Celebrating 15 years here in a few months.
Yup. Its true. Well said.
I now actually consciously treat every day with my wife with excitement and positivity, like it was when we first met. Because when you treat every day like it's the first day of your relationship, there won't be a last day of your relationship.


Love/marriage takes work. It was never said that it should be easy.
(“oh what the heck, let’s just get married and not put any effort into it.”)
Well, you’re going to end up divorced with that attitude.
It takes effort and commitment. Whatever you water, will grow. If you don’t water it, it’s not going to grow.

Lack of commitment is still the number one cause of divorce. Lack of commitment leads to more arguments and more easily succumbing to infidelity…. which leads to divorce

The amount of utter shit the wife and me have been through is incredible. But here we are, 18 years later.

Saying that though, if someone's an utter sithole, I don't blame them for parachuting out. Some people are just utter wank stains. And even more so these days.


Look up the origin behind the word "hollywood" and watch Eyes Wide Shut for starters.

It's a cult therefore they have their ways. We're not talking about "normalcy" here.
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