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We're living The Thick of It season five.
We're actually in the sequel to the Truman Show, the execs decided the first version was too mundane.
We're living The Thick of It season five.
That's good stuff. Juncker and Schultz are poison. Even as someone who wants to stay and has a lot of respect for Merkel; Juncker and Schultz are the personification of aloof, unelected career bureaucrats that are an anathema so many in the UK.
I'm very very glad there are still sane, strong leaders in Europe that can stand against them.
Edit: I do know the irony of calling him 'unelected' given his Luxembourg history but I'm talking about the council presidency and his lack of direct mandate from European voters.
Now in all seriousness, there have to be some Brexit voters here on gaf, right? I really want to know what they think about this.....situation.
Can people PLEASE start informing themselves on how the European Union works?
Yes, people should at least get the basics right and, even though I think the EU is a little too passive in "promoting" itself, it's still ridiculously easy to obtain information on how it works:Can people PLEASE start informing themselves on how the European Union works?
Now in all seriousness, there have to be some Brexit voters here on gaf, right? I really want to know what they think about this.....situation.
If Juncker is an "unelected career bureaucrat" then so too is Merkel. Both were elected to their positions by their respective parliaments. Only one country in Europe (Cyprus AFAIK) actually directly elects their head their government. Can people PLEASE start informing themselves on how the European Union works?
First step:
Rename island to "Greatest Britain"
Step two:
Is it still too soon to come up with "Best Korea" jokes adapted for Great Britain?
Plenty on the Daily Mail website. Ask'em there. Outside of your security blanket.
Not having the government worked great in Somalia, but somehow we've seemed to botch it all up!
I think the EU is a little too passive in "promoting" itself
Plenty on the Daily Mail website. Ask'em there. Outside of your security blanket.
What specific regulation are you referring to that the EU imposed upon the British economy so onerous such that leaving the yoke of Brussels will transform the UK back into a manufacturing and agricultural trading powerhouse, to offset the loss of financial services trade.
Yes, people should at least get the basics right and, even though I think the EU is a little too passive in "promoting" itself, it's still ridiculously easy to obtain information on how it works:
Now in all seriousness, there have to be some Brexit voters here on gaf, right? I really want to know what they think about this.....situation.
Now in all seriousness, there have to be some Brexit voters here on gaf, right? I really want to know what they think about this.....situation.
You keep asking this question after I already answered it (I think twice, but at the very least once - you are *quoting* the answer). Here's my answer again - it's a wrong question to ask. There is *no* small set of regulations from the EU that, once they are removed, would promote growth enough to offset other losses from leaving the EU.
The benefits come in a thousand small pieces, a small piece here, a small piece there, all over the economy. Example: fishing.
The benefits coming in the short term are *not* enough to offset, say, demotion of trade with the EU to WTO rules. It is the long term benefits that are enough to offset and surpass that - in so far as we can reason about the future. Examples: the Financial Transaction Tax (managed to escape it after a great deal of bickering), the port services regulation (delayed for after the referendum in order to not affect it too much, still to land).
Wait until Scotland and the North secede together and we have The People's Democratic Republic of North Britain and Her Majesty's Disunited Kingdom of South Britain.
Because your answer hasn't been an answer.You keep asking this question after I already answered it (I think twice, but at the very least once - you are *quoting* the answer). Here's my answer again - it's a wrong question to ask. There is *no* small set of regulations from the EU that, once they are removed, would promote growth enough to offset other losses from leaving the EU.
The benefits come in a thousand small pieces, a small piece here, a small piece there, all over the economy. Example: fishing.
The benefits coming in the short term are *not* enough to offset, say, demotion of trade with the EU to WTO rules. It is the long term benefits that are enough to offset and surpass that - in so far as we can reason about the future. Examples: the Financial Transaction Tax (managed to escape it after a great deal of bickering), the port services regulation (delayed for after the referendum in order to not affect it too much, still to land).
Seeing as leave was headed up by Boris and Gove, I just don't get that povWhile I didn't vote leave, I did give it considerable thought. My constituency voted around 70% in favour of leave. Plenty of my friends voted leave. I believe the reasoning was based around a feeling of being disenfranchised by the ruling classes and damned be the consequences.
Now in all seriousness, there have to be some Brexit voters here on gaf, right? I really want to know what they think about this.....situation.
You realise that fishing represents an incredibly small part of our economy, employing only a few thousand people? It will continue to be a totally insignificant industry post Brexit.
There is no chance that a small boost in shipping (or a multitude of other similar industries) will compensate for losing thousands of financial services jobs.
Because your answer hasn't been an answer.
"Lots of small regulations" is basically the equivalent of "closing loopholes" to fund the economy in the vernacular of waffle.
The UK will become a great fishing exporter in the long-term, thus off-setting and surpassing the loss of financial services exports to the EU?
Do you realise how fancifully ridiculous this assertion is?
Also, if fishermen (fisherpeople??) Are given back "control" I'd wager there'd be a few good years for them, followed by decimated fish stocks and a bankrupt industryYou realise that fishing represents an incredibly small part of our economy, employing only a few thousand people? It will continue to be a totally insignificant industry post Brexit.
There is no chance that a small boost in shipping (or a multitude of other similar industries) will compensate for losing thousands of financial services jobs.
Wait until Scotland and the North secede together and we have The People's Democratic Republic of North Britain and Her Majesty's Disunited Kingdom of South Britain.
So they have a safe space?Plenty on the Daily Mail website. Ask'em there. Outside of your security blanket.
You literally just linked to one of your own posts that said "reasons".
I swear all Brexiters have one thing in common - being bloody vague.
But everything will go great now.Will McCallum, head of oceans at Greenpeace UK, pointed out that the Westminster government, rather than Brussels, was in charge of allocating the EU-agreed fishing quota, and had chosen for years to give most of it to a handful of large corporations rather than to the smaller fishermen who have most to lose.
Oops.Many fishermen currently benefit from EU subsidies to help them buy better boats with new nets that help to preserve fish stocks, for instance by allowing juvenile fish to swim clear.
Even if we dismiss all of this, it's an extremely weak bargaining chip, considering we are talking about sending a relatively small % of the UK population back to 27 countries, which means the amount of "damage" to each country is really quite minor.
Assuming ofc this wouldn't be a net positive for quite a few of those countries.
I think you'll find that Hull recognises no King but the King in the North, who's name is Bean.
Seeing as leave was headed up by Boris and Gove, I just don't get that pov
Yeah. But it's hardly a "stick it to the man" vote as the other man is just the same as the first manI think people voted leave regardless of those.
Except none of this is true. I have a master's degree in economics, I can assure you that nobody talks about neoliberalism and it is not a branch of economics. Nor was it invented in America. The term first appears in Germany in 1938; where it was used to describe a political ideology and not an economic school. Nor was it a pro-free market term, originally neoliberalism was used to describe "third way" politics that melded free markets and state interventionism, because it recognised that classical liberalism didn't actually tend to lead to greater freedoms. This use of the terminology persists through to the 1960s and even early 1970s, the main neoliberal (against as a political term) theorists are Röpke and Rüstow; the latter being well-remembered for writing a series of rather scorching articles against free market failings.
After the 1970s, the phrase became subject to a backlash because leftists felt that the movement was being co-opted from trying to synthesize socialist and capitalist principles to being a disguise for free-market reforms without upsetting socialists (see Barbara Castle and Denis Healey being tarred with the label). After this point, the word becomes somewhat meaningless. By the 1980s, neoliberal encompasses everything from Thatcher to Peters (see Peters' 1983 article A Neoliberal's Manifesto, where the third part is dedicated to attacking the very corporatocracy you ascribe to neoliberalism). The term is now essentially just a generic pejorative for "any idea I don't approve of", and largely died out in academic use in the early 1990s at the latest. You will look far and wide to find anyone who self-describes as a neoliberal; the term is just hot air.
What you're trying to describe (something like laissez faire fundamentalism) doesn't apply to the European Union in the slightest. The European Union has no independent ideology because all of the constituent parts of the EU (the Council, the Commission, the Parliament, etc) are all dependent on their composition from the states that comprise the EU. The EU's ideology is therefore reflective of these states. The majority of these states are not laissez faire fundamentalists; the closest European state to being as such is the United Kingdom - so you've actually removed one constraining factor on the United Kingdom being more "neoliberal". Congratulations, you ass. I hope an unrestrained Theresa May is just what you wanted.
Finally, the Euro isn't some evil scheme to protect bankers or such nonsense. There are a number of advantages to a currency union, the main three being a reduction in transaction costs (which is an advantage to the consumer, not banks, because banks are the ones charging the transaction costs), no more intercurrency instability (again, pro-consumer, because consumers typically have less time and resources to invest into determining what exchange rates are likely to do in the future than specialized institutions like banks), and price comparison transparency (again, very much pro-consumer not pro-bank).
The downside is that you lose control of monetary policy. This is obviously not intrinsically bad. I very much doubt things would be significantly better for Cornwall if they had monetary sovereignty. However, you need a fiscal union to go with the monetary union - you need to be able to tax areas for where the currency is overvalued to spend in areas where the currency is undervalued (so, as an example, in the UK London is a net contributor and Hull is a net recipient of govt spending, reflecting relative productivity in those areas). The Euro does not have this. If you look at early sentiment regarding the Euro, governments thought you'd need a monetary union in place before you could implement a fiscal union, which is true - it's quite difficult to tax in francs and spend in lira. They also expected that once the monetary union was in place, fiscal union would follow quite shortly. This did not happen, but has nothing to do with "neoliberalism". Rather, it was prevented by us, as the electorate of these national governments, who have been rather sour on the idea, largely because nationalistic sentiment is still relatively high.
This is also the same reason that Germany didn't contribute more to Greece. It had nothing to do with "neoliberalism", and everything to do with the fact Germans (working class Germans, at that, displaying all of the political influence you don't seem to think they should have given "neoliberalism") would have voted her out of office if she tried. The Euro's main failing is that it was born too soon - European sentiment is too weak to put in place the necessary institutions. However, none of this affected us anyway, because the UK was not and never had to become a Eurozone member. So it ends up being an utterly facile reason to vote Leave.
All in all, I think you have only a very basic and limited understanding of political ideology, economics, the workings of the Eurozone, and indeed the entire spectrum of the debate over Europe.
Rowan Atkinson is naught but a bastard born in the South.
Yeah. But it's hardly a "stick it to the man" vote as the other man is just the same as the first man
The damage from the EU to fishing has been huge. Heck, they even apologized:
I think people voted leave regardless of those.
I thought I was the only one seeing the bloody irony /jkSo they have a safe space?
*digs a bigger hole for self*
All those people have done have made it worse for themselves and everyone else. Politicians and "the man" won't feel any fallout from this at all. Every other person in the country will.
Yeah. But it's hardly a "stick it to the man" vote as the other man is just the same as the first man
IDS is supporting Leadsom, which is about as big a character assassination that you can get
EDIT: I only got the masters a few days ago guys, I just wanted to take it for a spin.My graduation ceremony is in two weeks!
Now in all seriousness, there have to be some Brexit voters here on gaf, right? I really want to know what they think about this.....situation.
Interesting article (with an Irish slant to the situation) on getting rid of the Euro, from a self-professed federalist.
If "the man" is each and every British citizen, sure.I do agree, which is way I ultimately chose to vote remain. However, when the remain campaign was telling voters that the safer option was to vote remain, voting leave became about sticking it to the man. And looking at the aftermath, it was.