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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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England has traditionally been an isolationist sea power. Very inward looking. Lots of historical reasons for this, stemming from the reformation to the industrial revolution to the battle of britain and hundreds of other events in time.

Scotland is not an isolationist country. Scotland has always been an outward looking country. With things like the Auld Alliance, Scotland has also had strong links to European countries such as France.

Now a lot of these reasons go back hundreds of years. I also suspect that in Scotland there was much less constant badgering of the EU in the press.

Load of old hogwash.
the bottom line is thanks to empire, a fundamental misunderstanding of what actually happened in ww2, English as the language and thanks to the us of culture and the resultant fall of empire that the English have frankly as a nation always seen themselves as somehow better and somehow above all this European tosh

Well that just makes us sound no different to the French.


Not saying I called it, but I called it.


Turnout 70%

Remain 40%
Leave 60%

The following year brown people and immigrants are declared illegal and are sent to turkey.

3 years after Scotland becomes independent.
2 years after Scotland becomes part of the EU.

Tensions become high while White English people fear that brown immigrants will come to Scotland and sneak into England; a giant wall is erected to keep them out.

5 years after Wales and Ireland leave the UK and become part of the EU. The White English fear immigrants will come to Ireland and Wales to sneak into England; England is airlifted into the middle of the Pacific Ocean to stop non-Christians from entering.

10 years after, England declares the entire planet racist to the English.


I just cant, this guy is a fucking idiot, does he not realise had he gave us something better the vote might of been different!!

Jean-Claude Juncker 'surprised' PM didn't use EU negotiations for Remain

The European Commission president says he is surprised the agreement David Cameron reached with the EU earlier in the year didn't play more of a role in the prime minister's campaign to remain in the bloc.

In an interview with the German newspaper Bild, Jean-Claude Juncker said he and other senior EU officials had spent "countless days and nights negotiating an agreement which was fair towards the UK and the 27 other member states".

But Mr Juncker conceded he was also aware that "if someone complains about Europe from Monday to Saturday then nobody is going to believe him on Sunday when he says he's a convinced European".

He said that while he would have liked to have responded "factually and truthfully" to what he called the "pieces of misinformation" spread by the campaign to leave the EU, it was important he stayed out of the domestic political debate.

It was "David Cameron's task to win the UK referendum, not ours," he said.

He claimed the outcome of the poll wouldn't affect British officials working for the EU, and next week's European Council meeting would allow open and honest discussions about people's concerns.

Asked about the future of the UK's EU Commissioner, Lord Hill, Mr Juncker said that whether he remained in office was "first and foremost" a matter for him.


Speaking of which, where's Geroge Osborne?

Perhaps they're all down the Winchester waiting for this all to blow over (i.e. the heads of Vote Leave don't actually want to answer the difficult questions like 'what happens now?' or 'what about that £350m?' or 'what about reducing immigration now?'
Just suspend the UK, what an indulgent little people they have become.

Why are so emotionally triggered? It's time to take a step back and try to understand why things went the way they did, understand the issues English peeps are having. Stop thinking just because leave won, we hate everyone and everything in Europe.
Jeremy Corbyn says he will run again if there is a Labour leadership contest
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Asked during post-speech questions by Sky News if he would run again if there was a Labour leadership contest, Jeremy Corbyn answers to applause: "Yes, I'm here - thank you."
Imo he has to carry a lot of the can here. He's barely lifted a finger to support "stay" and has been evasive on his personal view every time I've heard him ask.


Having a stable government first and negotiate terms later is totally understandable. The issue is, did the UK decide to just not think about this stuff before the referendum was conducted? Leaving the EU up in the air for three months is disrespectful and will make negotiations for favourable trade terms even more difficult. It's just another of Cameron's gambles at this point.

It's all about what they are against, 30 odd years of this bullshit and now look at it.
The EU should suspend the UK if we don't pull our socks up.

Tory party bullshit.


I'm one of those who likes Corbyn too. I think he would be good for the UK as a whole (maybe help mend the wounds in Scotland) and not just South England like certain PMs...
We've literally gone from Blair (shit), to Brown (even worse), to Cameron (also shit). And now potentially even worse candidates. It's about time we had a decent PM by now, lol.

All you can do really is make your voice heard in support of Corbyn. The guy knows parts of his party dislike him, muck up party unity and are waiting for opportunities to advance their careers.... but if he knows the people are behind him he will keep fighting.


Just suspend the UK, what an indulgent little people they have become.

Which of these values do you think the UK is currently breaching?

The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.


UK is paying more to EU that it receives so if they want they can fund everything EU did and still save money.
This is all assuming that the economy doesn't contract which is very likely at this juncture. Stagnation of growth would also likely mean that less money will be invested in these areas in the long run. This is all assuming the Tories are even willing to spend that money there.

What about the large part of the UK that voted pretty consistently to remain?

Seems a bit unfair to damn Scotland due to England and Wales?
Hey Ceredigion voted to stay!


I thought miliband was terrible but my word corbyn is a joke. The guy will make a hatrick of consecutive labour general election loses


Somehow, the Finding Nemo scene 'Now what' comes to mind.

Floating around in an endless sea in a plastic bag. But hey, freedom right?

I realise it's not entirely correct.


I just cant, this guy is a fucking idiot, does he not realise had he gave us something better the vote might of been different!!

Jean-Claude Juncker 'surprised' PM didn't use EU negotiations for Remain
You seem to have no notion of how things are actually decided in the Eu, the member states signed off the deal and the deal the uk got was the best they were going to get

Let's just get this straight juncker isn't some grand God of Europe his power is extremely limited

God did they not cover this in modern studies at school in England or something. We covered it in 2nd year in Scotland


I think the markets will force the UK to either use article 50 or bury it permanently. One thing that's poison for any economy is uncertainty, there are enough ways from external forces outside of Brussels to put pressure on the UK to either put up or shut up. Worse credit ratings making it harder for them to get money are already rumored.
The really bad thing is that the "let's wait pulling the trigger until we "figure it out" "à la Trump approach will also damage the rest of the EU.
A second referendum was promised to be allowed if situations drastically changed, with the UK voting to leave the EU against Scotland's will specifically being given as an example. So essentially:


Bit Revisionist.


I just cant, this guy is a fucking idiot, does he not realise had he gave us something better the vote might of been different!!
You can't just keep making concessions that erode the basic principles and agreements of the union. The UK was already more of a half-member in multiple respects anyway -- at some point it's better to make a clean break than have some strange sort of quarter-member which still has a direct impact on EU policy.


thought that just last night, his career is ruined, he is probably crying in the toilet.... he is fiercely political ans this would of killed him inside

Well if he hadn't made that budget threat he might have had a position in the new government. The Tory party is now going to have to unite one way or another.


You seem to have no notion of how things are actually decided in the Eu, the member states signed off the deal and the deal the uk got was the best they were going to get

Let's just get this straight juncker isn't some grand God of Europe his power is extremely limited

God did they not cover this in modern studies at school in England or something. We covered it in 2nd year in Scotland
There is very little knowledge of how the EU operates in England, unfortunately.


So Britain fucks over Europe and we can't even pressure them to actually do what they set out to do? That law needs to be adjusted.

Once companies move their headquarters to the EU and the UK starts losing more money due to market instability and the economy contracts, then we will see the UK start speeding up that article 50 call out




I thought miliband was terrible but my word corbyn is a joke. The guy will make a hatrick of consecutive labour general election loses

Labour could have a combination of Obama, Churchill, Bevan with the looks of a male model in charge and they would win the next uk election thanks to boundary changes they'll have to wait until after the next census


I just cant, this guy is a fucking idiot, does he not realise had he gave us something better the vote might of been different!!

Jean-Claude Juncker 'surprised' PM didn't use EU negotiations for Remain

Did you read what you quoted? UK got apparently a better deal earlier this year and Cameron didn't use that fact in his "remain"-campaign.
True, but it could have easily been Denmark, Sweden or the Netherlands. Well there's also Belgium though no one would have cared if it had been Belgium:p

Doesn't matter who leaves, it will destabilize Europe. Britains exit is esp hurtful because it has one of the biggest economies and well, London.
I thought miliband was terrible but my word corbyn is a joke. The guy will make a hatrick of consecutive labour general election loses

Yeah he is. I like the chap, he a nice bloke, good activist, but no way Leader material.

Labour party is in a mess at the moment. Mp's split, support base split, many now ukip, and no one who look like they can move the party forward and unite everyone and win an election.

At the moment i wouldn't vote for them with a barge pole.

Time to ring Dave Miliband up?

Maximus P

What about the large part of the UK that voted pretty consistently to remain?

Seems a bit unfair to damn Scotland due to England and Wales?

Well, a lot of Welsh and English people voted remain, and 38% of Scotland voted leave.

It's not like anyone is totally innocent or guilty in this.


Did you read what you quoted? UK got apparently a better deal earlier this year and Cameron didn't use that fact in his "remain"-campaign.

Proponents of the Remain campaign were actually quoted as saying "If we campaign on what was renegotiated, we're fucked!"
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