The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
If you want Britain to remain in the EU, don't direct your anger at leave voters in general. Direct your anger at the people in power who lied to them and promised them stuff they frankly never intended of delivering. Many of which, namely Boris and Gove most likely didn't actually want us to leave and were just using this as an opportunity to increase their own power within the Tory party. Leave voters know something is wrong, many of them have been screwed over by austerity, but then were told that it's the EU that is causing these issues. A message reinforced by the media and politicians, who have exploited voters through pure lies. Present that message now it has become increasingly clear.

People want their world view reinforced rather than challenged. The majority will tend to dig their heels in more. That applies to both sides of the argument. It's not that folk will be maliciously unreasonable, more a case of cognitive dissonance kicking in.

Yup. The reason we are in this mess is because the high and mighty brandished words like racist and xenophobic and then smeared political correctness in slightly less well-educated peoples face. It's not their fault that the educational system failed them. Working as barman I once called a bloke racist after he called Sikhs, Muslims, and Hindus all the same and that they were all terrorists. He exploded in a fit of rage, he said things like if a dog gives birth in a stable is the baby a horse or a pup? He went so far as to say he would slit every one of the so-and-so bastard throats if it meant our children will grow up without fear of being blown up. He ended his rant with "but I'm no racist"
It blows my mind that people like this exist but the man was in ex-forces and overall if it wasn't for this unintelligible bigotry I'd say he was a nice guy. But he was not born with this attitude and he cannot be blamed for it being ingrained in him.

"He's a really nice guy... except when he's not."

We're living in a time where people can have access to more information than ever before in history (and more disinformation, granted) and can meet people from all walks of life nearly anywhere in the world.

The man you're describing has chosen to believe the worst about a very sizeable portion of people on this planet. That says something about him, His reasons and opinions are his own and he's welcome to them, but that doesn't stop him from being a shitbag, nor being called out on it.
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