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Golden Boy
Aww man. I wanted to be post no. 421 to ruin 420 blaze it haha im not funny oh god the anxiety of not being funny has made my post run on without proper punctiation ok ok calm down wooh.

Anyways with that dumb joke crap out of the way, reading a lot of these social media posts makes me truly worry about the future of humanity. It just seems like in general that humanity is just going to keep getting a lot dumber...and just to throw it in there, because i love the word, stupider.

It is like a large portion of people have lost common sense and inability to think rationally when posting something online. I have that problem somewhat myself, but i still have a great deal of restraint...most of the time.

There have been many posts i almost made arguing with someone on a subject that I did not know that much about or didnt know all the facts. I read every post i make, so I stop my stupidity when it comes to me writing out bad argumebt/debate/idiotic retorts. I hate it when I don't catch my stupidity 100% of the time, but I realize I am not perfect and make mistakes. I own up to those mistakes and admit when i make then.

In conclusion, there's a golden chance that a larger portion of the human race will have a comperable intellegence level to the people seen in Idiocracy.

It's still fun to read and laugh at the stupid shit people post for the world to see sometimes.
Think of it from the bright side. nature has always worked according to a standard rule: the fittest survive. And with the stupidity some people show, like the ones eating according to this Shell On trend (even packaging), you know its just nature working on correcting its mistakes.


Gold Member
Someone hurry up and invent a time machine so I can get the fuck out of this decade.
I saw an article about this too. There is no way this is meant as serious, where an angry dude orders the angry box meal.

It's got to be joke boxes like I feel fine today, but for shits and giggles I'm going to order the sad meal box to make fun of sad people and emotional SJWs.

I saw it's only in test markets. But hey, I buy BK sometimes. I'd order a stupid box for laughs too.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
It's got to be joke boxes like I feel fine today, but for shits and giggles I'm going to order the sad meal box to make fun of sad people and emotional SJWs.
I don’t believe this is meant to poke fun at SJWs. I could get on board with that. But, I don’t get that from the ad.

What is funny about this? Do you have to be an under 25 child of social media to find the joke here? I really don’t get what passes as funny now. This is not funny in any way, shape or form. If someone thinks “lol, I just bought junk food with a frown on it” is funny, then the bar is set way too low.

It seems that social media killed comedy.

R.I.P. Humour 2019
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