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The very best of social media


Biggest Trails Stan


At least they'd be fast, easy money.
I mean you're not wrong, but there's no word about money, so you'd be sucking a blue dick for... Yeah i don't want to go down this road anymore, i need to contenplate about the meaning of life, cause the idea of someone sucking you off just to show off online is beyond degrading...

Fools idol

I've been seeing an alarming increase in chat-gpt3 powered bot farm social accounts and deepfake setups being sold in the various programming communities I am a part of.

The next few years is going to be wild on social.


I've been seeing an alarming increase in chat-gpt3 powered bot farm social accounts and deepfake setups being sold in the various programming communities I am a part of.

The next few years is going to be wild on social.
Yup and it'll make or break how people see and like the AI assisted future
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