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Gold Member
Why say something like this in a movie? It's royally going to piss off and divide a lot of people.
Maybe the character is supposed to be a horrible racist who gets her comeuppance during the movie ?
Maybe her mother raised her to be that way, but through hardship experienced with others, she'll learn that skin colour don't matter and one should judge another by his deeds only ?

Maybe there's a flashback during the movie where the mother says :
"My little butterfly, don't trust noone especially white people. And never show your pennies to a jew or let an asian drive your car."

But then during the course of the movie, in order to survive, the girl has to trust a white cis-het dude, share her wealth with an orthodox rabbi and risk it all in a race where she copilots for the tokyo drift dude.



Well you see,that entire right side of the globe and the left have been bitten by a radioactive spider and turned into what's basically a spiderman equivalent of superpowers to be able to walk and still be attached to the surface and not fall off....You don't even want to know the powers needed to not fall off the bottom of the Earth....The strongest people on the planet are at the bottom.A constant struggle to not fall to their deaths.

Flat Earthers is probably why we don't have time travellers coming to the past to warn us of future events...they gave up.

Outpost #31


Bill McClintock is a Mashup wizard
One of my favorite youtube channels
His stuff is always so amazingly well done
His Slayer and Metallica = 🔥
My favorite that he's done was a triple Mashup of Metallica, Megadeth and the Who - "Eminence of Holy Wars and Creeping Death"👌
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