Royal edition Wii made by THQ and Nintendo.
Well at least we know what happened to all THQ's money lol. I knew about the Golden Wii, but did not know that it was made intended to be a gift to the Queen of England.
I originally thought it was some giveaway prize or a collectors limited edition but it seems that because the Queen the Wii so much, they wanted to give her a 24k real gold console. I don't like the look of the console, but the golden controllers look pretty cool.
Queen Elizabeth II reportedly loved Wii Sports
Apparently, "Wii Sports" was also a pretty big deal for the Royals when it made its debut in the mid-2000s. A report from The People (per Wired) states that Kate Middleton gave Prince Charles a Nintendo Wii for Christmas in 2007, and the Queen was apparently so enamored by the "Bowling" mini-game that she had to try it for herself. She apparently had a blast, taking to the game like she'd been playing for years. According to The People, "She played a simple ten-pin bowling game and by all accounts was a natural."
It is unknown whether the Queen's Wii gaming extended beyond "Wii Sports" — for example, there are no stories about her swinging the Master Sword in "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" — but the amusing anecdote really struck a cord with people. And though it may not have been her intention, Queen Elizabeth's enjoyment of the Wii left a surprising mark on video game collectible history.
Following this surprising news, Nintendo partnered with THQ Games to produce a one-of-a-kind gold-plated Wii console as a gift for the Queen. It's unclear if the 24 karat Wii — which was built to promote THQ's "BIG Family Games" — ever actually made it into Queen Elizabeth's hands. According to Kotaku, the palace's security measures likely prevented her from ever getting a chance to go bowling with a golden wii remote. The console changed hands between THQ and collectors until it found its way to eBay with a starting bid of $300,000. At the time, the listing — posted by the owner of ConsoleVariations — joked that the game system did not come with the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom, just in case anyone was in the market for those.

Royal edition Wii made by THQ and Nintendo.
Well at least we know what happened to all THQ's money lol. I knew about the Golden Wii, but did not know that it was made intended to be a gift to the Queen of England.
I originally thought it was some giveaway prize or a collectors limited edition but it seems that because the Queen the Wii so much, they wanted to give her a 24k real gold console. I don't like the look of the console, but the golden controllers look pretty cool.