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The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct |OT|

I played for about 3 hours and got towards the end of Act 2 I think. I'm enjoying it. I like the small survivor and fuel managment aspects, also that you basically have to play it twice to see the levels you don't get to. The story is pretty much nill. Just boils down to moving from location to location surviving, and pushing forward to get to Alabama I think? I'm having fun but the game will most likely get ripped apart. Though I like how it's not just a game about shooting zombies. As a matter of fact, shooting out in the open is one quick way to getting swarmed fast.
It is what it is. That is why it's 10 bucks cheaper. Amazon has it at an even lower price. For that you can't go wrong.
If you have a wii u.... This game is a must have in my opinion. The game pad play and inventory mgmt are built for the wiiu. Just my 2 cents
Played the first few levels... Once you get past the graphics this game is awesome!

I'm really enjoying stealthing around and ganking zombies in the head. Melee combat is simple (RB for push away, RT for light hit and hold RT for a more powerful hit) but it gets the job done. When you get grabbed by a zombie there's a QTE of sorts but a well done one- the crosshair wavers around and you have to hit RT at the right moment to stab the zombie in the head (or you could hit RB to push it away which is easier but then its still 'alive'). You can also stealth kill zombies from behind with RB if they don't see you.

So far I've only used the hunting rifle with scope but it's very satisfying to headshot zombies. Ammo is fairly scarce and the noise does attract zombies so I only use it when I have to.

You can throw glass bottles or flares to distract zombies so you can sneak around them, also sometimes there are radios you can turn on which do the same thing.

There's lots of exploration in the environments, looking for supplies or whatever in buildings is mostly optional. Oh yeah and I like the fact that there's no regenerating health, you have to find things to eat and drink to get your health back (which is still unrealistic but at least it requires player agency and resource management.)

The group management (giving your guys tasks to do while you're away, healing them and giving them weapons) is an interesting layer on top of everything else as is the getting to choose highways (save gas but miss out on scavenging), back roads (more scavenging, burns less gas) and the main roads (a compromise between the two).

I've gotten a couple side missions that popped up but I wasn't able to find the right things/people to complete them, I'll get to them on my next play through I guess.

So far my complaints are minor. There are some invisible walls, places where you feel like you should be able to jump or squeeze through but you can't. Also when zombies are on a roof they don't seem to fall off unfortunately (I was on a roof, walked across a ladder to another roof and the zombies just stayed put).

It's like a budget version of Condemned + L4D + a first person stealth game. I'm glad I picked it up.


Wow this looks insanely awful.

I thought it would be bad, but it exceeded my expectations in it's shittiness.

Good job, Activision.
Doesn't surprise me. I never noticed a lot of tearing in Ghostbusters on either PS3 or 360. Course I never notice that unless it's pretty damn bad.
Yeah it has to be pretty egregious for me to even notice, like in Dirt 1 or Darksiders 1. I don't think it's in this game though.


maybe tomorrow it rains
I played for about 3 hours and got towards the end of Act 2 I think. I'm enjoying it. I like the small survivor and fuel managment aspects, also that you basically have to play it twice to see the levels you don't get to. The story is pretty much nill. Just boils down to moving from location to location surviving, and pushing forward to get to Alabama I think? I'm having fun but the game will most likely get ripped apart. Though I like how it's not just a game about shooting zombies. As a matter of fact, shooting out in the open is one quick way to getting swarmed fast.

Watching your stream archive kinda makes me excited for this game to go on sale ($10-$15 and I'd bite). It definitely looks low-budget, but I like the inventory management stuff.

Does anyone know if you can change the HUD placement on the PC version? That compass looks terrible where it is.


Justin's review lives up to almost precisely my expectations.
We have a new worst game of 2013, sorry Aliens.

I've also been reading Angry Joe's tweets for the last hour or so:



Damn. Thanks for posting that, Antitrop.

This looked like a $10-$20 game that I would pick up for the story after watching several gameplay videos, but incomplete story, shitty ending and loose ends? Not even worth it at all now sadly.
Justin's review lives up to almost precisely my expectations.
We have a new worst game of 2013, sorry Aliens.

I've also been reading Angry Joe's tweets for the last hour or so:


Anyone expecting this game to be amazing, well... seems a bit off. I feel its more to fit his whole persona... you know, OHHHH I'm SOOOOO ANGRYYYY!!! lol


Anyone expecting this game to be amazing, well... seems a bit off. I feel its more to fit his whole persona... you know, OHHHH I'm SOOOOO ANGRYYYY!!! lol

This is a guy who managed to find some positives in Aliens and had the best video review of that game on the internet. He's just calling this one as he sees it.
This is a guy who managed to find some positives in Aliens and had the best video review of that game on the internet. He's just calling this one as he sees it.

I also saw the positives in Aliens as well in my youtube video review. I just think it's a tad bit of an over reaction is all I'm saying.
So it seems I already ran into a annoying glitch in the second level. I'm supposed to get these keys in a certain place but they are nowhere to be found. I don't think I have the energy to start over again. This game is something else...


Heh, thanks. I worked on Kinect Star Wars as well, so I'm used to pretty much anything the internet can throw at me, haha.

99.9% sure (barring some crazy mixup) it should support the Xbox 360 controller (no idea about other controller types). I'll have the final version to try out whenever it unlocks tomorrow to confirm, but I played it a few times during development with one...

I'll be absolutely Shocked if review scores are anything close to Infinite next week!

How much time did you guys get to make this game?

I'm just wondering because it seems like it came out really fast after they first revealed it.
This might honestly be the worst game I've played all generation and that isn't a hyperbole. It's not satisfying killing a walker since all you have to do is shove them then walk behind them for a instakill. Matter of fact its pointless killing them since they respawn them at random where ever the hell they want, when they want. The lack of co-op in this game is stupid since It stars the Dixon brothers, they could've made something work like making your partner disappear during the cutscenes. I came into this with really low expectations and had to give it a try since I love the show but I can't. This will be the 2nd game this generation that I have 0 intention of ever attempting to finish. 3/10 reviews seem about right for this product.


Here are my impressions I posted elsewhere:

First point worth making: it is more fun than it looks. Watching a stream is not the same.

Though linear in terms of progression, it really lets you explore in each area. There are hidden items to find, as well as supplies to scavenge, so it's worthwhile. There have been a few moments where the game has made me jump pretty good, and I love how they handle the zombies. You can never tell which ones will get up and which ones won't. The developers did a great job of crafting the randomness. On the road, it reminds me of Fallout / Fallout 2, where you'd move across the map and an incident may occur. Sometimes it's a house or gas station to scavenge, other times it could be a stranded survivor, car breakdown, or a blocked path.

The zombie AI is what you'd expect from a real zombie. They are aggressive, but can be tricked by throwing a bottle, flare, etc. I like that if they know you're in a room, you can sneak out a different way, come up behind them while they're banging on it, and kill them from behind. Once a few of them are chasing you, you're pretty screwed. 1-3 isn't too bad, in terms of fighting or escaping. Once 4+ start chasing you, the others that see them join the herd. Standing and fighting will be impossible with melee weapons at this point, and firing guns at them will lure in more of them. You can NOT play this game guns blazing. Fortunately, the stealth mechanics work well enough to keep it fun.

You come across usable cars along the way, and must find the keys for them in the area. You're then given an option to leave in whichever you want. Some get better mileage, some hold more passengers or supplies, and so on. The survivors all bring different skills to the table, and when you reach a new area, you have the option to send any or all of them out to search for supplies. If you send 3 people with weapons, the risk is much lower than sending 1 unarmed guy. I like that they all go off together, but each person can scavenge for a different item (as per your request). Daryl can only carry 10 different items, so you need to balance it out as best you can. Quest items, thankfully, do not take up a spot (or things like the car keys you find). If you have too many supplies or survivors, you have to be the bad guy and choose who goes on their way.

The weapons all have their stats clearly stated, and there is a good variety. So far, I've found: bolt-action rifle with a scope, .44 magnum, SKS assault rifle, double-barrel shotgun, riot shotgun, hammer, baseball bat, machete, lead pipe, and I think that's all. Ammo is appropriately plentiful. You always have some on hand, but never have enough that you feel good about using it. The game also handles intensity well. There are times you feel safe, then things go horribly wrong and you panic. The game feels a lot like The Oregon Trail meets ZombiU.

+Missions / environments feel varied (with one exception, see below).
+Random events on the road are cool.
+Zombie AI fits well.
+Controls are responsive.
+Good sound effects / music.
+A good zombie apocalypse simulation.
+Does a good job of not feeling linear.
+Destructible doors and random zombie awakenings add intensity.
+Some neat little bonuses (IE: help the cop on the roof, and he'll provide sniper fire on the street below).
+Different routes through different towns.
+Bonuses to unlock for the next play-through depending on who survives until the end.

-The random farmhouses you keep coming across on the road are all the same.
-Graphics look like a launch game.
-Survivors don't have much personality or go anywhere with you.
-No story.
-Herd mode (horde mode) is single-player only (and DLC).

Overall, the good outweighs the bad. If you can get past the outdated graphics and tutorial section at the start, there is a ton of fun to be had. Not saying it's the better game, but this one definitely offers more replayability than Telltale's Walking Dead (if you enjoy it).
So it seems I already ran into a annoying glitch in the second level. I'm supposed to get these keys in a certain place but they are nowhere to be found. I don't think I have the energy to start over again. This game is something else...

The walker in red with the cowboy hat has them, if you killed him, search around his body for them.
Who's playing this game for the ending? Or the story at all?

You come across usable cars along the way, and must find the keys for them in the area.
I have yet to find a new car (other than the ranger jeep.) In general what should I be looking for?


Gold Member
I smell an instant price drop

That would be nice because I want to play this D:

I like that it has only zombies. Most games are like "Hey, we're a zombie game". And then there are fast running infected, strong infected, puking infected, jumping infected and other nonsense.

I also liked Road to fiddlers green. A budget title with bad reviews but for a zombie fan it was interesting. This looks an updated version of Road to fiddlers green and I'm OK with this :D
I like that it has only zombies. Most games are like "Hey, we're a zombie game". And then there are fast running infected, strong infected, puking infected, jumping infected and other nonsense.
I agree 100%. I wish in this game there was a zombie randomizer though because sometimes when you get attacked by a group there will be like 2 or 3 of the same exact looking zombie. Not a big deal but its a little silly.


I agree 100%. I wish in this game there was a zombie randomizer though because sometimes when you get attacked by a group there will be like 2 or 3 of the same exact looking zombie. Not a big deal but its a little silly.

Yea I noticed that in the gameplay videos when the guy would pretty regularly get attacked by 2 or 3 of the exact same Zombie. You can tell the randomizer for zombies needs work.
Also while I'm complaining I wish the execution (sneak attack) animation would be done with whatever melee weapon you were holding. Unfortunately its his knife every time even if you were holding a hammer when you pressed RB. There are a couple different animations but it would have been much cooler if they were weapon specific.


Also while I'm complaining I wish the execution (sneak attack) animation would be done with whatever melee weapon you were holding. Unfortunately its his knife every time even if you were holding a hammer when you pressed RB. There are a couple different animations but it would have been much cooler if they were weapon specific.

Oh thank god I wasn't the only one that noticed that too. Speaking of the knife the attack animation with it is pretty awful too. Just the way he holds it seems all wrong. I really can't see anyone attacking a zombie holding a knife in the way he does in this game.
Found out zombies can break down anything that's made of wood. made the trip to get the keys faster. Didn't have to go all the way around.


I like that it has only zombies. Most games are like "Hey, we're a zombie game". And then there are fast running infected, strong infected, puking infected, jumping infected and other nonsense.


Also, If they are "zombies" and suddenly you´re the only one who wont turn into one of em with one bite, then they´re not zombies at all. You can change em to sharks with legs and nobody will see any difference.

One day somebody will make the perfect zombie game. Maybe its even ZombiU 2



Total Biscuit's WTF is.

PC version with a view of the options and all that.

I assume the frame drops are from setting the option to 60 capped. Some games will do that, if theres even a slight dip in the framerate it will drop to 30 locked instead, making the game all of a sudden seem laggy. I'm sure this problem is completely fixed by turning the framerate lock off and using D3Doverrider.


There's a PC version of this? I thought it was console only. Might check it out but after watching some gameplay...it looks like kinda naff.


For whatever reason the game is $20 on Australian Steam (for now). I might bite at that price. Hmm......

edit: I just did. This better be the kind of bad I can get a few laughs out of.


There's a PC version of this? I thought it was console only. Might check it out but after watching some gameplay...it looks like kinda naff.

Yea It's still pretty bad but better than the console versions, At least its 60fps.

The mouse control is pretty horrific tho I ended up going back to my wireless 360 controller.

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