The Walking Dead (Telltale) 400 Days DLC Out This Week


Will my choices in Season 1 affect 400 Days and will my choices in 400 Days affect Season 2?

Yes. 400 Days will check to see if you have a Season 1 save file. The decisions you made in Season 1 will have an effect on your 400 Days experience. And yes…choices made in 400 Days will resonate in
Season 2.

Nooo. My save file is gone, now I have to replay it in 1 day



I will buy it as soon as it's up, and hopefully i'll be able to play it tomorrow night. I didn't expect it was ready this soon tho!


well hot dippity do, this will be interesting to see how it feels tonally and gameplay wise coming off of last of us. can't wait!


I'm happy with the release of 400 Days, but here's hoping we'll get a teaser for season 2.

Pretty please Telltale? Season 2 is still slated for later this year right?

Edit: I read the faq, S2 is coming. Yesss.


Wait so if you uninstalled the game from Steam but backed it up with Steam cloud, you should be fine right? I don't know if I have to reinstall the game to get the DLC or not.


Awesome, I havent beat Walking Dead though and have had to restart progress, so nearly at the end of episode 1.
However, this is a game I think I'd very much prefer playing on vita, same as a lot of other games lately actually.

Does anyone know when Walking Dead Season 1 is coming to vita?
All I've heard is they'll be a walking dead bundle in august, nothing about when it may come digitally/physically


Dammit, I have the original 5 episodes for both XBox and PS3. It's out early on PS3, I wanted to get it on PS3, but I haven't completely finished it yet on PS3. I knew not finishing would come back to bite me in the ass. I thought I had more time Telltale!

Still pretty awesome it's out this week.

Edit: Wait, it's not out on EU PSN till the 10th. Damn, was planning on finishing the last 2 episodes tonight.


I got a new machine (PS3) since I finished this last year. I have the save in the cloud, but will I have to reinstall the actual game to play this? It's not a big deal if that's the case, but I would like to know so I can plan accordingly.
I got a new machine (PS3) since I finished this last year. I have the save in the cloud, but will I have to reinstall the actual game to play this? It's not a big deal if that's the case, but I would like to know so I can plan accordingly.

At the minimum you need episode one, since it acts as a launcher for the dlc and other episodes.


Same length as any of the other episodes in the game. Five shorts of twenty minutes each sounds fine to me.

I mean... The stories are short.
The DLC might last two good hours, but each story will be really small.
I probably won't care about anybody in such a short period of time.


Can't wait to play this. It's a different project lead and narrative style, but what they've talked about sounds really cool. Soon!


So i can play this long as i have Episode 1 installed? I beat the entire season on 360/PS3, just picked up the complete thing during a bundle awhile back but didn't have the energy to replay the entire thing but i do want to play this and on PC.


Ah, wanted to finish The Last of Us this weekend, but now, I think Ellie & Joel have to wait for another couple of days^^
Ugh, it's... Short.

Where you been? It's the same length as all the others.

Wait so if you uninstalled the game from Steam but backed it up with Steam cloud, you should be fine right? I don't know if I have to reinstall the game to get the DLC or not.

How do I buy/install 400 Days?
400 Days cannot be purchased as a standalone game. It’s DLC (downloadable content) and therefore, you must have at least episode one, season one of The Walking Dead installed on your games system to play.400 Days will be available to buy from within The Walking Dead season one.


I have a access to both XBLA and PSN. Of course the version I bought and played through is the one that comes out the latest though.

Oh well! Either way after beating the Last of Us today, and playing through this Friday. Well, I don't even know what I'm going to be like. In all seriousness though, I really can't wait to play through this. TWD still stands as one of the best things the medium has done, and I can't wait to see what this bridge that gaps Season 1 and 2 looks like.

Very excited!
I'm feeling a weird lack of excitement despite really liking the main game. State of Decay has kind of taken over my gaming time I guess.


Santa May Claus
I mean... The stories are short.
The DLC might last two good hours, but each story will be really small.
I probably won't care about anybody in such a short period of time.

The fact that this is a sort of bridge with interconnecting short stories makes me think that these will be tiny snapshots into the lives of different survivors... probably at various periods of time after the initial outbreak. It could simply be that you're not supposed to feel the same level of attachment to these characters as the characters in Season 1. And that's fine, as long as it's purposeful and done well.


Just in time. Beat Season 1 again about a week ago so now I have two different files to draw from with this new dlc. One where I was pretty aggressive and one where I kind of went by the book. Either way this is going to be great to play on my day off.



In a IGN Interview they said that each chapter is 20 minutes long.

Whoa, wasn't expecting it to be that short. I'll still pick it up, but that just seems way too short, even for $5 dlc.

Edit: Missed the comment that the dlc will be all 5 shorts, not just the one. I'm fine with that.


If this is standalone hopefully it means they won't feel compelled by the episodic format to pretend to make the player feel like their choices are actually doing anything meaningful. The original game was kind of a downhill ride after I noticed that the Ep1 survivor was written completely out of half of Ep2 and I correctly surmised that they
would get killed off early in Ep 3
. That opening quip at the beginning of every episode about "your choices mattering" or whatever felt more and more bitingly sarcastic as time progressed.

I guess Alpha Protocol and the Witcher series have spoiled me a bit on that front (though the choices in those games are severely flawed in their own ways, particularly AP where picking a lot of the vague dialogue options made Thornton spout off some horrific line I never in a million years would have chosen if I had known what he was going to say beforehand).
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