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The Wii U pad might be the best controller ever


It's comfortable, but I think the title of best rests with either the Wavebird or 360 pad.

I think what puts it over the edge for me is that none of the inputs are outright bad.

Wavebird is comfortable as hell, but the d-pad is awful, C-stick and Z button are less than good, and is missing four inputs from the standard (stick clicks, select, and ZL).

360 pad is also really comfortable, but has that horrendous d-pad, crappy bumpers, and buttons that are slightly too rounded and stiff. It was clearly made with shooters in mind first and foremost, where you'll occasionally tap the d-pad or a button, so action games where you extensively use the buttons are slightly less comfortable for it.

I can't look at one of the inputs on the Wii U pad and say, "That is clearly shit and uncomfortable and needs to be fixed."

I'm glad it doesn't have analog triggers. That's a plus for me.

I don't really have a preference either way, but it's something that lacks parity with the other controllers. Subjectively, I don't really disagree with you. But objectively, certain genres like driving sims would suffer a bit due to the lack of analog triggers.


Soooo good for Mario. Love that D-pad.

It's no doubt the most versatile controller yet, but give a year to decide whether I like it more than the GC's. I know I prefer the GamePad's digital triggers to the GC's analog ones though.
I feel the gamepad is less forgiving to larger hands than the 360 or dualshock. I've only had a few (casual) days with it so far but it certainly hasn't felt very comfortable to use.
I'm really loving it too. I think it's a shame it doesn't have analog triggers, because unless someone can come up with a right-analog control method that feels nice, it's going to hurt racers. Having said that, I'm unsure the underside would have felt as nice as it does if it had squishy triggers or triggers that have more travel in them.

The touchscreen is surprisingly good for resistive, and I'm actually glad it is resistive, because handwriting and drawing is such a huge part of Miiverse - presently my favourite thing about the console.

The fact that it can load the TV remote in an instant even when the console is off and you can use that to turn your various devices on, or just turn the console on (without triggering an auto-HDMI switch on your television if you prefer), is great. The fact it controls my Sky HD box and my television all at once, is great. Being able to watch a stream or video on the TV, and browse the web at the same time on the pad, is great! As others have said, that is going to be great for things like Nintendo Direct, where we already follow live streams together.

I'm already loving not only the asynchronous games, but the possibility of using it as a portable device that smokes everything else out at the moment. COD:BLOPS2 and Sonic Racing in bed? It's frickin awesome. Then there's the real novelties, like people chuckling at seeing my face in pure concentration while playing NintendoLand games, or hearing the pad's speakers used as a layer of surround sound...

I've not felt like the battery life is too low yet, I've had to plug it in once or twice. Honestly, I really wouldn't change much - if anything - about it.


I like it as well but battery time, lack of analog triggers, too loose analog sticks, no capacitive touch screen and low resolution are real drawbacks. And even though that might sound like a lot, I find it pretty comfortable considering its size and it's got a lot of potential.


I think what puts it over the edge for me is that none of the inputs are outright bad.

Wavebird is comfortable as hell, but the d-pad is awful, C-stick and Z button are less than good, and is missing four inputs from the standard (stick clicks, select, and ZL).

360 pad is also really comfortable, but has that horrendous d-pad, crappy bumpers, and buttons that are slightly too rounded and stiff. It was clearly made with shooters in mind first and foremost, where you'll occasionally tap the d-pad or a button, so action games where you extensively use the buttons are slightly less comfortable for it.

I can't look at one of the inputs on the Wii U pad and say, "That is clearly shit and uncomfortable and needs to be fixed."

Fair points. However, I didn't think the Wavebird's' d-pad was awful. The 360's takes that crown comfortably lol.
I hated the Gamecube controller with a fury. It had that plastic bulge between the triggers that meant you couldn't stick your fingers over them. That meant you had to use the tips of your fingers, putting undue pressure on your knuckles. I found those triggers were so awkward & painful to use.

Also, Seanbaby nailed it - it looks like a robot vomited on a boomerang.

I loved the Duke, the Dreamcast controller (just needed a second analog), and the PS controller design has stood the test of time. But I think my favourite ever was the SNES controller. All it needed were 6 face buttons for Street Fighter and it would have been the perfect controller, and everything that was not it would be wrong.

Haven't spent any time yet with the U controller outside a video-only demo kiosk, but it looks nice. I should have one after I finish my last paper next week.


great controller, sticks feel great and smooth, all the buttons are nice and clicky.

I noticed that you need your trigger fingers on the ZL and ZR, to comfortable press down on the sticks, which is were my fingers always are. But I am sure some people might have their trigger fingers on the shoulder buttons and middle fingers on the triggers, which doesn't provide enough comfortable support to click the sticks.

anyways, not sure if my pad came liek this, but I notices the bottom side edges are kinda cheapy, I can hear the pastic moving between the top and bottom, feels kind aloose. My wife did drop the pad, off the entertment center though( accidently tripped/pulled on the power cable) :( but it feels this way on both sides. Anyways not a big deal, I can hear the plastic creaking when I play though slightly.

edit: Also I find it kinda funny, that every time I wished or hoped Nintendo would add clickable sticks, it seems every one and their mother would come out of the wood work and say they are unnecessary or suck, or get in the way of gameplay, or always get accidentally clicked. But now no one has a problem with it. I do think nintendo made them take a little extra effort to click, maybe to avoid the accidental push.


Unfortunately for Sony and MS, Nintendo if I recall has a patent on the D-Pad design so they'll pretty much never get it perfect like on the Wii U pad. Sony will probably always stick with the non-connected design, and MS will stick with the 8-way or whatever.

It's a shame that with this in mind Nintendo doesn't even get the d-pad right on all their own stuff, but damn when they do it feels great. Wii U Gamepad has it and it's a big improvement over the others.

Vita d-pad is excellent from what I've used in store demos, and the original Xbox controllers - both Duke and S - had d-pads that weren't nearly as awful as the 360's. In fact, I'd say the S d-pad was actually quite decent. Same concept as the 360 d-pad, but without the bad. I don't know how they screwed it up so horribly in the transition to the 360.


Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not.

Have you ever seen a thread about what people want for the next Playstation controller? Nearly half the posts are asking for all digital triggers again. I don't get it either, but there's definitely a group that doesn't want analog of any sort.


The face button placement feels weird, going from that right analog stick to the face buttons feels awkward for me.
I personally feel that the triggers and bumpers are too far apart.

I don't mind the triggers not being analog, I actually like it because they are more responsive in COD than the 360 pad. It's just annoying trying to reach the bumper from the trigger to throw a grenade.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

More importantly, I think, is that neither the sticks nor the d-pad/buttons feel like they're in a secondary position. They both feel equally comfortable to reach and use. This is pretty different from the standard controller setup, by which I mean the PS3 or 360 controllers. Trying to use the 360 d-pad extensively feels awkward, and it's not entirely because of how bad it is. And using the left stick on the PS3 is something I've gotten used to because I've had to to play like any game ever released today, but I've never felt it was optimal.

After having played some WiiU I think this is largely because of the rectangular design that lets you slip your hand down the controller slightly to access either the buttons or the sticks
Would the battery life problem be solved by allowing the player to control the brightness?

There *is* a power saving mode, and its worth noting that the thing has a volume slider too that differentiates between points on the volume scale and completely off (ie. volume slider all the way down means sounds that would normally come out of the gamepad come out of the TV). Don't know if anyone has done any exhaustive testing yet to see what they can get out of it with no volume / power saving on etc. It's lasting me long enough for my eyes to feel dry and bloodshot, and like I should take a walk now and then -- but I know my eyes are weaksauce and not as hardcore as some of the people here, who want to play in 5-6+ hour stints!


Really? I have to disagree. The face buttons are awkward to reach and feel like cheap plastic. In fact, all four of my face buttons had extra little plastic bits sticking off the top of them, as from some injection molding defect. Also, clicking in the sticks is nearly impossible to do without moving the stick in some direction.

Plus, the names of the buttons are silly and confusing.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
So far, I'm really enjoying the Gamepad, and the little extra stuff, like being able to browse my TVs EPG using the Gamepad (I just learned today I can use the DPad to naviaget too, and the other non touch screen buttons work too, made me happy!) helps.

Yes, battery life IS an issue, but it's user replaceable AND there is plenty of space, so expect someone to come up with a 3rd party solution to that.

Other than that, yes, the lack of analog triggers is annoying, but a minor issue for me. Aside from that, the DPad is awesome, the thing feels great in my hands and it's a pleasure to use.
I think they used digital triggers because analog is going to have more issues build quality wise. These controllers arent cheap. Also using the pad now and its moving up my favorites list real quick.



Aside from the spinny silver d-pad version, absolutely.

-Clicky sticks don't feel right (hard to explain, you can't, I don't know, can't just press down, you have to consciously angle your press, 360 controller is the reason I don't like clicky sticks in general)

I have zero idea what you mean by this. Never had a problem with clicking the 360 sticks. PS3 is a different story, but the 360 is fine.

-Futzes pretty badly when the battery gets low (super minor, but if you get to like 10% battery it disconnects a lot)

I don't know a wireless controller for which this isn't true.

-Can't comfortably use all four trigger/shoulder/bumper buttons simultaneously (Gamepad is the only controller ever to get this right)

Not true in my experience, but I seem to have fairly large hands and can reach everything fairly easily.

The lack of analog triggers on the Wii U Gamepad is a deal killer. Damn shame they did that.


Would the battery life problem be solved by allowing the player to control the brightness?

Solves very little as it doesn't greatly improve the batter life doing such things. I have power save on and brightness set to 3. May get another hr or so of battery life from it.


Would the battery life problem be solved by allowing the player to control the brightness?

This can be done in the system settings.

It's also worth noting that (although annoying) you can plug it into the charger and continue playing.


That would make a lot of sense. I'm always confused, it can't be that hard to make a good d pad, but if they just literally can't, then I can see that.

I think Sega perfected the circular D-pad with the Saturn controller. Never a direction input misplaced. Hell, Sega even had a cross-shaped D-pad on the Dreamcast but I guess it was different enough on the underside to not infringe?

Also, reading the D-pad entry on Wikipedia (yeah, that exists), it says Nintendo's D-pad patent expired in 2005...


I'd like to hear all these complaints you could find with the 360 controller outside of the dpad.

The battery life is a huge negative for the gamepad, it's almost a dagger.

Most people don't game for 4 hours at a time. Hard to believe I know! Plus just plug it in and you can it forever.


I like the buttons, the sticks, and the way it fits my hands, but the lack of analog triggers sucks as does the battery life. What also sucks is that it's already coming with those good ol' modern day Nintendo quirks, as in I can't turn off the screen mirroring in Mario and just play on the TV with it.

Moreso than any tech concerns, even resolution, I wish I could have a Nintendo console with one fucking type of controller, or at LEAST some consistency and actual effort put into letting people use what they have.


Digital buttons are better for digital inputs. Most games use them for digital inputs.

That's not necessarily true. Some competitive PC gamers use keyboards with linear force mechanical keys, which just feel like a spring when you press them. They wind up learning how to feel the point where the key actually actuates, which lets them feather the key with a lot of precision.
The face button placement feels weird, going from that right analog stick to the face buttons feels awkward for me.


I'm used to move up-right from the right analog stick to get to the buttons.

Going down and then left takes getting used to. I don't like it. But overall still a good controller.
I have never been able to comfortably use all 4 triggers and the sticks at the same time with any controller. And I have fairly large hands.

I agree that the Wii U pad is the most comfortable controller I've used except the L/R3 buttons are a bitch for some reason. Greatly prefer the stick feel and placement to PS360. Dpad and buttons are also better.


Plus, the names of the buttons are silly and confusing.



I agree with OP, it is IMO the best controller ever made.

It enhances literally every single genre except arguably racing games (because of digital triggers). It also makes RTS games viable on consoles.

It's also comforting when you have launch games like Zombi U which uses the gamepad in creative and interesting ways. Can't wait to see what other devs can do with it.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
But what about the input lag? Dun dun DUUUUN

(serious take: more than regular controller? Less? Compared to same game on other systems?)
Input lag? The Gamepad is so swift that it outpaces laggy TVs half the time. Not once have I missed a jump in NSMBU due to the Gamepad, yet I have missed enough because I am a fucking idiot.


I personally feel that the triggers and bumpers are too far apart.

I don't mind the triggers not being analog, I actually like it because they are more responsive in COD than the 360 pad. It's just annoying trying to reach the bumper from the trigger to throw a grenade.

I was afraid of this, but when playing I have no trouble pressing them. It is nice they go down the side, so it is mostly possible to keep your fingers on the triggers, and then use the inside elbows of your trigger finger to push the shoulder buttons.


3 ft, coiled to the sky
Yep feels pretty great. The equal accessibility and quality of the stick+pad alone pushes it above even my most favorite controllers of the past. Nothing feels gimped about it, the symmetry of the face buttons with the d-pad is also great since when you're using one you're usually using the other. Played through NG3 on it and it felt great.
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