Anyone else saw that it's also on Origin now?
Downloading the prepatch now, 11.97 gigs.
Anyone else saw that it's also on Origin now?
bit disappointed in the lack of hype for this. i expect the word of mouth to be good so by the time witcher 3 comes out there should be a strong following.
Man that pre-patch is downloading fast as hell. It'll be done in an hour. No one answered my worries about input lag though. I've had the game since release but been unable to play it due to my shit PC. Is it true that if you're not hitting 60fps that the game has terrible input lag?
Man that pre-patch is downloading fast as hell. It'll be done in an hour. No one answered my worries about input lag though. I've had the game since release but been unable to play it due to my shit PC. Is it true that if you're not hitting 60fps that the game has terrible input lag?
Not true. I play at around 45fps and experienced no lag.
I noticed no unusual lag at 45-60fps vs 60fps, but I used a gamepad, which helps mask the lag I suppose.
I can dl the patch now, but it won't apply until the game comes out next week?
Nope. They just put it up for pre-loading since it's so big. Won't unlock till the 17th, though I'm not sure at what time.
That d/l pretty fast.
Probably midnight over in Poland, right? That'd make sense to me.
That would make it 15:00-19:00 in America, so no.
I thought Poland was....oh man, I got confused. God damnit. Well whatever I get home late on the 17th so it'll be good to go on my end whoo.
Poland is in Central Europe, so you might want to rethink your assumptions next time.
Seriously 360 owners you better buy this game. If you pay for Xbox Live Gold and ignore a game like this you should be smacked about with a heavy wooden stick.
Relax, bro. I have my Dark Edition preorder locked down. Can't wait to fire this up in my 360 next week.
Does the predownload thing also works with the Steam version of the game?
graphics and gameplay are dated but okay once you're into, but everything else is pretty much top notch.
That's not what that is.
the wooded area is where you crash with the dragon at the end of the original, the shot of the bridge are part of the new ending cinematic and my guess is that it relates to the Empire crossing the river.
Go to the witches website it's there.Do I just go to my Witcher 2 (account) page and dl that 10gb download?
Guess so.
Or do I dl from the launcher?
I wouldn't say dated honestly; the game still looks good, even though it doesn't come close to TW2 obviously. I think of dated in older terms.
GTX 680 is ready to smash on the new EE content.
I loaded up Witcher 2 yesterday. ubersampling still sub-par fps =(
Also, has there been any fix for the grid shadows yet? Those shadows kill the graphics for me now. It's the first thing I end up looking at and I can't unsee it.
What does that even do for such a massive FPS hit?
I loaded up Witcher 2 yesterday. ubersampling still sub-par fps =(
Also, has there been any fix for the grid shadows yet? Those shadows kill the graphics for me now. It's the first thing I end up looking at and I can't unsee it.
Ubersampling is shit. I just do my own supersampling/downsampling. 1440p --> 1080p = yum.
There a guide for that in the PC thread? Will need to check it out with custom supersampling. I was only getting 25-30 fps with ubersampling on and 90 without it.
There's a downsampling guide in the NeoGAF PC Gaming tweaking thread. I get 60 FPS locked with 1440p downsampled to 1080p. Only crazy shit like the intro to Chapter 2 will drop me below 60 FPS.
Not sure what to do with this game, really wanted to play it since it was first released but don't have a pc good enough to run it especially since I would want to run it on ultra. How is the replay value if I play it on consoles and then buy it again later this year when I build my new pc?
Pre-load doesn't work for the Steam version. Which was pretty much assumed, but they confirmed it.
On the bright side they also confirmed that the Steam Overlay will finally be fixed.
Poland is in Central Europe, so you might want to rethink your assumptions next time.
A replay is mandatory. The middle act is almost completely different depending on a choice you make at the end of act 1.