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The Witcher 2: Performance Thread [Enhanced Edition Patch - New content & 100+ fixes]


hide your water-based mammals
Tweaks are basically slight alterations to the settings. Some are merely for preference. Like me, I turn off motion blur and bloom but have everything else on the highest or best settings. Then I tweaked the ini.

From my experience, it's not worth going uber unless you can run it closer to 60fps than 30. It looks stunning without uber but you can clearly see the higher level of IQ with it on.
Corky said:
I agree to a certain extent, on one hand it has been very iffy with registration, gpu utlization, random bugs in general, drm assholery.

But on the other hand, now that I personally tried the game with both my gpus@ 100%, the game has scary good performance imo.

Right but it doesnt scale down though. Its unplayable frame rates for me even at 720p low settings on a i7 NVidia 460M laptop. I am hoping the patch addresses this, as bizarrely its particularly a problem INDOORS.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Sanjay said:
:O does it ever dip below 30 with uber? y 1080p res?


Alright so I tried running around in Vergen for a minute or so looking at vistas and spinning the camera here and there. Also keep in mind that I'm not on an SSD so there's a chance that my min fps is lower than it should be because of the streaming / stuttering I occasionally get from my slower than an ssd harddrive.

Results from Fraps :

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
3930, 82493, 31, 59, 47.640

So it seems the game managed to stay above 30 fps the entire time and what I felt was " 45-50 fps in towns " was a pretty darn good hunch given the avg I got!

( keep in mind that this was in the town of Vergen, I have yet to try to see what happens to the framerate when fighting 10 endragaes + 20 nekkers at the same time in the forest surrounding flotsam. )


So, I read dropping crossfire improves your performance. Did that and my FPS dropped big time. And, now, re-enabling it does nothing for this game. On the other hand, changing exe to something else, like dirt2, works. Very weird.


Like removing the 3D drivers for my 560 ti, the GOG exe did nothing for my fps. I do alright in most areas (example: 45-50 in the forest outside Flotsam) but the towns (the first camp area and Flotsam) just wreck the framerate. Hopefully the upcoming patch will do some good. I do appreciate the load times with the GOG exe though. Not having to wait for 30-40 seconds to start the game was a welcome experience.


cleveridea said:
Right but it doesnt scale down though. Its unplayable frame rates for me even at 720p low settings on a i7 NVidia 460M laptop. I am hoping the patch addresses this, as bizarrely its particularly a problem INDOORS.

Strange, I've tried running it on an I7 Q920 and a 445m (a good 30 to 40% less powerfull than your 460M) and the game runs "fine" (25-30 fps during the Prologue) in 1360x768 with Low setting with no texture compression, higher VRAM budget and medium quality shadows.

Running on GoG Version.


Nork unification denier
knitoe said:
So, I read dropping crossfire improves your performance. Did that and my FPS dropped big time. And, now, re-enabling it does nothing for this game. On the other hand, changing exe to something else, like dirt2, works. Very weird.

Disabling crossfire was the only way I could get my FPS above 20, and even now it doesn't go above 30. :( Really disappointed with the game performance, given my specs. (i930, 12 GB RAM, ATI 5770x2). I've turned off everything people have recommended I turn off, but the screen still looks like a slideshow sometimes. Hopefully the new drivers they're working on for ATI cards will address the issues I and other people have been having.
Micerider said:
Strange, I've tried running it on an I7 Q920 and a 445m (a good 30 to 40% less powerfull than your 460M) and the game runs "fine" (25-30 fps during the Prologue) in 1360x768 with Low setting with no texture compression, higher VRAM budget and medium quality shadows.

Running on GoG Version.

does it run good indoors though? like
in the sewers or inside that tall tower thing
luxarific said:
Disabling crossfire was the only way I could get my FPS above 20, and even now it doesn't go above 30. :( Really disappointed with the game performance, given my specs. (i930, 12 GB RAM, ATI 5770x2). I've turned off everything people have recommended I turn off, but the screen still looks like a slideshow sometimes. Hopefully the new drivers they're working on for ATI cards will address the issues I and other people have been having.

I think it is partially the card itself, which is a low end card nowdays. I have two Radeon 6870 and I haven't even bothered to disable Crossfire and a worse processor than you and I still get around 55fps with most stuff maxed out.


Plane Escape Torment
It's fucking ridiculous that we still don't have crossfire optimized drivers from AMD a whole week after the release of what is possibly the highest profile pc game ever.


Gold Member
EternalGamer said:
I think it is partially the card itself, which is a low end card nowdays. I have two Radeon 6870 and I haven't even bothered to disable Crossfire and a worse processor than you and I still get around 55fps with most stuff maxed out.

Proper crossfire would make a 2x5770 = 5870 which would mean ultra (every last thing maxed except uber) @ 30-60fps. That's what I'm getting anyway.

Edit: Oh I turned off Bloom too, decided it does look a ton better off.


loganclaws said:
It's fucking ridiculous that we still don't have crossfire optimized drivers from AMD a whole week after the release of what is possibly the highest profile pc game ever.

No updates on twitter or the forums either. I hope we dont have to wait until 11.6. Thats weeks away yet.


loganclaws said:
It's fucking ridiculous that we still don't have crossfire optimized drivers from AMD a whole week after the release of what is possibly the highest profile pc game ever.

Not that I disagree about the driver but Witcher 2 isn't even close to being the highest profile pc game ever.
loganclaws said:
It's fucking ridiculous that we still don't have crossfire optimized drivers from AMD a whole week after the release of what is possibly the highest profile pc game ever.

Highest profile pc game ever?? Hahahahhahaha, how long have you been playing PC games? I doubt this is even near the top 20 in terms of profile... Its top 10 in terms of my personal hype though


Anyone losing voice overs when you start certain quests? I lose sound for the voice everytime I start Indecent Proposal and now that I finished that,I still have no sound...the launcher always tries to DL the english voice overs also,always fails and says it will retry in 10 seconds...the voices over where working fine all through the Prologue and the early part of chapter 1...
darkwing said:
how would a CF 6850 run this game? once they fix the bug etc..

Even before they fix crossfire, I'd say you probably could already run it on medium settings at a pretty solid framerate if you have a quadcore processor. With a dualcore, it might a little more iffy, but you could still probably run it at medium around 30fps.


"Update - we will have Brink and Witcher 2 hotfix driver released this week. (hoping in the next couple of days). Stay tuned" @catalystcreator


EternalGamer said:
Even before they fix crossfire, I'd say you probably could already run it on medium settings at a pretty solid framerate if you have a quadcore processor. With a dualcore, it might a little more iffy, but you could still probably run it at medium around 30fps.

yeah wondering if the CF would be worth it, if i can pick a cheap 6850


so i just got the premium edition and by reading the thread i guess i'm pretty much fucked performance wise since i have 2xgtx 570 :(
i will install it now and install the latest beta and see my performance.


I'm afraid I haven't seen if this question has been answered already, but I'm wondering if it's recommended to have played the first Witcher before jumping into this one. Does the story progress from the first one in a way that I'd be left confused if I just started playing the second?
G-Pink said:
I'm afraid I haven't seen if this question has been answered already, but I'm wondering if it's recommended to have played the first Witcher before jumping into this one. Does the story progress from the first one in a way that I'd be left confused if I just started playing the second?

I would say no. The beginning of the game is an interogation scene, but players of Witcher 1 have no more idea what happened than you would. The game gradually reveals the backstory. There are some subtle details of the narrative in the form of allusions to the first game, but these are not necessary to understand the main plot. The game is essentially a new plot, not a continuation of the first. There are a handful of returning characters, but all you really need to know is "these guys are The Witchers friends," which you will quickly pick up from the context.

It is certainly no Metal Gear Solid type situation or even Mass Effect for that matter.


Gold Member
G-Pink said:
I'm afraid I haven't seen if this question has been answered already, but I'm wondering if it's recommended to have played the first Witcher before jumping into this one. Does the story progress from the first one in a way that I'd be left confused if I just started playing the second?

Probably a better question for the main thread, but the general answer is something like if you play the first one, you'll have the benefit of knowing a lot more about the characters, however the first game can be very archaic and performs even worse than the second. If you only play the second, and read all the journal entries you'll be fine, but it won't replace playing the first.

The first is worth playing, if a bit long-winded, but it is pretty amazing how everything ties together at the end of each chapter and the game, so it's rewarding to play, but not as visually rewarding or enjoyable as the second.
darkwing said:
yeah wondering if the CF would be worth it, if i can pick a cheap 6850

It might be nice to have for future proofing, but honestly the game looks really beautiful even with some of the settings dialed down a bit.

I doubt I would notice the subtle differences between what I am seeing now with my 6870 and what I would notice if both cards were working right and I could max it out. Granted, I'm not one to over analyze a screenshot and I'm playing at the second highest resolution setting, but with only one card working properly, I still get a pretty solid 50fps most of the time and the game looks better than any other I've seen. Occasionally I get a drop to around 35 for a second or two, but it is rare and I barely notice it. Again, this is only with one card working properly.


EternalGamer said:
It might be nice to have for future proofing, but honestly the game looks really beautiful even with some of the settings dialed down a bit.

I doubt I would notice the subtle differences between what I am seeing now with my 6870 and what I would notice if both cards were working right and I could max it out. Granted, I'm not one to over analyze a screenshot and I'm playing at the second highest resolution setting, but with only one card working properly, I still get a pretty solid 50fps most of the time and the game looks better than any other I've seen. Occasionally I get a drop to around 35 for a second or two, but it is rare and I barely notice it. Again, this is only with one card working properly.

yeah i have to finish Witcher 1, before trying to check how my system handles Witcher 2


never left the stone age
I'd say the first is worth playing, not only to get a better grasp on the world but because it's actually a kickass game. I'd say Witcher 1 is a pretty good performance indicator, if you somehow can run it at 60+ fps in every situation, you *should* be able to run the sequel, it runs that bad.


Nork unification denier
EternalGamer said:
I think it is partially the card itself, which is a low end card nowdays. I have two Radeon 6870 and I haven't even bothered to disable Crossfire and a worse processor than you and I still get around 55fps with most stuff maxed out.

Well, it wasn't that low-end last year, when I built my rig. I'm just annoyed that even when I cut back on the eye-candy (playing right now on medium), I can only get an playable frame rate when I disable crossfire and even then I get stutters. I shouldn't have to upgrade to $180 video card just to get a frame rate that doesn't look like a slideshow.
luxarific said:
Well, it wasn't that low-end last year, when I built my rig. I'm just annoyed that even when I cut back on the eye-candy (playing right now on medium), I can only get an playable frame rate when I disable crossfire and even then I get stutters. I shouldn't have to upgrade to $180 video card just to get a frame rate that doesn't look like a slideshow.

Yeah, the card is only about 2 1/2 years old. I agree the game needs some tweaking. But there is a big difference between "I get stutters" and calling the game "a slideshow." I imagine the crossfire support and the update that is supposed to come this week will improve your performance signficantly.

But as someone else pointed out, this is one of the disadvantages of Crossfire versus a more powerful single card--you have to wait for profile updates. It isn't uncommon. It is a bit of a pain, but I doubt it will be more than another week before its fixed.
I tried the GOG .exe and the .dll, and the launcher, and game, loaded a lot faster. When I tried to switch everything to Ultra, it took over a minute to load in my save. :/ I couldn't do anything either, I had to restart my computer to kill the task. Hopefully the patch fixes things for me.
luxarific said:
Well, it wasn't that low-end last year, when I built my rig. I'm just annoyed that even when I cut back on the eye-candy (playing right now on medium), I can only get an playable frame rate when I disable crossfire and even then I get stutters. I shouldn't have to upgrade to $180 video card just to get a frame rate that doesn't look like a slideshow.

The 5770 runs this game just fine, and two of them in Crossfire will run it maxed out when the AMD drivers/CAP profile hit.

Here's my Witcher 2 settings:


I run 30-45 FPS on average. Specs are Radeon 5870m (=5770 desktop), Core i7 720qm, 6 GB of RAM, OCZ Vertex 2 SSD.

I have to play at 1080p because it's my HDTV and laptop screen's native resolution, and I'd rather not run the game windowed or with any scaling. Performance is excellent since removing the DRM, and the graphics look gorgeous. The performance will only get better with the next few patches + new drivers, and I'm expecting a 5-15 FPS boost.


Nork unification denier
EternalGamer said:
But there is a big difference between "I get stutters" and calling the game "a slideshow."

Before I disabled crossfire, it was a slideshow. After disabling crossfire, I still get stutters (and this is with high-end options turned off and on medium). I'm not typically sensitive to framerate, so if I do notice a choppy framerate and it makes the game uncomfortable to play for me, I'm thinking most people in this thread would be all "my eyes! my eyes!". Needless to say, I'm really eager for the hotfix.

(I think the fact that Geralt's ponytail is constantly moving has made the poor FPS more evident to me. It's just so obvious (and surprisingly irritating), when the FPS drop and his ponytail swing gets choppy. It's funny how a little thing like hair can be annoying when it's right in the center of my field of vision.)
luxarific said:
Before I disabled crossfire, it was a slideshow. After disabling crossfire, I still get stutters (and this is with high-end options turned off and on medium). I'm not typically sensitive to framerate, so if I do notice a choppy framerate and it makes the game uncomfortable to play for me, I'm thinking most people in this thread would be all "my eyes! my eyes!". Needless to say, I'm really eager for the hotfix.

(I think the fact that Geralt's ponytail is constantly moving has made the poor FPS more evident to me. It's just so obvious (and surprisingly irritating), when the FPS drop and his ponytail swing gets choppy. It's funny how a little thing like hair can be annoying when it's right in the center of my field of vision.)

You need to put in the GOG exe if you haven't already, and change your settings to match mine. Performance should be stellar then. Also turn anisotropic filtering down to 8x if it's at 16x.


Neo Member
I was worried that my rig wouldn't be able to handle this at all, but I've been pleasantly surprised. I'm running low settings with texture size cranked.

CPU: C2D E6600 Conroe @ 2.4
GPU: 5830 875/1200
Resolution: 1600x900
Frame rate (prologue): Indoors - rock solid 60, Outdoors - 25-60 usually holding around 60.

Now I just need a few hundred spare bucks for a cpu/mobo upgrade...
Xerxes said:
I was worried that my rig wouldn't be able to handle this at all, but I've been pleasantly surprised. I'm running low settings with texture size cranked.

CPU: C2D E6600 Conroe @ 2.4
GPU: 5830 875/1200
Resolution: 1600x900
Frame rate (prologue): Indoors - rock solid 60, Outdoors - 25-60 usually holding around 60.

Now I just need a few hundred spare bucks for a cpu/mobo upgrade...

Xerxes from CoG?

Change to High settings but turn SSAO, DOF Gameplay, and Antialiasing off. You'll get about the same FPS but much better graphics.


Nork unification denier
BoobPhysics101 said:
You need to put in the GOG exe if you haven't already, and change your settings to match mine. Performance should be stellar then. Also turn anisotropic filtering down to 8x if it's at 16 FPS.

I did copy over the GOG.exe yesterday (improved loading times, but didn't notice an FPS boost). I'll try your settings on my 5770 tonight - thanks for posting the screenshot.
So I just saw that GT's review and I want this fucking game.

Deep combat (difficulty, options, etc) and good graphics, yessir. That's all that I want in games now.

I gotta buy a laptop in general, so I might as well get one that can play this in no less than it's 100% performance glory. So I'll try to get one that can.

I'm fucking around with LA Noire when I should be playing this, damn.


ssolitare said:
So I just saw that GT's review and I want this fucking game.

Deep combat (difficulty, options, etc) and good graphics, yessir. That's all that I want in games now.

I gotta buy a laptop in general, so I might as well get one that can play this in no less than it's 100% performance glory. So I'll try to get one that can.

I'm fucking around with LA Noire when I should be playing this, damn.
Gonna be one expensive laptop.

Depending if you think tablets are good enough, might be cheaper getting a gaming PC and the Asus Transformer.
luxarific said:
I did copy over the GOG.exe yesterday (improved loading times, but didn't notice an FPS boost). I'll try your settings on my 5770 tonight - thanks for posting the screenshot.

Delete paul.dll and see if that makes a difference.

ssolitare said:
So I just saw that GT's review and I want this fucking game.

Deep combat (difficulty, options, etc) and good graphics, yessir. That's all that I want in games now.

I gotta buy a laptop in general, so I might as well get one that can play this in no less than it's 100% performance glory. So I'll try to get one that can.

I'm fucking around with LA Noire when I should be playing this, damn.

Gonna need 6970M crossfire to run this in its full glory. So you're going to spend about $2500 on a gaming laptop that can run it.

Edit: Actually, a 6970M overclocked should be able to max this out... KJack has one and I think he's running it with everything on.

A desktop that can max this out will cost less than $1000.


Nork unification denier
BoobPhysics101 said:
Delete paul.dll and see if that makes a difference.

I replaced it with the GOG version. It's ok to delete entirely? I bought my copy from D2D. Right now the only two files that I've swapped are the GOG.exe and paul.dll (both from the GOG version).
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