This is blurry. Someone take a screengrab of the Gamersyde video.
Until we get a clearer screenshot:
"We missed you!
Today we got a look at the third trailer for the witcher 3 wild hunt. We hope you liked it!
There's much more to the game that it's just impossible to show everything within two and a half minutes.
Most importantly, we showed you a preview of our main characters:
Geralt's close friends and some of the last witchers remaining in the world. Vesemir, Eskel, and Lambert will play a big part in the game, as well as their famous fortress, Kaer Morhen.
You also got a glimpse of the renowned bard Dandelion and the sorceress, Triss Merigold.
Emhyr Var Emhyreis, Emperor of Nilfgaard, the most powerful man in the world of the Witcher also made an appearance. Recognise his voice?
And then there was Ciri!
And Yennefer!
By the way, if you're new to the series, don't worry, the game will provide you all the information you need to know, and you'll start loving (and battling) characters in no time!
Also you've been asking many questions about gameplay features and we're finally ready to answer some of them:
Yes, you will be able to fight on horseback.
The crossbow. Yup, Geralt has a ranged weapon. Because monsters fly and you can't stab them.
Remember swimming and sailing? You'll be able to dive and search for a lot of hidden stuff too. There's a whole underwater world to discover.
Horse racing anyone?
You also got to hear more music from the game. This particular track was composed by Marcin Przybyłowicz and Percival. We'd love to hear your feedback on our forums, facebook, or twitter etc.
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Team
CD Projekt RED
P.S. Have you seen the Witcher 3:Wild Hunt Collector's Edition video? What do you think of the figure?
P.S. If you still waiting for more, please be patient, we're just warming up!"