Who's the mask guy, book readers?
Is it... Roche???
It might be
Rience, he was promised with Ciri's sister, but her mother didn't keep the promise so he was hell bent on taking Ciri instead.
Who's the mask guy, book readers?
Is it... Roche???
My plan is re-reading all 7 books this year, and play through Witcher 2 on PC for a third time, right before TW3 comes out.
I will be taking 2 weeks vacation for this game. No kidding.
Last time I checked Russia buys more PC games than console games (and that is where their largest audience for this series is)
Unless this is like a huge breakout hit in the US, I would expect PC to still sell more.
This will be marketed to everyone. It will be this gen's Oblivion/Skyrim. Everyone will buy it.is that why witcher 2 sold twice as much on pc than it did on xbox 360? am pretty sure, if antyhing, the hardcore rpg crowd is on ps4 and pc, not xbox. dark souls 1, 2 and wticher 2 proves this.
I'm a PC guy going with the PC version. Some of the PC arrogance is a little off putting though. I am always a PC advocate but just as some try to dismiss PC's because of stupid old driver or how hard they are to assemble excuses, there are equal annoyances on the PC side. It will actually probably sell best on PS4 to be more specific. That doesn't mean the PC version won't be best or sell well.
It should be obvious by now that the 360 version came later down the line. This will be a simultaneous launch and I suspect will easily be the best selling Witcher title to date and rather fast. It looks amazing.
Ouch. Microsoft and Sony:![]()
That's just the best way to respond to something like that.
How would you respond to the question then?
It might beRience, he was promised with Ciri's siter, but he did not get her because her mother prevented it and so he was hell bent on taking Ciri instead.
Oh who am I kidding I'm going to have sex with everyone. Everyone.
It might beRience, he was promised with Ciri too, but he did not get her
For people who don't know. She should have an big ugly scar on her face left side
she also killedand the books were really about her/her story.the Bonhart the witchers hunter
Until we get a clearer screenshot:
PPS: Have you seen the Collectors Edition video? What did you think about the figure?
PPPS: We've just announced a closed multiplayer beta of The Witcher: Adventures... *bunch of unreadable stuff* ...password (WILDHUNT, eg: "geraltwolfmail.com/WILDHUNT", no quotes in the *unreadable* to let the GOG.com guys know *unreadable* you.
So is this a story![]()
For people who don't know. She should have a big ugly scar on her face's left side
She also killedand the books were really about her/her story.the Bonhart the witchers hunter
In fairness, they probably can't answer it right now due to the respective platform holders holding that information back or a pending announcement at something like E3.
In relation to the tweet from the fake account. The guy specifically asked about consoles. If you negate that, it is inevitable that the PC would have the superior product just because it is the only place where the highest quality assets can be used by more capable hardware, but that is just typical of the platform which is obvious.
You could probably bet that the PS4 would be better of the two consoles since that is the current trend. Again that seems fairly obvious
Sure the game looks nice but I don't see much of a step up from W2. Dat hair.
Scale is much bigger though and I am sure that will have a big impact.
Also PC is lead platform.In fairness, they probably can't answer it right now due to the respective platform holders holding that information back or a pending announcement at something like E3.
In relation to the tweet from the fake account. The guy specifically asked about consoles. If you negate that, it is inevitable that the PC would have the superior product just because it is the only place where the highest quality assets can be used by more capable hardware, but that is just typical of the platform which is obvious.
You could probably bet that the PS4 would be better of the two consoles since that is the current trend. Again that seems fairly obvious
Some quick downsized screenies from the 40mbps version...
Nope, I doubt that Geralt and specially Yennefer would be near Rience and don't try to murder him ASAP (and Yennefer would recognise him instantly even with mask). And anyway, spoiler of the penultimate book about Rience.Ciri kills him in the frozen lake skirmish
Some quick downsized screenies from the 40mbps version...
And it will still sell most on consoles.
Some quick downsized screenies from the 40mbps version...
There has to be a flashback scene at some point because at the start of the trailer you hear "there was once many of us" and this is definitely Vesemir and Eskel.
Holy SHIT. I paid 180 in CZ, just few dozen kilometers from Poland.
That ain't fair!
(I don't mind all that much since this is CDP, but still)
im pretty sure downgrade will happen,It's cool to see good graphics that won't need to get downgradedeven for the pc version.