Well, SMAA is not that good on movement. Probably it's fine for this game, that has a slow pace, except when you're riding.
In terms of story, the Witcher 1 is the first in the story right? I thought the 2nd was a prequel.
Rumour was that it ran at 30-45 FPS at Ultra on a 780 Ti with 8xMSAA.
If this is true... Oh my god. My 780 Ti is getting so wet right now.
Okay, thanks for the reply. I think it's pretty clear this is PC hardware. If you're advertising your game, you will use the best hardware at hand. You don't advertise a game running on PS4 hardware and don't clearly state it's PS4 hardware.Ofcourse not.That's why CDP should clear up what kind of hardware this trailer ran on.
Witcher 2 is a sequel, but they are pretty much self-contained stories. If you play W1 and then W2, your save file from the first will be used on the Witcher 2 to give you some starting goodies, and some of dialogue choices will reflect what you did on the first game.
It's probably still unoptimized, so I wouldn't worry. I also don't understand why so many in this thread think they will need three Titans to run this game.
CDPR develops first and foremost on PC. They optimized Witcher 2 quite well, so I will not expect any less from CDPR.
Of course I would need to replace my 660Ti too come release, but I don't expect this game to require a monstrous setup for early 2015 standards.
In terms of story, the Witcher 1 is the first in the story right? I thought the 2nd was a prequel.
It's probably still unoptimized, so I wouldn't worry. I also don't understand why so many in this thread think they will need three Titans to run this game.
CDPR develops first and foremost on PC. They optimized Witcher 2 quite well, so I will not expect any less from CDPR.
Of course I would need to replace my 660Ti too come release, but I don't expect this game to require a monstrous setup for early 2015 standards.
Rumour was that it ran at 30-45 FPS at Ultra on a 780 Ti with 8xMSAA.
If this is true... Oh my god. My 780 Ti is getting so wet right now.
bu...but i want to run it @ 4k 120fps. 3 titans it is I guess :/But, but... I want to run this game with ubersampling turned on at 60+ fps!
I just hope they have some sort of primer for those who don't read Polish since only a few of the books are translated.
I wonder if they will show the console versions before release.
I just hope they have some sort of primer for those who don't read Polish since only a few of the books are translated.
I know. I'm not worried, I'm saying it's a good thing. They invest a lot of time into optimisation which I value a lot.It's probably still unoptimized, so I wouldn't worry. I also don't understand why so many in this thread think they will need three Titans to run this game.
CDPR develops first and foremost on PC. They optimized Witcher 2 quite well, so I will not expect any less from CDPR.
Of course I would need to replace my 660Ti too come release, but I don't expect this game to require a monstrous setup for early 2015 standards.
How many of the books aren't translated? I need to catch up on the story.
Why? This is what it looks like on the primary platform. I think people take it as a given that PC devs will develop for high end hardware, and consoles don't fit into that, so they have to scale things down for them.Well, CDP better come out and clear that up.
If PS4 can't support these visuals then they should state that.
The game comes with a Compendium to catch people up on important events and people in the world.I just hope they have some sort of primer for those who don't read Polish since only a few of the books are translated.
One more is supposed to come out at the end of this month, so that leaves 2 in the series, and one collection of short stories untranslated. All of them have fan translations in the community section of the game forums though.How many of the books aren't translated? I need to catch up on the story.
How many of the books aren't translated? I need to catch up on the story.
And is there any bad translations to look out for?
My guess is thats what that " Witcher Compendium" that comes with every game is for.
Geralt of Swagia.
^This.Why? This is what it looks like on the primary platform.
I don't think he looks particularly younger; nor older, for all that matters.Is it just me or does he look even younger than during Witcher 2?
Doesn't look as old and tattered as his previous designs.
Really though, someone needs to tweet some devs and figure out if the PS4 version will have next gen fur on wolves, bears, beasts and coats. Or if Nvidia is going to cock block the consoles.
Yup, you got it all correct.I've just been looking up details on the books. Can anyone who has read them tell me if I've got this right?
The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny are short story compilations that act as introductions which should be read first.
Then there's (in order) Blood of Elves, Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire, Swallow's Tower and Lady of the Lake that act as the connected "saga" set after the short story collections.
Sword of Destiny and the final two novels have yet to be translated into English but there are apparently fan translations online that are very good. Then when I'm done, the games take place after all of the books, correct?
Really though, someone needs to tweet some devs and figure out if the PS4 version will have next gen fur on wolves, bears, beasts and coats. Or if Nvidia is going to cock block the consoles.
Is it just me or does he look even younger than during Witcher 2?
Doesn't look as old and tattered as his previous designs.
Really though, someone needs to tweet some devs and figure out if the PS4 version will have next gen fur on wolves, bears, beasts and coats. Or if Nvidia is going to cock block the consoles.
Why? This is what it looks like on the primary platform. I think people take it as a given that PC devs will develop for high end hardware, and consoles don't fit into that, so they have to scale things down for them.
Okay, thanks for the reply. I think it's pretty clear this is PC hardware. If you're advertising your game, you will use the best hardware at hand. You don't advertise a game running on PS4 hardware and don't clearly state it's PS4 hardware.
He still looks pretty grizzled. I think some stuff in the trailer is from flashbacks, so that might account for him looking a bit younger.
Is that 780 ti considerably stronger than the ps4 GPU? If the ps4 can pull this off at 1080p with at least 2xMSAA it'll be a looker for me. My PC sucks ass.
I guess I should try out the Witcher 1/2, but I only have a crappy laptop to play it on![]()