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The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - E3 2014 Trailer - The Sword Of Destiny


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
With all this CDProjekt talk, I can't help but think of their next game

It'll probably get delayed to 2016 too :(

There is no way in hell Cyberpunk is coming out before 2016.
No, it tends to work in the other direction though. If you purchase the Steam version, you usually get a GOG key (at least this has been the case for the two previous titles).

CDP is like anti EA in this regard.

They want you to use gog but they do it by giving you positive incentive to do so and not forcing you by holding games hostage
Will I understand anything about the story if I never played a The Witcher game before III? I don't know anything about the game but watching the trailer it games some kind of Berserk vibes and I love that, aside from the fact that it looks unbelievably good.


For the PC crowd:

My gaming PC is from 2009. It has Lynnfield i5 processor, 4GB ram and 650W power supply. Can I buy a GTX780/GTX760 and be good to go, or will the rest of the rig bottleneck the performance?


With all this CDProjekt talk, I can't help but think of their next game

It'll probably get delayed to 2016 too :(

Did they ever confirm whether or not:

1) the game is in 3rd person.

2) you can create a character, instead of playing a fixed one.

I need to calibrate my hype accordingly, for this game.
For the PC crowd:

My gaming PC is from 2009. It has Lynnfield i5 processor, 4GB ram and 650W power supply. Can I buy a GTX780/GTX760 and be good to go, or will the rest of the rig bottleneck the performance?

Basically yes. Wait until the 880 is released in a few months, the 780 will half in price. Also get an AMD 8350, and upgrade to 8GB of RAM. If you wait until a couple of months before the release of the Witcher 3, so December, you should probably be able to pick the lot up for not too much
Did they ever confirm whether or not:

1) the game is in 3rd person.

2) you can create a character, instead of playing a fixed one.

I need to calibrate my hype accordingly, for this game.

1- They had a poll on their forums, and the general census was to have both perspectives.
2- The game revolves massively about character customization, and is said to be a "true RPG", meaning it's probably like Skyrim in which you create your own.


AMAZING. After how incredible Witcher 2 looked and played (one of the best RPGs ever), I can't see how this couldn't do anything but improve on every front. Certainly looks like it does! My poor PC. It'll be PS4 until I get around to upgrading my rig (maybe for 2077?)!!
Basically yes. Wait until the 880 is released in a few months, the 780 will half in price. Also get an AMD 8350, and upgrade to 8GB of RAM. If you wait until a couple of months before the release of the Witcher 3, so December, you should probably be able to pick the lot up for not too much

I feel like it's safer to go to 16GB. Based on how bloated PC ports are lately it certainly wouldn't hurt.


Basically yes. Wait until the 880 is released in a few months, the 780 will half in price. Also get an AMD 8350, and upgrade to 8GB of RAM. If you wait until a couple of months before the release of the Witcher 3, so December, you should probably be able to pick the lot up for not too much

I'll keep my rig as it is for another year then, and buy a new one come january or february next year. It manages to do it's job though, performance is still quite good at 1920x1080 (will stick to my HD tv for the forseeable future).


I hate the name "Cyberpunk" though. That's the most original name they could think of? Makes the game sound really generic.


For the PC crowd:

My gaming PC is from 2009. It has Lynnfield i5 processor, 4GB ram and 650W power supply. Can I buy a GTX780/GTX760 and be good to go, or will the rest of the rig bottleneck the performance?

You want to double your RAM, the PSU is enough for a 780/760 as well.

The CPU is ok, it's not top of the line but it's sitll good, and once DX12 games start hitting, it'll definitely be enough.

I would go for the cheaper 760, and consider upgrading the mobo and CPU in 2-3 years.

You won't be maxing this game, but it shoudl still look fantastic.


AMAZING. After how incredible Witcher 2 looked and played (one of the best RPGs ever), I can't see how this couldn't do anything but improve on every front. Certainly looks like it does! My poor PC. It'll be PS4 until I get around to upgrading my rig (maybe for 2077?)!!

Will you even be alive in 2077? ;)


Question time!

I have an i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50 GHz, 16GB of RAM, Running Windows 7 Premium 64 Bit, Video card is Radeon HD 7700

I feel like most of my specs are solid, but the graphics card likely has to go. Would I be right in this assumption? What would be a logical upgrade?


I hate the name "Cyberpunk" though. That's the most original name they could think of? Makes the game sound really generic.

Doesn't the name come from the old pen and paper game, though?
They are building upon that franchise and they are building upon the original name.

/edit: Beaten like Andy Murray is about to get in the French Open Semi-Finals...


Horribly optimized, stuttering, more expensive than buying a single stronger card and RAM is not shared between the cards.

I haven't had good experiences with SLI and most of the time now I just turn it off. A waste of a 2nd card sitting in my PC.

I remember when this was announced thinking 2015 is so far away. Sad to see that it's most likely now a 2016 title. I hope we get some actual gameplay soon though.

SLI performance, right now at least is all about vendor support. You need Nvidia to provide an optimized driver to take advanatage of it. That usually happens within a week of a popular game being released, but it's possible that a particular game will never get a profile, or won't get one for months.

Framepacing issues leading to microstutter I think will improve drastically with upcoming hardware and Gsync. So I too wouldn't recommend it over a more powerful single GPU right now, but buying another card to pair up in the future (especially if you've got a Gync monitor) sounds a lot more attractive once the 800 cards hit and Gsync monitor become more readily available (and cheaper).


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Question time!

I have an i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50 GHz, 16GB of RAM, Running Windows 7 Premium 64 Bit, Video card is Radeon HD 7700

I feel like most of my specs are solid, but the graphics card likely has to go. Would I be right in this assumption? What would be a logical upgrade?
Guys, nobody knows, asking this now it's literally useless.
The Witcher 3 might run at 1080@60 maxed out on a 670 for all we know. Or maybe it'll need three Titan Z in SLI.

You need to wait the release, then upgrade. Chances are that if you upgrade now, you'll end up being disappointed.


Guys, nobody knows, asking this now it's literally useless.
The Witcher 3 might run at 1080@60 maxed out on a 670 for all we know. Or maybe it'll need three Titan Z in SLI.

You need to wait the release, then upgrade. Chances are that if you upgrade now, you'll end up disappointed.

True. I guess I'm just overly eager. Maybe I should wait until the specs are revealed, lol. ^-^
It looks like Geralt has aged 5-10 years since the last game, yet Triss still looks 22.

How old is Yennefer supposed to be? She looks way too young as well.

C'mon CDPR.

Ehhh, they are supposed to be hundreds of years old and look like that because of magic
(triss even has a totally scarred face)
. Geralt grows older but at a small pace. So CDPR got it right.

Funny thing I noticed in the trailer.

The throneroom where Geralt meets Emhyr var Emreis is not in Nilfgaard, it's the throneroom in Vizima.


Thats what we get for
not saving King Foltest :(
Also this probably confirm Vizima revisit, enlogating the map up to there. Holsy shit this game is BIG.


Never got into Witcher 2. Just found it boring and the remastering mod made it buggy (not sure if it's normally buggy).


Going to quote again since I got bottom page'd

I'm assuming here maybe mistakingly that you're asking about W2 and not W3. :p

Compared to Dark Souls the combat is faster, you'll usually face a few opponents who won't wait for their turn to attack. (So it's like DS in that regard) You have a light attack and heavy attack. The lock-on does not make you center the view on the enemy and allow you to strafe around him. You'll still run just like you did without it. You can't move around while blocking (Really hated that and the lack of proper lock on) and any blocked attack consumes vigor which you use for magic and that does not regenerate as quickly as stamina in DS. There is much less customization, Witchers do not run around with axes, hammers, pikes so throughout the game, you're stuck with swords. There are 5 magic spells and signs + bombs and knifes with use similar to DS. Oh and the infamous roll is usually the best way to get out of a danger so you'll be using that quite a bit. In general the combat is nothing great but I would say it's perfectly bearable.

Very little so far on combat in W3.

Still not feeling the Ciri and Yennefer design but oh well I've felt the same way about Triss for the last seven years.

The Gamespot rewind video mistook the Witchers for Wild Hunt. :lol


Question time!

I have an i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50 GHz, 16GB of RAM, Running Windows 7 Premium 64 Bit, Video card is Radeon HD 7700

I feel like most of my specs are solid, but the graphics card likely has to go. Would I be right in this assumption? What would be a logical upgrade?

You can easily run that 3770k at 4-4.4 Ghz. Just set the turbo speed to a 40 (more only if you are using an aftermarket cooler) multiplier and set the voltage to offset of about .5. Test with prime 95 for stability afterward. If stabe you cna try reducing the offset voltage while stability is maintained.

And yeah, you're good except for your video card. Your budget is really the limit here, the rest of your setup isn't going to bottleneck anything.


With all this CDProjekt talk, I can't help but think of their next game

It'll probably get delayed to 2016 too :(

It seems somewhat nonsensical for them to release it any sooner than 2016 at the absolute earliest in the first place. No doubt the majority work on the Witcher 3 and will only shift over once that is completed.


Will I understand anything about the story if I never played a The Witcher game before III? I don't know anything about the game but watching the trailer it games some kind of Berserk vibes and I love that, aside from the fact that it looks unbelievably good.

Yes, they said they will do something for new comer like you.
Funny thing I noticed in the trailer.

The throneroom where Geralt meets Emhyr var Emreis is not in Nilfgaard, it's the throneroom in Vizima.


Great great catch!! I have to say that I didn't remember the throne room of TW1, but I thought "For being the throne room of the Nilfgaard emperor, is fairly modest" lol.

We know that this game begins 6 months after the end of The Witcher 2, so (spoilers from the ending of TW2)
it seems that the invasion of Nilfgaard is fairly succesful, if they are North up to Vyzima


Y'all know, after watching the trailer a few more times I really want a honest-to-god Monster Hunter Witcher game. Would be rad. Not quite enough weapon variety though.
SLI performance, right now at least is all about vendor support. You need Nvidia to provide an optimized driver to take advanatage of it. That usually happens within a week of a popular game being released, but it's possible that a particular game will never get a profile, or won't get one for months.

Framepacing issues leading to microstutter I think will improve drastically with upcoming hardware and Gsync. So I too wouldn't recommend it over a more powerful single GPU right now, but buying another card to pair up in the future (especially if you've got a Gync monitor) sounds a lot more attractive once the 800 cards hit and Gsync monitor become more readily available (and cheaper).

For me to jump into SLI again will have to be when unified memory between the cards becomes a reality. Last I heard they were planning it with Volta but who knows how long it'll take for that to come out. Also G-sync should be a godsend, if it works as well as I hope it does.


Funny thing I noticed in the trailer.

The throneroom where Geralt meets Emhyr var Emreis is not in Nilfgaard, it's the throneroom in Vizima.


I didn't actually know for sure but I was thinking the same thing.

The Emperor fucked the north and took their castles.


2016 at the latest, I think. When CDPR referred to its upcoming projects as just "AAA releases" it said it was hoping to have one release in 2014 (TW3) and the other in 2015 (C2077).

Yeah, back when Witcher was delayed I think they said Cyberpunk was being done by a separate team and wouldn't be impacted.
Do we know anything concrete regarding map size?

I vividly remember someone from CDP saying that the map will cover all of the Northern Kingdoms and Nilfgaard.


First, a few questions :

  • can this game be run at 3440 x 1440 ?
  • how would a GTX 770 fare at this resolution ?
On one hand, I am dying to get me an LG 34UM95 for this game but on the other, I wonder if it would be not wiser to wait for A-Sync or G-Sync solutions to be available before I purchase this game and the monitor along with it.
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