Going to quote again since I got bottom page'd
I'm assuming here maybe mistakingly that you're asking about W2 and not W3.
Compared to Dark Souls the combat is faster, you'll usually face a few opponents who won't wait for their turn to attack. (So it's like DS in that regard) You have a light attack and heavy attack. The lock-on does not make you center the view on the enemy and allow you to strafe around him. You'll still run just like you did without it. You can't move around while blocking (Really hated that and the lack of proper lock on) and any blocked attack consumes vigor which you use for magic and that does not regenerate as quickly as stamina in DS. There is much less customization, Witchers do not run around with axes, hammers, pikes so throughout the game, you're stuck with swords. There are 5 magic spells and signs + bombs and knifes with use similar to DS. Oh and the infamous roll is usually the best way to get out of a danger so you'll be using that quite a bit. In general the combat is nothing great but I would say it's perfectly bearable.
Very little so far on combat in W3.
Still not feeling the Ciri and Yennefer design but oh well I've felt the same way about Triss for the last seven years.
The Gamespot rewind video mistook the Witchers for Wild Hunt. :lol