So who do I need to visit to buy the Gwent card I missed from the White Orchard innkeep?
Doeslive in every ending? IRadovidbut I guess that didn't do anything?remember taking on a quest with Djikstra and Roche to assassinate him
So who do I need to visit to buy the Gwent card I missed from the White Orchard innkeep?
Oh...IThere was a second part to that quest, where you actually go through with the assasination. It's triggered in Act 3 only if youparted ways amicably with Dijkstra when you find Phillipa Eilhart(don't break his leg)
Heh, I don't have nearly enough time to play through again to get that kind of ending
I'll youtube it
Massive spoilers if you didn't beat the game:
You fight/kill the last Crone in the ending where Ciri dies.
Triss DLC outfit is so dumb lol. She looks like Poison Ivy.
Yen alt. for life though.
Oh...Ilol.broke his leg
Is that the only trigger for the quest?
As far as I know the triggers would be to complete the first quest "A Deadly Plot" then give Radovidduring the quest that he gives you. You must also completethe gem that you find in Phillipa's hideout. After all of that just make sure you dontRoche's side quest involving Ves.break dijkstras leg again
As far as I know the triggers would be to complete the first quest "A Deadly Plot" then give Radovidduring the quest that he gives you. You must also completethe gem that you find in Phillipa's hideout. After all of that just make sure you dontRoche's side quest involving Ves.break dijkstras leg again
YouRadovid, I kept it myself and the quest triggered just fine.don't have to give the gem to
and where do i find the new Skellige armor DLC??
So we won't have the chance to kill her if we get the good ending?
Sadly no.I do think it's weird that there's just a single crone wandering around in the good endings since it feels like a loose end they would handle, especially in the ciri witcher ending.
TFW you just beat The Witcher 3 less than 3 days ago after sinking 100 hours in and you already want to play it again...
Ending spoilers below and aboveDijkstra is/was as much of an ally as Roche and Ves. They latter being nicer can´t be the measure stick when the fate of whole countries is being decided.
And I think it is more canon, that Geralt doesn´t meddle in politics if he doesn´t have to.
Same ending as mine, exceptCredits rolling....
How many endings are there?
I got
Ciri became Empress, Nilfgard won the war, Temerians got their country back, Cerys was an enlightened ruler of Skellige, Triss and Geralt went to Kovir and were happy, nothing about Yen....
We even used Yen'smegascope and called some dude while wearing the dresses. He still believed we were part of the Lodge. =|
Funny you never saw that. I mean, there was some obvious options I could have chosen to tell Lambert that, but hell, Geralt was drunk, so I went ahead anyway.his crossdressing idea was dumb
We even told each other how we loved each other. Too much drunk bro love too handle.
*WHOOP-PISH* *WHOOP-PISH*I decided that was enough for the evening, didn't want to imagine how mad Yen would have been.![]()
Sadly no.I do think it's weird that there's just a single crone wandering around in the good endings since it feels like a loose end they would handle, especially in the ciri witcher ending.
Yes! I've been dumping all my stuff at the herbalists house in white orchard I hope it's still thereWitcher 3 might be getting a storage chest - http://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/3aw0zs/witcher_3_is_getting_a_storage_chest_for_your/
Witcher 3 might be getting a storage chest - http://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/3aw0zs/witcher_3_is_getting_a_storage_chest_for_your/
What's the use of a storage chest though honestly? I always equip gear with better stats (armor, attack etc). Is there a point in storing lower level gear? Genuine question as I always just sell them lol.
What's the use of a storage chest though honestly? I always equip gear with better stats (armor, attack etc). Is there a point in storing lower level gear? Genuine question as I always just sell them lol.
What's the use of a storage chest though honestly? I always equip gear with better stats (armor, attack etc). Is there a point in storing lower level gear? Genuine question as I always just sell them lol.
Quest Completed: Collect 'Em All
hold that shit, game.
My last card was, of course, the amazing Villentretenmerth which just would not be given to me, I thought I actually ran out of people to challenge. The other ones I missed were sold by some guy you need to free from a cage in velen that I never knew existed.
Did you read the last sentence in his post? Because I was in your situation and what he said was my exact solution as well. A merchant who wasn't there the first time I explored the village, because I saved him from a cage later on and there was never a good reason to go back to that village. I ended up there because it was the closest fast travel marker to one of my witcher gear pieces and I was like "wait what I don't think this village had a merchant before" and there were my final few cards. Can't remember the name of the village, though... Think it's one of those useless little villages directly southwest of Oxenfurt.Please help. I beat all the Gwent related quest including the tournamentand played all people I could find. Bought every card... still didn't finish the quest.spent the night with lady Sasha - 4,5k for that. lol
Can you win multiple cards from people by playing them more than once? I have a feeling you can...
According to the guide:
Dijkstra basically makes a good empire but every one is made to make it good against their will. So basically slaves. Were as if you let Emhyr var Emreis win Temerians get their country back.
Did you read the last sentence in his post?
Which card you win from which merchant is random, so I was referring to the merchant and not the card.Forgot to mention, I already got Villentretenmerth. Saved my ass many times that card.
You can have it only once, right?
How did they decide against one in the first place is what I want to know.Witcher 3 might be getting a storage chest - http://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/3aw0zs/witcher_3_is_getting_a_storage_chest_for_your/
Virtually impossible, since there are many secondary quests beyond your level (30+). Quite a few secondary quests, witcher contracts and treasure hunts are beyond the level requirement of the final story missions in the entire game, let alone act 1/2.I want to complete all secondary quests before moving onto the next ACT. Is their a map Showing where each secondary quest starts at in Skellige?
Which card you win from which merchant is random, so I was referring to the merchant and not the card.
(ending-ish spoilers about a pendant)
Ciri had the pendant on herself in the end for me, like she never lost it. I noticed it when they visited Tjalls grave. It was a weird bug.
It's a hotfix because their inventory UI is so bad.What's the use of a storage chest though honestly? I always equip gear with better stats (armor, attack etc). Is there a point in storing lower level gear? Genuine question as I always just sell them lol.
I'm at the part where. I'm just off toYen/Witchers turn Uma back into the elven guy.round up some friends for the battle.
I'm at exactly 90 hours played to get to this point. I just want to get an idea of how long I've got left main story wise. Seems like it's almost done. I don't want it to end.
I see... then the name of that village would indeed be helpful.![]()
Claywich. The merchant is held captive in a cage on a large island just to the ESE of it.
I take it the endgame begins afterI gather the lodge members together and go to the other world with Ciri's mage friend? Looks like I lost out on getting Keira's help as she went off with Lambert because I didn't give her some notes. Hope that doesn't screw me over too much
The one on her waist? I think that's from the books, a school of the cat pendant if I am not mistaken.