I can do theLast Wish mission with Yennefer.
How much more of the story left?
I mean, you are talking about Roche, right? ;-P
Not an endgame, there is a very sizeble chunk of main story beyond that point.
We even used Yen'smegascope and called some dude while wearing the dresses. He still believed we were part of the Lodge. =|
Funny you never saw that. I mean, there was some obvious options I could have chosen to tell Lambert that, but hell, Geralt was drunk, so I went ahead anyway.his crossdressing idea was dumb
We even told each other how we loved each other. Too much drunk bro love too handle.
Around 15-20 hours I'd say, more if you decide to finish all of Skellige.
Oh my god. Almost 70 hours played and I never noticed the difference in spelling. Well, I guess my Geralt is now into horse lovin' LOL
Sheesh, has anyone actually bothered with all the question marks in Skellige? Most of them are smuggler's caches at sea, surrounded by either drowners or those flying creatures. If you go by boat you have to disembark and then get in the water in order to fight them, so much that it's almost quicker to just swim.
Fighting them isn't much fun, swimming isn't much fun, and the collision detection on the 'loot' prompt is often suspect. It's all rather ill-conceived, and I question those adulators who praised the open-world gameplay as being 'wholly worthwhile', when these smuggler's caches are no better than collectibles in an Ubi game. Indeed, they are worse in my opinion, and account for at least 50% of the map icons in Skellige.
So is the ALT Axii bugged on PC? I cannot cast it no matter what, even with it at level 3 and slotted properly. Can never seem to "turn" one of them to my side.
Wonder if I have missed some content by doing Kings Gambit in Skellige before visiting all the Isles. I just got to the feast and MAJOR FEAST SPOILERSBears killed a few npcs that im wondering could I have spoken to on their islands. I haven't visited Lugos' island yet
Would people recommend visiting all the isles before proceeding with this quest? Even just for backstory reasons. Speak to the other Jarls etc before the new ruler is sought at the feast.
MAJOR FEAST SPOILERSBears killed a few npcs that im wondering could I have spoken to on their islands. I haven't visited Lugos' island yet
Shit. Thanks. On mobile.May want to fix the tags![]()
I ran into the Ministry of Silly Walks in Novigrad last night!
I saw this all throughout Velen and NovigradPosted it on the official forums, along with others.
That's one of my favorite glitches. Cracks me up as much as HUAWWWWW does.I ran into the Ministry of Silly Walks in Novigrad last night!
But that quest doesOne big thing that I'm not happy about is thatRadovid beat Nilfgaard and ended up controlling the north. I expected him to get assassinated since I did the quest where Dijkstra, Thaler and Roche plotted to kill him.
Man I just can't beat thisat the end of Wild At Heart.werewolfI know you can just let him kill the sister and be done with it but I decided to save her (figure it's am example of cruel mercy) but I just can't finish off the fight.
i had no problem getting him to the cutscene but after that i would have issues finishing him off. Took me a few tries but basically it boiled down to not panicking that he was regenerating and taking it slow and methodical. Of course use hybrid oil and potions.
Hybrid? Why would I use that? Cursed is the oil you use for something like him. Or do they both work?
Hybrid? Why would I use that? Cursed is the oil you use for something like him. Or do they both work?
err cursed oil you are right.
Have you upgraded your silver sword already? That did the trick for me. Igni also works very well.
Honest Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=243&v=Wdw_m6DvF8s
I just could not beat that werewolf, but I also had never killed a werewolf before, so I didn't know Cursed Oil is what you used against them (I thought they had a specific oil). That fucking health regen.
Ended up coming back 5-6 levels later and wrecking him.
Finally finished the game. Got the ending whereOne big thing that I'm not happy about is thatRadovid beat Nilfgaard and ended up controlling the north. I expected him to get assassinated since I did the quest where Dijkstra, Thaler and Roche plotted to kill him.
I'd just call that a good start.You really like Wolf's Livers huh?
Honest Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=243&v=Wdw_m6DvF8s
Anyone else end up with this ending? If so did you like it?
I ran into the Ministry of Silly Walks in Novigrad last night!
"It's those damn defiant mages!" said Radovid while doing reverse cycling motions as he walked to his throneI saw this all throughout Velen and NovigradPosted it on the official forums, along with others.
Someone mentioned Cave of Dreams, which is a Skellige quest I never got. I did some reading and it mentioned that prior to that Geralt wasI never did that either, how did I miss out on that? I understand that what I did later in Skelligein prison as part of some other quest line.renders Cave of Dreams a moot point, but now I'm wondering what else I might have missed.getting involved with succession, and the feast
You really like Wolf's Livers huh?
anyone have issues with bombs getting thrown but not exploding when they hit the ground? Happens to me quite often.
So is the ALT Axii bugged on PC? I cannot cast it no matter what, even with it at level 3 and slotted properly. Can never seem to "turn" one of them to my side.
Navigate to your folder: C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\The Witcher 3
Open the file "input.settings"
Find all the entries for "IK_Q=(Action=CastSignHold,State=Duration,IdleTime =0.2)"
Change the entry to have an IdleTime of 0.01. So after your change it should look like this:
"IK_Q=(Action=CastSignHold,State=Duration,IdleTime =0.01)"
There are multiple entries of this setting, so you will have to change them all.
Has anyone tried an alchemy build? I mean.. with a full alchemy build.
I've noticed it a few times. Last time it happened my bomb count did not change so I guess the game didn't register the throw despite the animation taking place.