Does the PSN version unlock tonight at 9?
So I can't find a way to preorder this on PSN. At leas from my iPhone browser. Giving into hype.
Does the PSN version unlock tonight at 9?
Yeah, I mean, The Witness is a brilliant game, one of my favorites in recent memory. But it's harder and requires quite a bit more from people than Portal 2. I'm not afraid to say it isn't for everyone, and if someone struggled with Portal 2 it might be hard to get through much of The Witness without resorting to guides.
Wait, what? Is it not coming out at Midnight EST tonight on PSN? I certainly hope it is, I'm quite excited to play tonight.
But how do you know if the puzzle you're stuck on is one that's "too hard" or you just don't have the information? Until you go look it up, read the solution, and then find out "oops, I could have actually solved that"
But how do you know if the puzzle you're stuck on is one that's "too hard" or you just don't have the information? Until you go look it up, read the solution, and then find out "oops, I could have actually solved that"
Edit: This game could really benefit from a crowd-sourced hint system, like oldschool adventure games. Wikis will just show you where to put the line. Hints could say something like "look around you before trying to solve" and then get gradually more obvious from there.
Omg, lol, I feel robbed nowLines of blow was still the better subtitle... 😒
But how do you know if the puzzle you're stuck on is one that's "too hard" or you just don't have the information? Until you go look it up, read the solution, and then find out "oops, I could have actually solved that"
I'm incredibly excited for this. I do hope the PC unlock time gets bumped up, 10am Mountain Time is really inconvenient.
Lines of blow was still the better subtitle... 😒
I'm very bad at puzzles but I still want to play this. Arghghghgh.
I can't find this on EU PSN. Where is it?
can anyone confirm 21:9 support for pc?
Harder or easier than The Talos Principle?
I've said it before, but if we're in the correct timeline then this game kicks off a resurgence of first person adventures
I watched 10 minutes of this and I hate myself for it.
Harder or easier than The Talos Principle?
But how do you know if the puzzle you're stuck on is one that's "too hard" or you just don't have the information? Until you go look it up, read the solution, and then find out "oops, I could have actually solved that"
What was your opinion on Braid? And how would you say this compares to that? Mainly in terms of difficulty(and maybe atmosphere, story, theming effectiveness, if you want to discuss that). I thought that game was about perfect, where I was often on the edge of wanting to look up answers, but I always felt like I knew just enough and had just enough experience and was sooooo close to figuring it out that I'd stick with it. It wasn't punishing of mistakes and allowed experimentation, but you couldn't really accidentally stumble into answers either, so every puzzle was satisfying when solved.
Obviously this game has way more puzzles, and apparently plenty of the sort that require pen and paper to solve, by your own suggestion, so a direct comparison isn't possible, but any insight would be interesting to hear.
I'm curious about this as well, is this harder or easier than The Talos Principle?
Its really not that bad, Brad is careful to keep things super basic
so on a scale from Portal 2 to Fez, how obscure and difficult are the puzzles and progression in this game?
I had no issues with Portal 2, but I eventually gave up on Fez
But how do you know if the puzzle you're stuck on is one that's "too hard" or you just don't have the information? Until you go look it up, read the solution, and then find out "oops, I could have actually solved that"
I realize some may disagree with what I'm asking for, but..
Is there a spoiler hook or something to help sell me on the game? PMs are fine.
PROS: I loved Braid, love puzzles, liked Portal/Talos, etc
CONS: Never played Myst, get motion sickness with Portal/Talos, facing foreclosure
I'd really like to support Blow, but honestly, the price is too much for me at this time, especially if I get motion sickness. If it was a retail release I could use a GCU or gift certificates I've saved up for it.
I know people are tired of hearing about the price, so again I'd appreciate any hard sells/spoilers to give me the extra push to pick it up at launch.
I'm looking for a quote Blow had a while ago about the puzzles not all being easy? Something along the lines of "if they were all easy and meant to be solved, than they're just exercises." Anyone know which one I'm talking about?
Jonathan Blow said:"The thing I want to preserve [from adventure games] is something I feel is being lost a lot in modern games, and that is having puzzles that are actually puzzles. What I mean by that is that a legitimate puzzle is something that you might never figure out unless you do a good job. Because if you're guaranteed to figure it out, then it's...more like an exercise, I guess.
There just aren't many games made that are legitimate puzzle games anymore...and I feel like there's a vast richness that we sort of used to have, that is no longer being tapped. This idea that you run an Infocom adventure and if you looked at the manual, maybe you have a little bit of guidance on how to talk to it, but the majority of the gameplay experience was you're like Robinson Crusoe on this island and you have to make the best of it and figure it out. It's not going to tutorialize you all the way through."
Excuse my ignorance, but what does the OT title mean? I don't get it.
For the most part the concepts are clearly signified even if you don't understand what the signifiers mean, if that makes sense.
Any word on the PS4 price for Canada? Exchange rate is brutal obviously.
Excuse my ignorance, but what does the OT title mean? I don't get it.