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The Wonderful 101: Remastered announced for Switch, PS4, and PC with Kickstarter campaign


The actual making of the ports, and publishing duties. While only a fraction of the production costs of making a big game like TW101, porting is still expensive. Nintendo has seemingly granted them the use of the IP, but apart from that, PlatinumGames is going it alone with this.

Nah. You could get faster and more accurate lines with the Gamepad, but overall it was more trouble than it was worth. I went with the Pro Controller/picture-in-picture after a few hours in and never looked back.

It wasnt troublesome though and it also allowed you to do motions with your left thumb instead of having to keep switching your right thumb from the right thumbstick and the face buttons. It's flat out better.


Gold Member
Man...Wonderful 101 getting announced for not just Switch but also PC and Ps4, and leftover pizza at home. 2020 can only go downhill from here

Dumb question: So basically 4 Platinum is just a kickstarter campaign. Wonder what's next MGR?
At this point all we can do is guess.

It just seems to be 4 (well, now 3) unannounced projects. I guess time will tell if it's just ports or if there's some new game as well
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Writes a lot, says very little
I think its funny considering how far many went to say such a thing couldn't happen.

How many times does this need to happen to show people it could? smh


Writes a lot, says very little
I think that one is owned by Nintendo.

At this point, I can't say for sure. Wasn't that said about this game for eons? Yet here we are. I've said this time and time again.....unless Nintendo themselves straight up tell you they own the IP, its likely simply owned by the team itself or partial etc.

Someone once told me Zombi U couldn't came to other systems cause it had a U in it or Nintendo owned Resident Evil 2002 remake individually and the MO-Disk being a gamecube shows it and it would NEVER come to other systems.

So....we've been down this road before, unless they legit tell you they own the IP, its fair game and publishing or funding doesn't mean they own it. The fact that this game coming to many systems, like Octopath going to PC very much shows publishing a game doesn't mean someone owns it. If you look on Wiki, my god...publisher publish other publishers games all the time around the world, it would be like saying SEGA owns EA cause they publish their games in japan or something.

jts jts or.....they never owned the IP in the first place. It would be like saying MS "let" Square put Tomb Raider on other systems. They "let" the people who own the IP, control their own IP? Or.....they don't own it and likely never did as to why its coming on other systems in the first place.

It wouldn't be the first time a publisher has published a game they own zero rights to. It happens all the time.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
No. It was ONE of the four. There are still 3 other things to be announced. Quite easy to look it up, honestly.
I did. People in the other thread were still trying to figure out what the "4" was supposed to mean last I checked recently. So it's just news to me now from you that the "4" means the number of games they're announcing.
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And this just proves that porting something to something via kickstarter would work. You don't think people would sign onto Xenosaga HD collection? That would easily sell on kickstarter.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
At this point, I can't say for sure. Wasn't that said about this game for eons? Yet here we are. I've said this time and time again.....unless Nintendo themselves straight up tell you they own the IP, its likely simply owned by the team itself or partial etc.

Someone once told me Zombi U couldn't came to other systems cause it had a U in it or Nintendo owned Resident Evil 2002 remake individually and the MO-Disk being a gamecube shows it and it would NEVER come to other systems.

So....we've been down this road before, unless they legit tell you they own the IP, its fair game and publishing or funding doesn't mean they own it. The fact that this game coming to many systems, like Octopath going to PC very much shows publishing a game doesn't mean someone owns it. If you look on Wiki, my god...publisher publish other publishers games all the time around the world, it would be like saying SEGA owns EA cause they publish their games in japan or something.
Yeah, I remember that argument you had with Afro Republican. So who knows, maybe we will see Astral Chain on other platforms.


Gold Member
LMAO 60 CDN (Physical copy) for this fucking garbage...

People over hyped for this really need to get laid.... ROFL. I have it on Wii U... one of the most over-rated games.

78 metascore and it sold like 10 units.

"one of the most over-rated games"



...hate me...
At this point, I can't say for sure. Wasn't that said about this game for eons? Yet here we are. I've said this time and time again.....unless Nintendo themselves straight up tell you they own the IP, its likely simply owned by the team itself or partial etc.

Someone once told me Zombi U couldn't came to other systems cause it had a U in it or Nintendo owned Resident Evil 2002 remake individually and the MO-Disk being a gamecube shows it and it would NEVER come to other systems.

So....we've been down this road before, unless they legit tell you they own the IP, its fair game and publishing or funding doesn't mean they own it. The fact that this game coming to many systems, like Octopath going to PC very much shows publishing a game doesn't mean someone owns it. If you look on Wiki, my god...publisher publish other publishers games all the time around the world, it would be like saying SEGA owns EA cause they publish their games in japan or something.

jts jts or.....they never owned the IP in the first place. It would be like saying MS "let" Square put Tomb Raider on other systems. They "let" the people who own the IP, control their own IP? Or.....they don't own it and likely never did as to why its coming on other systems in the first place.

It wouldn't be the first time a publisher has published a game they own zero rights to. It happens all the time.
I'm not an expert in IP law but I also believe that maybe Nintendo didn't own the IP itself, but owned the worldwide publishing rights, which usually leads to the same end result, but it's technically different. It is Platinum Games themselves stating now that Nintendo has allowed for PG to self publish TW101 on other platforms, implying that Nintendo has at least waived their publishing rights.
Damn, and I was so close to W101 getting to the top of my wiiU backlog...

Guys, is the gameplay designed to specifically use the wiiu gamepad? Like, is there some chance it's better with gamepad than without?

EDIT: One thing's for sure...as a hardcore nintendo fanman, I better not be too smug about Astral Chain exclusivity. Although I guess the type of deals nintendo inks on the "someone, anyone make a game for our system" wiiu and the "it prints money" switch are probably quite different.
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Writes a lot, says very little
implying that Nintendo has at least waived their publishing rights.

Likely, they likely also did cause they didn't own the IP as Platinum could just release it under a different name, same game, sorta how Monolith was ready to release F.E.A.R 2 under the name Project Origins. It was entirely the same game, same characters etc ,but their last publisher was holding on to the publishing rights. thus they were ready to release the game with a different name. Maybe Nintendo didn't want to get into with them in such a strange situation and let it go. For all we know, owning the IP is needed for that EXACT situation.

Would support why MS didn't have much when EA bought the Mass Effect IP and Bioware. Publishing leaves you with next to no leverage.


It's a surprisingly big success despite the usual Begstarter shadiness. I wonder what this means for the future.
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Likely, they likely also did cause they didn't own the IP as Platinum could just release it under a different name, same game, sorta how Monolith was ready to release F.E.A.R 2 under the name Project Origins. It was entirely the same game, same characters etc ,but their last publisher was holding on to the publishing rights. thus they were ready to release the game with a different name. Maybe Nintendo didn't want to get into with them in such a strange situation and let it go. For all we know, owning the IP is needed for that EXACT situation.

Would support why MS didn't have much when EA bought the Mass Effect IP and Bioware. Publishing leaves you with next to no leverage.

today, nintendo lost 2 exclusives...things are changing.


Writes a lot, says very little
It's a surprisingly big success despite the usual Begstarter shadiness. I wonder what this means for the future.

They have stated for a bit now that they are looking to self publish their own IP in the future. This might be them showing that they have plans to continue this for a while.

Has anyone figured out the whole 4 thing? Is that just stretch goals or do they have other projects lined up? Cause for all we know, those other things might be for their other games to get ported to other systems or their new IP they are working on etc.

mejin mejin I wouldn't really say things are changing tbh, they have published and funded other peoples games in the past. Its why I was pretty positive this was likely true as it wouldn't be the first time.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
At this point, I can't say for sure. Wasn't that said about this game for eons? Yet here we are. I've said this time and time again.....unless Nintendo themselves straight up tell you they own the IP, its likely simply owned by the team itself or partial etc.

Someone once told me Zombi U couldn't came to other systems cause it had a U in it or Nintendo owned Resident Evil 2002 remake individually and the MO-Disk being a gamecube shows it and it would NEVER come to other systems.

So....we've been down this road before, unless they legit tell you they own the IP, its fair game and publishing or funding doesn't mean they own it. The fact that this game coming to many systems, like Octopath going to PC very much shows publishing a game doesn't mean someone owns it. If you look on Wiki, my god...publisher publish other publishers games all the time around the world, it would be like saying SEGA owns EA cause they publish their games in japan or something.

jts jts or.....they never owned the IP in the first place. It would be like saying MS "let" Square put Tomb Raider on other systems. They "let" the people who own the IP, control their own IP? Or.....they don't own it and likely never did as to why its coming on other systems in the first place.

It wouldn't be the first time a publisher has published a game they own zero rights to. It happens all the time.
Again, I don't know why you're speculating and trying to push hard we can't know this or that when Platinum has been very clear about it in today's Q&A stuff showing that Nintendo did have to allow this and that Platinum is thankful but now you're going on about how they apparently had no choice but to accept because reasons you can't know? This is a moment of graciousness and people are reaching hard to twist it around into a negative for whoever "lost" or was "forced" to comply? It's not something that you can expect to happen for every other game when Platinum has said before that Bayonetta 2+ is up to Nintendo and reiterated today that Astral Chain is up to Nintendo, etc. Could Nintendo theoretically allow the same for all of them? Theoretically. Are they likely to do it because they did it once ~7 years post launch on a title that they clearly had no interest to keep investing on (contrary to Bayonetta 2 which got relelease and sequel investments)? About as likely as for any game before W101 I'd say. Publishers aren't generally this gracious and Platinum was surprised too. Of course a publisher publishing something doesn't mean they own it but it also doesn't mean they don't just because this happened, contracts vary and until you see contracts saying otherwise then what grounds do you have to go against Platinum's own words?

Ignore the highlights, they were for different purposes (like highlighting a bad partner they chose), the whole quotes and more where these came from are relevant.







I mean, do people (so not you specifically) really wanna start trolling from the rooftops "can't wait for Bayonetta 3 PS4" and "can't wait for Astral Chain PC" like the lesser posters are already doing and all that unfounded shit that Platinum already shot down and how Nintendo lost this or that? If that's the response Nintendo notice over this then that bullshit is actively working against the chance of it ever happening again since it depends on their graciousness which will not be there if the result is word of mouth that in any way appears to harm their own platforms and company profile, and the same goes for every other company that may be asked to do similar moves with an IP/game they control. It's shitty gamefaqs level of trolling people are doing for no reason, they're neither convincing anyone sane, nor working towards any end goal, just preaching to the troll choir.

Also, yes it's crazy good to see such a success on Kickstarter I don't think anyone expected, even Platinum given the stretch goals, but that's still a few thousands of users so far, the game even on WiiU and with all the lousy decisions surrounding its release sold ~200k when all was said and done so it's not some crazy hype train of success just yet (but it may evolve into one and it's clearly a success for Platinum as they reap all the benefits this time without actually putting in the effort to develop a whole new title, just the ports and some enhancements and additional content).

Anyway, I can't wait for it to hit PC, I hope I'll enjoy it as much as Bayonetta (which was more than NieR but that was still good too).
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today, nintendo lost 2 exclusives...things are changing.

No one has lost anything. Daemon X Machina was always a published by Nintendo deal. As for Platinum, until the ownership rights are made clear we can still assume that Nintendo owns some part of the franchises that Platinum develops with them and that this deal was made possible because of some goodwill from Nintendo.
Never played this game...i have all p* games but this and starfox.

How is the gameplay? U can do combos and crazy stuff like their other action games?


Writes a lot, says very little
No one has lost anything.

Agreed. To say anyone lost anything is to say they even owned it in the first place.

Daemon X Machina was always a published by Nintendo deal. As for Platinum, until the ownership rights are made clear we can still assume that Nintendo owns some part of the franchises that Platinum develops with them and that this deal was made possible because of some goodwill from Nintendo

Yea I don't know about that. Nintendo has published lots of other peoples IPs so I think its hard to even argue for anyone to assume Nintendo owns something of some of those series, until they say so themselves, I think its actually best to assume they just have a deal to publish unless they actually confirm otherwise.

It would be like saying Nintendo owns Ace Attorney cause they published a title for them or Professor Layton or Monster Hunter etc ignoring even the ones published by Nintendo, ended up on other systems. So I'd say Nintendo just like MS often publishes games they have no rights to more often then people want to admit.

Its why I was even so positive this was likely true as we've seen this same argument before. This whole "Oh Nintendo published it so its their's" only to hear crickets as soon as its released else where. Maybe people need to stop assuming publishing a title means the publisher owns the IP. We have too many examples to show many times thats just not the case.

ULTROS! ULTROS! We've been at that for years though. Publishing doesn't mean they own anything as this isn't the first time Nintendo or any publisher has published a title they had no rights to. Often they'll agree to publish for a timed deal.

MasterDerico MasterDerico Its a solid title. I own it on Wii U, but never finished it. I might buy the remaster if they add enough. It has some action, but don't expect Bayonetta type gameplay. its like Pikmin in terms of some RTS elements and adds some nice hack and slash and beat em up gameplay. I went into it pretty blind as I wanted to be surprised, but part of me was really hoping it would be like a spiritual successor to Viewtiful Joe lol (semi OT, would LOOOOOVE for them to do that one day)
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Agreed. To say anyone lost anything is to say they even owned it in the first place.

Yea I don't know about that. Nintendo has published lots of other peoples IPs so I think its hard to even argue for anyone to assume Nintendo owns something of some of those series, until they say so themselves, I think its actually best to assume they just have a deal to publish.

It would be like saying Nintendo owns Ace Attorney cause they published a title for them or Professor Layton or Monster Hunter etc ignoring even the ones published by Nintendo, ended up on other systems. So I'd say Nintendo just like MS often publishes games they have no rights to more often then people want to admit.

Its why I was even so positive this was likely true as we've seen this same argument before. This whole "Oh Nintendo published it so its their's" only to hear crickets as soon as its released else where. Maybe people need to stop assuming publishing a title means the publisher owns the IP. We have too many examples to show many times thats just not the case.

ULTROS! ULTROS! We've been at that for years though. Publishing doesn't mean they own anything as this isn't the first time Nintendo or any publisher has published a title they had no rights to. Often they'll agree to publish for a timed deal.
Ok now you're just trolling with no arguments, here and in the Daemon thread too. Platinum says it's very gracious, unexpected and they consider it a very exclusive event publishers don't often allow, but random forum idiot troll claims Nintendo never had any say, how people claim Nintendo owns anything they publish or whatever strawmen and ad hominem, yay. You're just trying to stretch the fact that, no, publishing doesn't necessarily mean the publishers own shit (nobody claimed that, you're claiming people claimed it just to shoot it down, people only claimed Nintendo or whatever publisher owns this or that when it was actually said as has been said for Bayonetta 2+ before and Astrail Chain today), into how publishing now literally means publishers don't own shit, as if contracts and situations don't vary. That's just idiotic and even working against such things, if the positive comments Platinum drops (and apparently lies to us for no reason whatsoever when they could have just said, "yeah, Nintendo ain't involved, sure they're cool, we have a good relationship, expect our Astral Chain and Bayonetta 3 next year to follow suit" and give no fucks either way) are twisted into a negative situation about how just about any game published by whoever is fair game (but apparently so rarely happens, hence the people's hype and Platinum's own surprise here, for no reason at all, they're just all idiots who didn't have as deep an understanding of this shit as you, sure), it's only gonna make it harder for the next developer asking for similar things from any publisher who will instead choose to keep their shit whether they have any use for it or not as they already mostly do (which is why even the likes of gog have had trouble with certain oldies they wanted).
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Agreed. To say anyone lost anything is to say they even owned it in the first place.

Yea I don't know about that. Nintendo has published lots of other peoples IPs so I think its hard to even argue for anyone to assume Nintendo owns something of some of those series, until they say so themselves, I think its actually best to assume they just have a deal to publish.

It would be like saying Nintendo owns Ace Attorney cause they published a title for them or Professor Layton or Monster Hunter etc ignoring even the ones published by Nintendo, ended up on other systems. So I'd say Nintendo just like MS often publishes games they have no rights to more often then people want to admit.

Its why I was even so positive this was likely true as we've seen this same argument before. This whole "Oh Nintendo published it so its their's" only to hear crickets as soon as its released else where. Maybe people need to stop assuming publishing a title means the publisher owns the IP. We have too many examples to show many times thats just not the case.

ULTROS! ULTROS! We've been at that for years though. Publishing doesn't mean they own anything as this isn't the first time Nintendo or any publisher has published a title they had no rights to. Often they'll agree to publish for a timed deal.

Bro, there is a big difference between providing funds for publishing a game and co-developing a game. As has been made clear many times Platinum and Nintendo mostly co-develop their games. Their relationship is much closer than compared to something like Daemon X Machina or Octopath Traveller which are straight up publishing deals with maybe timed exclusivity.


Writes a lot, says very little
Bro, there is a big difference between providing funds for publishing a game and co-developing a game. As has been made clear many times Platinum and Nintendo mostly co-develop their games. Their relationship is much closer than compared to something like Daemon X Machina or Octopath Traveller which are straight up publishing deals with maybe timed exclusivity.

Yet...Wonderful 101 is now going multiplatform? So....that sounds like regardless of how close or providing funds or "co-developing", it is still ending up on many platforms. If even after all that its still coming to PS4 and PC, its safe to say by that alone that Nintendo publishing a title for some of theses companies doesn't always mean they own the IP or really any rights to the title.

I mean....look at the thread you are on, with all that said, this still happened so why should anyone bend over backwards to assume the next title they put out will only be on the original system? So this is a great reason to be cautious about assuming some outright exclusive 100% solid never going anywhere type deal regarding publishing or funding.

Either they 100% own the IP, or its open to go anywhere after some deal expires and based on it happening with 2 games on the very same day, I'll say some deal expired and they are free to bring it else where. If anything, how close you are even saying they are goes to show just how likely this is. The most cozy, close team to Nintendo, puts their game on PC, PS4? What does that tell you about that publishing/funding deal? It sounds like that deal might legit be to publish, fund in exchange for timed exclusivity.
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Yet...Wonderful 101 is now going multiplatform? So....that sounds like regardless of how close or providing funds or "co-developing", it is still ending up on many platforms. If even after all that its still coming to PS4 and PC, its safe to say by that alone that Nintendo publishing a title for some of theses companies doesn't always mean they own the IP or really any rights to the title.

I mean....look at the thread you are on, with all that said, this still happened so why should anyone bend over backwards to assume the next title they put out will only be on the original system? So this is a great reason to be cautious about assuming some outright exclusive 100% solid never going anyway type deal regarding publishing or funding.

Either they 100% own the IP, or its open to go anywhere after some deal expires and based on it happening with 2 games on the very same day, I'll say some deal expired and they are free to bring it else where. If anything, how close you are even saying they are goes to show just how likely this is. The most cozy, close team to Nintendo, puts their game on PC, PS4? What does that tell you about that publishing/funding deal? It sounds like that deal might legit be to publish, fund in exchange for timed exclusivity.

Except it's been made explicitly clear this project has been done under special circumstances with the good will and permission of Nintendo due to their excellent working relationship.
I mean....look at the thread you are on, with all that said, this still happened so why should anyone bend over backwards to assume the next title they put out will only be on the original system? So this is a great reason to be cautious about assuming some outright exclusive 100% solid never going anyway type deal regarding publishing or funding.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but The Wonderful 101 is a bad game to prove you point. It's a game that sold like ass and was a passion project by one of the most legendary creators of all time. It's a peculiar circumstance and you're reading too much into it. Of course if tomorrow they announce that Bayo 2 and 3 are coming to the PS4, then you'll be proven right. Considering what we know at this point, you're fitting a narrative to a special event.

Anyway, this game is great and I'm very happy it's getting a second chance. I still disagree with the Kickstarter, but I don't feel strong enough to continue arguing about it. It is what it is and I'm more than happy to double dip on this gem.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Except it's been made explicitly clear this project has been done under special circumstances with the good will and permission of Nintendo due to their excellent working relationship.

Yea...how do we know that isn't some copy/paste they are going to say anytime a timed deal expires?

As in, the deal is to make the game on their system only for 1 year or something of the sort, anytime after they must state it was done with "permission" and they are done with the deal.

One you lie about where game is going to go or its exclusivity and you know its a timed deal, it means anything stated imho should be with a grain of salt. So it wouldn't shock me that part of the timed deal was to say it was a "special circumstance" or "permission of Nintendo" or who ever the publisher may be.

How many other games are going to randomly start coming to PC and PS4 saying with "permission of Nintendo" ? Regardless of how, its clearly coming to many platforms and should show how loose publishing or funding a game really is in terms of "exclusivity".

Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Could be, but the fact that this happened too

Goes to show publishing or funding is too loose for anyone to believe its only going to be on 1 platform.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Bayonetta 2 could come out tomorrow on PS4 and it still wouldn't prove you as correct. You iz high as a kite.

What do you want any of us to say? Folks argued Nintendo was publishing, Nintendo was funding thus wouldn't go anywhere and here we are with 2 titles that used to only be on a Nintendo system now going on many systems. So maybe those points brought up don't matter as much as you think as ....why is this then happening?

Also relax on the insults. We merely disagree.
Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Could be, but the fact that this happened too

Goes to show publishing or funding is too loose for anyone to believe its only going to be on 1 platform.

Yeah, never trust a third party exclusive not coming to PC. It could always happen, the term console exclusive even showed up in PS4 boxes this gen. However, if Bayonetta 3 comes out for the PS4, I don't think you could say that W101 already pointed in that direction. I really believe Nintendo is being generous and respectful to Kamiya. We don't KNOW that of course, so I guess we should wait and see. The full Platinum 4 announcement can't be far anyway.


What do you want any of us to say? Folks argued Nintendo was publishing, Nintendo was funding thus wouldn't go anywhere and here we are with 2 titles that used to only be on a Nintendo system now going on many systems. So maybe those points brought up don't matter as much as you think as ....why is this then happening?

Also relax on the insults. We merely disagree.

The problem is you are like talking to a brick wall. It's already been stated Platinum couldn't have moved on with 101 without Nintendo's blessing, so them allowing it doesn't suddenly equate to them having no control. Nintendo likely allowed this because well, it was one of the biggest flops in history and they wanted nothing to do with it money wise. The funny thing would be if the game actually sold well (it won't), I would be curious where they would go from there since Nintendo likely has the right to claim the IP after it, and knowing Nintendo, that's likely a silver lining. They're a much more ruthless company than people seem to imply.

If you think of it from an evil business perspective, all this can do is either remain a huge flop or become a success, either way Nintendo would either end up staying where they were or having a more valuable IP to access. People hoping for Bayonetta 2/3 or Astral are straight up idiots, those games actually sold and have value to Nintendo as portfolio builders. Wonderful 101 didn't even crack 200k worldwide despite being given away for practically free, Wii U game or not that's a special kind of flop. On a personal level, I backed this project more than i'll admit, and I hope by some miracle a sequel can exist one day, it deserves it.

Should’ve replaced Time Attack with an Xbox version. Like what?

It's likely that the PS4/Steam/Switch ports are already complete and Xbox isn't on the table at all yet, do you need to know why Platinum wouldn't focus their most niche property of all on, the Xbox of all things? It would end up as gamepass fodder within a week.
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What do you want any of us to say? Folks argued Nintendo was publishing, Nintendo was funding thus wouldn't go anywhere and here we are with 2 titles that used to only be on a Nintendo system now going on many systems. So maybe those points brought up don't matter as much as you think as ....why is this then happening?

Also relax on the insults. We merely disagree.

Daemon X Machina's copyright is entirely owned by Marvelous so completely unrelated to whatever deal was made between Platinum and Nintendo. But I guess we can start expecting stuff like Advance Wars to show up on PlayStation and Xbox at some point.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I really didn't enjoy what I played of the demo on Wii U, but I know this game has some passionate fans, so glad to see it hit its goal.


Writes a lot, says very little
Yeah, never trust a third party exclusive not coming to PC. It could always happen, the term console exclusive even showed up in PS4 boxes this gen. However, if Bayonetta 3 comes out for the PS4, I don't think you could say that W101 already pointed in that direction. I really believe Nintendo is being generous and respectful to Kamiya. We don't KNOW that of course, so I guess we should wait and see. The full Platinum 4 announcement can't be far anyway.

" I don't think you could say that W101 already pointed in that direction. " I felt so based on the comments on the thread before the reveal, many just didn't point to that.

Stuff was said like "It is still a trademark of Nintendo... " or "Since when Nintendo needs money to port a game? And since when releases their games in other consoles? I think this 'rumor' is bullshit" etc The youtube video of the rumor is just as bad. So I can't say MOST where in the boat of this is coming to many platforms, I'd argue most where in the boat of it can't cause Nintendo either published, funded or owned the IP etc.

"I really believe Nintendo is being generous and respectful to Kamiya" I mean I'm not saying they are not, but the same can be then stated to Square with Octopath, Marvelous Inc with DAEMON etc. Maybe they are respectful and respectful enough to not own the IP and simply publish and fund in exchange for a timed deal. So we I agree we should wait and see as those other game announcements might all be completely new projects for all we know.

Porcile Porcile just stop man, the copy right to Wonderful 101 was held by Nintendo and its still coming to many platforms. It shows even with it or without it the title can appear else where. That should be enough for people to be cautious about theses 3rd party deals. Having some copyright, publishing, funding, close relationship etc still resulted with it on many platforms. I don't know why anyone after that shouldn't be at least cautious when they hear some 3rd party title announced as "exclusive".

"completely unrelated to whatever deal was made between Platinum and Nintendo " Well its relevant as both titles are now coming to other platforms. It means really either deal can result in it coming to other systems.
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What do you want any of us to say? Folks argued Nintendo was publishing, Nintendo was funding thus wouldn't go anywhere and here we are with 2 titles that used to only be on a Nintendo system now going on many systems. So maybe those points brought up don't matter as much as you think as ....why is this then happening?

Also relax on the insults. We merely disagree.
It is really up to Nintendo, if they really allow that to happen, then it will be done. Also we already had older example such as Ace Attorney.
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