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The Wonderful 101: Remastered announced for Switch, PS4, and PC with Kickstarter campaign


You are ignoring what Platinum have said on the matter and you're completely misunderstanding what kind of publishing deal was made with Marvelous and Square who are the sole copyright holders of those IPs. Adding to the fact that maybe those games were exclusive to Switch not through any Nintendo deal but simply because the devs decided that Switch was the most suitable platform to build their game on and release first.


It's likely that the PS4/Steam/Switch ports are already complete and Xbox isn't on the table at all yet, do you need to know why Platinum wouldn't focus their most niche property of all on, the Xbox of all things? It would end up as gamepass fodder within a week.
Gamepass fodder is such a dumbass thing to say lmao


Writes a lot, says very little
You are ignoring what Platinum have said on the matter and you're completely misunderstanding what kind of publishing deal was made with Marvelous and Square who are the sole copyright holders of those IPs.

Not really. All the deals mentioned result in them going on many platforms. So the kind of deal I don't think matters considering the one where the funded and published is the title going to PC and PS4 anyway. Even when they don't own the copyright, they are putting it on many systems..... Great point btw, with Nintendo being so close to Platinum games, how long until Astral Chain comes to PC and PS4?

So regardless of how it happened, it clearly happened and I think it should be understood that many of those things don't really 100% prove a title won't go anywhere as this is clearly happening. For all we know you say the exact same thing when Astral Chain comes to PC, PS, XB etc.

So if Nintendo is BFFs with a team, games can go on PC,PS and XB
If Nintendo doesn't own the copyright, games can go on PC,PS and XB
If Nintendo publishes, games can go on PC,PS and XB
If Nintendo funds, games can go on PC,PS and XB
and my favorite, if Nintendo is BFFs, owns trademark, publishes titles and funds title... games can go on PC,PS and XB

So...this is a pretty open policy on timed games, or allowing to go on other systems or not owing the IP etc. I don't care how you think it happened, but the more ways it has happened only furthers the point to be cautious when they show a game by a 3rd party they are publishing.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
You are ignoring what Platinum have said on the matter and you're completely misunderstanding what kind of publishing deal was made with Marvelous and Square who are the sole copyright holders of those IPs. Adding to the fact that maybe those games were exclusive to Switch not through any Nintendo deal but simply because the devs decided that Switch was the most suitable platform to build their game on and release first.
Indeed, dude is just a troll, nothing more, every other post he shows some pretense of how an opposing argument "could be" right but also "might not" be to feign sensible discussion but then goes back to full fantasy land village idiot mode and says the opposite of what platinum itself says (why would they know, lol) and talks about how they'll self publish Astral Chain multi platform when they literally just said Nintendo does co-own that and it's up to them, but no, publishing doesn't have to mean owning it, so platinum literally telling you they do doesn't mean anything lalalalalalala. Lol.

He's toned it down this page because sensible posts like yours are at the top but will repeat the same crap once we move on to the next page as he's done so far, lol. Some neutral "so glad this happened to show any other game could come to my beloved PS4" as if he's not expressed that shit a million times already in several different threads but never the opposite like how any PS4 game could come to PC or other platforms with the same "logic" meaning that now only first party in-house games are to be believed exclusive, even when their developer tells you the first party does own it.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Why are we not celebrating this?

This is a HUGE WIN for gamers in general.
Who isn't celebrating it? It's awesome it happens, awesome platinum chased it, awesome nintendo according to platinum allowed it against all odds, it's just the thread is cluttered by village idiots claiming bayoneta 2/3 this, astral chain that, with insane logical fallacies and we reply to that a bit.
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Daemon X Machina's copyright is entirely owned by Marvelous so completely unrelated to whatever deal was made between Platinum and Nintendo. But I guess we can start expecting stuff like Advance Wars to show up on PlayStation and Xbox at some point.

Man if it means more Advance Wars I'd be down for that just as long as no one but IS develops it.


The nicest person on this forum
Man if it means more Advance Wars I'd be down for that just as long as no one but IS develops it.
I wouldn't mind seeing that, Three Houses fully satisfied my needs for FE, so I wouldn't mind IS making Advance War or new IP similar to.....
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I wouldn't mind seeing that, Three Houses fully satisfied my needs for FE, so I wouldn't mind IS making Advance War or new IP similar to.....

Well right now it appears as if intelligent systems titled the game "codename STEAM " to foreshadow what platform it will be available on in the future
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Nintendo obviously felt bad about W101 not selling well! I imagine Platinum only just broke even on the game.
Nintendo allowing them to self publish is obviously Nintendo's thank you. A good will gesture. A reward.


Nintendo obviously felt bad about W101 not selling well! I imagine Platinum only just broke even on the game.
Nintendo allowing them to self publish is obviously Nintendo's thank you. A good will gesture. A reward.

“Nintendo allowing”

sounds so fucked up

Anyone else remember the days of Ultra/Konami NES games


I think in the future there will no longer be exclusives maybe a generation away.
I'm not so sure about that. If anything, cases like this only solidifies what we know about Nintendo's thought process or in general, any first party platform company.
They have stated for a bit now that they are looking to self publish their own IP in the future. This might be them showing that they have plans to continue this for a while.

Has anyone figured out the whole 4 thing? Is that just stretch goals or do they have other projects lined up? Cause for all we know, those other things might be for their other games to get ported to other systems or their new IP they are working on etc.

@mejin I wouldn't really say things are changing tbh, they have published and funded other peoples games in the past. Its why I was pretty positive this was likely true as it wouldn't be the first time.
The platinum 4 website updated showing this under the category "1" with the others still listed as unannounced. The general consensus is Platinum has 4 projects in development they're going to announce, and this was the first.
Umm why isn’t ten cents not funding this? Why do gamers have to do it?
Something about this arrangement with Nintendo predating the cash influx by Tencent. If I had to guess they have a contract that laid out exactly how the funding would be acquired, including how much was needed for steam and ps4.


Fucking awesome, I'm just now reading this news. I see the PC version explicitly says "Steam", so I'm gonna go ahead and pledge for a digital copy. Tempted to get the "Kamiya blocks you on Twitter" pledge but then I realized I can probably get that for free if I work hard enough.

I have 2 hopes with this, because while I liked W101, it wasn't my favorite Platinum game.

1. I hope it leads the way for more PC ports from Platinum.
2. I hope it somehow nudges George Kamitani and whoever's behind Atlus into gear to start working on PC ports. I'd insta-back pretty much anything from all 3 of these devs.


That's not greed. They wanted 500k for all 3 ports and that's it. For extra bucks they're willing to revisit game once more. Unless you wanted to see xbox port at 750k....

That's what I was thinking, maybe not necessarily an Xbox port at 750K, but another tier of rewards to bridge that gap. It seems to me that going from 500K to 1M is a bit too much for a time attack mode, but then again, I don't know anything about game developing costs, lol.


always chasing the next thrill
Jesus, almost 1 million for one day. Was the game that good?
No idea i bought it because it was dirt cheap.
60.is a fucking joke.

Game honestly looks like ass. And i have no idea why i got it besides well. It was cheap


it also allowed you to do motions with your left thumb instead of having to keep switching your right thumb from the right thumbstick and the face buttons.

I don't understand this, since I already play tons of games which demand alternating between the right stick and face buttons, and there's a much greater distance between the Gamepad's left stick and the touchscreen. But if you prefer that, then that's your choice.

Guys, is the gameplay designed to specifically use the wiiu gamepad? Like, is there some chance it's better with gamepad than without?

There are some sections where the game asks you to look at both screens in tandem and process information in novelty ways. It's neat but for the sake of simplicity and reaction time, I ended up preferring to use the game's picture-in-picture mode for most of my runs, and the Pro Controller which is simply more comfortable/practical than the Gamepad.

Except it's been made explicitly clear this project has been done under special circumstances with the good will and permission of Nintendo due to their excellent working relationship.

Exactly. They're specifically saying it's a unique, one-time case permitted due to a strong professional relationship, allowing PlatinumGames a chance to stand on their own two feet.
Almost 1 million dollars already, lol. Gamers will do anything for a game. Just think of all the things we could achieve if we had better goals than a port of a Wii U game. Not dissin' it or nuthink, I'd love to play it myself.
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I think in the future there will no longer be exclusives maybe a generation away.

I was thinking this too. Like, any game that is exclusive, within a decade comes out on another system remastered in one way or another. Well, that is a bit hyperbolic, but still.

This is good for us gamers overall, as this example demonstrates, we can all celebrate a win for us and gaming in general.
I was thinking this too. Like, any game that is exclusive, within a decade comes out on another system remastered in one way or another. Well, that is a bit hyperbolic, but still.

This is good for us gamers overall, as this example demonstrates, we can all celebrate a win for us and gaming in general.

Yea eventually it will happen. Nintendo can make a killing porting over to other PC/PS5/SEX a year or 2 later it's own fan base will buy the same game twice just so they can get much better version, and since they don't view ps5/sex as competition i can see it happening.


Bruh, I just woke up and now it's already $1 million ? Bruuuuuhhh !

That's awesome, count me in ! Imma back that shit up roight now !

I remember playing the demo at the time of release, hating it at first, and then warming up to its gameplay after a few tries. Thank god I waited a bit before purchasing it for the Wii U !

Great news for the day !


There's still a choice of 3 other platforms to get the game on.

Will be grabbing it on Steam. Looking forward to seeing what other games they have in store for us.

Xbox is my preferred platform but I do have a switch so I will be able to play it there.

I will probably still hold out on launch encase they do a later release like Nier Automata.


Writes a lot, says very little
Something about this arrangement with Nintendo predating the cash influx by Tencent. If I had to guess they have a contract that laid out exactly how the funding would be acquired, including how much was needed for steam and ps4.

Maybe, could be, but consider it has 3 other announcements. So why would Nintendo have an arrangement for them to get funding this way on those other 3 games we don't know about? So even if we look all the games they did for Nintendo that are THEIR games, that only applies to Wonderful 101 and Astral Chain, even if we squeeze in Bayonetta 2 and for some reason Nintendo and not Sega has for it to be funded this way, it still leaves out a 4th game. So I don't know that this has anything to do with Nintendo as I don't know what they'd make some clause to them have them port other titles thru crowd funding as this number 4 would apply to 3 games, that of which clearly Nintendo had no part of.

I could agree with you that maybe Nintendo has something to do with it being funded this way if it was JUST this game, but 3 others?

Another way to look at it is if Nintendo themselves didn't want to fund some port. Lets say you are right and Nintendo makes them crowd source, it means they have something to do with those other 3 titles, if so...it could be Star Fox Zero, Guard and Astral Chain

Pejo Pejo Agreed. Expect Astral Chain next.
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Maybe, could be, but consider it has 3 other announcements. So why would Nintendo have an arrangement for them to get funding this way on those other 3 games we don't know about? So even if we look all the games they did for Nintendo that are THEIR games, that only applies to Wonderful 101 and Astral Chain, even if we squeeze in Bayonetta 2 and for some reason Nintendo and not Sega has for it to be funded this way, it still leaves out a 4th game. So I don't know that this has anything to do with Nintendo as I don't know what they'd make some clause to them have them port other titles thru crowd funding as this number 4 would apply to 3 games, that of which clearly Nintendo had no part of.

I could agree with you that maybe Nintendo has something to do with it being funded this way if it was JUST this game, but 3 others?

Another way to look at it is if Nintendo themselves didn't want to fund some port. Lets say you are right and Nintendo makes them crowd source, it means they have something to do with those other 3 titles, if so...it could be Star Fox Zero, Guard and Astral Chain

Pejo Pejo Agreed. Expect Astral Chain next.
I was talking about why they're kickstarting this one even though they've got that Tencent money. They mentioned on the FAQ of the Kickstarter that it has to do with the Tencent money coming in after this was decided. I was just filling in the gaps.

I fully expect the Tencent deal helped fund the publishing of at least half of the projects in the "Platinum 4". The only one I could see being a bit dubious is if one of the slots is Bayo 3 or a new Nier/Drakengard. Bayo would likely be another Nintendo deal at the very least, and Nier/Drakengard are Square Enix properties that I don't see them abdicating publishing responsibilities to easily.
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Writes a lot, says very little
I was talking about why they're kickstarting this one even though they've got that Tencent money. They mentioned on the FAQ of the Kickstarter that it has to do with the Tencent money coming in after this was decided. I was just filling in the gaps.

I fully expect the Tencent deal helped fund the publishing of at least half of the projects in the "Platinum 4". The only one I could see being a bit dubious is if one of the slots is Bayo 3 or a new Nier/Drakengard. Bayo would likely be another Nintendo deal at the very least, and Nier/Drakengard are Square Enix properties that I don't see them abdicating publishing responsibilities to easily.

Oh I see.

Agreed fully. If it is for Nier or Drakengard series, maybe its for the ports. Square loves them some remasters and for all we know they are open to Platinum doing a collection if they get the money to fund it and they simply split the profit or something.


Gamepass fodder is such a dumbass thing to say lmao

It's a poor people service for mostly junky or old games. It has some gems but there is a reason Sony and Nintendo don't jump on, their stuff is worth spending real money on. Zelda alone with one game will have generated over a billion dollars of actual profit by the end of its single game run. Not gonna be easy to justify basically fire sale tactics on those kinds of things.

No major release will aspire to make nothing but gamepass revenue, especially one that likely has no negotiation power like 101. I'm sure stuff like the witcher gets much more favorable terms for such a service. Based on actual sales history, I'd not release 101 on Xbox unless an outside company funded the entire thing, and making it a kickstarter goal makes no sense unless you think those Xbox fans are willing to pony up early, as people who want it for Switch and Ps4 clearly won't give a damn to bump up their pledge for an Xbox version.
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