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The Worst Events in Comic Book History

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Superior Spidey doesn't belong anywhere near that list. It's a terrible premise with a great execution, which made it enjoyable in the end.

How is AXIS not there.

Also, Identity Crisis should be there rather than Infinite Crisis.


Amalgam was the shit. It's the kind of goofy, self-aware stuff that comics should be doing more of. It acknowledges the similarities between the universes and their characters while playing them off, and making a few interesting one-shots to boot.
OG Civil War needs to be on there for starting this "You need at least one line wide 8 month long event every year" bullshit trend both imprints are doing now.

It's destroyed creativity.


I guess they mean "EVENTS!" instead of events. Otherwise there's just so much fuckery month to month.

Inb4 anything to do with Carol Danvers.
Death of Superman is fun 90s shlock, much better than Knightfall and it gave us Reign of the Supermen. Flashpoint was perfectly decent. Infinite Crisis was average but had a bunch of fantastic prologues and lead to 52.

Maximum Carnage should have won. Just pure trash even though I loved it as a kid. And House of M, while it is a solid book by itself, pretty much destroyed the X-Men. They still haven't recovered and probably never will at this rate.
That started before Civil War.

Stuff like Day of Judgement, Identity Crisis, Final Night et all were never as bad as it's become. Yes there have always been crossover events and a few line wide events. But they for the most part used to be relatively self contained in their own sets or in one shots.

Now it's the ENTIRE line, for months and months and months of tie-ins and run stopping events. And it's just grating. I suppose House of M you can argue started it but, I've always associated it with Civil War.
There are some events that do not belong on there at all. Superior Spider-Man was much better than it had any right to be. DC vs. Marvel wasn't even a serious event, it was a fun thing that both companies did. Flashpoint had some good ideas, but the ending really changed things (lol.)

One More Day deserves to be significantly higher, as does Civil War 2. Armageddon 2001 should definitely be on that list, as should Bloodlines.
Superior Spider-Man worse than Clone Saga, Maximum Carnage, and One More Day? How absurd. Civil War 2 is too low and Civil War 1 should be there too.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Amalgam? This list is beyond trash. Amalgam was fun as hell.

And no bloodlines? C'mon people


The entire damn list is invalid


This is bad? Get the fuck out of here
Final Crisis (and hence Countdown to) is missing, which means the list is grossly unfair to everything ranked below 6 at least.


Death of Superman was a bad event? Even my grandparents were talking about it, it was in the public mind and kept me hooked to Superman for years.

Edit: Didn't know it caused industry backlash.
Yeah, One More Day should be #1. Superior shouldn't even be on the list. Secret Invasion was kind of crappy, but the thing they ding it for here is actually the best thing about it, which is its payoff to the wider MU (Dark Reign begins, Norman is in charge, and even the CW "winners" are now on the run).
I struggle to find one single redeeming feature or even story or action beat from Ultimatum.

It was pure garbage from start to finish.
I've only recently started making use of Marvel Unlimited so I've only just finished with Civil War/Planet Hulk but man, One More Day was fucking terrible. I'm terrified by the thought that there are that many worse stories lying in wait for me.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Death of Superman was a bad event? Even my grandparents were talking about it, it was in the public mind and kept me hooked to Superman for years.

Reading the article, they've decided to put some events on the list outside of the quality of the event itself. Death of Superman is on there because it supposedly contributed to the comic book speculator market going apeshit, and encouraged the industry to use more gimmicks to sell comics. Flashpoint is also on there for a reason outside of its individual quality. It made the list because of what it led to.

I'm glad Civil War 2 made the list. Talk about a dumpster fire.
I've only recently started making use of Marvel Unlimited so I've only just finished with Civil War/Planet Hulk but man, One More Day was fucking terrible. I'm terrified by the thought that there are that many worse stories lying in wait for me.

You've yet to even gaze into the true depths of despair.


Maximum Carnage considered a bad event? I know I'm in the minority of people who don't hate The Clone Saga, but I didn't know there were people who disliked Maximum Carnage.
Anyway, The Clone Saga, Maximum Carnage, Onslaught Saga, and DC vs Marvel/Amalgam being on the list means I can't get down with it. I loved quite a bit of the 90's comic era. And then they rank Clone Saga and Onslaught higher over Ultimatum, which is one of the worst things I've ever read? Nope, terrible list.
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