F Foreign Jackass Member Jun 3, 2005 #1 The Wrens are live online right now on www.woxy.com. Go and listen to it!
F Foreign Jackass Member Jun 3, 2005 #3 Yeah, it was pretty good. Too bad there weren't that many Wrens fans on GA this afternoon.
M Matrix LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world hed rather have. The problem is, Dwyanes not a woman. Jun 3, 2005 #6 Crap!
C calder Member Jun 3, 2005 #7 I saw the thread but I was, and still am, at work. :| Must have been great for the unemployed Wrens fans out there though. [/bitter]
I saw the thread but I was, and still am, at work. :| Must have been great for the unemployed Wrens fans out there though. [/bitter]