The XXII Sochi Winter Olympic Games / Ski And Skate Against Hate

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Damn Prytz has been playing too well to have a screw-up like that at this stage D:

Even worse than Jones's light draw in the 8th end.


Terrific week for Jennifer Jones and completely deserving. This is great.

As much as hockey is important to Canada, curling is right up there too. Fun to play, fun to watch, and Canadians take great pride in being good at it.
I never doubted the women's curling team for a second... they were always destined to bring home the gold for Canada! I actually feel the same way about the womens hockey team too. The men's curling and hockey teams though... that's another story.
We are too late. Ryan Nugent Hopkins already moved in on Kaetlyn. We can't compete with that. Or maybe Ryan Smyth is getting a piece of that too?



CBC Lies! They say the women's halfpipe qualifications are on Sportsnet but absolutely none of their channels are showing it. I guess I'll burn through more of my data cap and watch it online.


CBC Lies! They say the women's halfpipe qualifications are on Sportsnet but absolutely none of their channels are showing it. I guess I'll burn through more of my data cap and watch it online.

Skiing a halfpipe doesn't seem right to me. I've always associated a halfpipe with snowboarding.

The Olympics need more snowboarding events that involve speed like the Super G. Most of the events involve jumps expect for the parallel slalom I think.
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