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Theme Parks & Roller Coasters |OT| The Happiest Place on GAF


Plus they could pump in the soundtrack through those speakers, put in some projections or setpieces you fly past and it'd be a good overhaul. I doubt many people would really miss Aerosmith.
I like that. It makes a ton of sense for a refurb! ToT is pretty much perfect, as is. Probably the most well-crafted start-to-finish experience ever at WDW. Why screw with that?


As crazy as it sounds, I could totally see how management would think replacing the ride about the black-and-white-whatsit-show would be a good idea.

We are probably heading to DHS on our next trip. I imagine we will be out by noon at the latest.
Now I'm wondering if WDW can even use the Guardians. Uni doesn't specifically have the rights to them IIRC, but if they were ever considered Avengers then I think Disney would be unable to use them. Uni should have Spidey, F4, Avengers, X-Men, and all associated villains.

What the fuck, that rumour is fucking stupid, in a, hope the guy that had the idea dies in a fire type of stupid.
Holy shit doesnt make any sense.
Changing innovetions into a Stark Industry Carrousel of progress, rock and roller coaster changing into GotG...
That all makes sense!
But this, this is fucking bonkers!
The only think thay doesnt make me crazily mad about this is that we still have the superior version in orlando, an exact copy in paris and a good spin off in tokyo, making it not dissapeat fotever, but im still mad.

Edit: wait. They are talking about orlando? Wtf, i thought they couldnt use marvel on that coast? And would make me super mad.
What the fuck, that rumour is fucking stupid, in a, hope the guy that had the idea dies in a fire type of stupid.
Holy shit doesnt make any sense.
Changing innovetions into a Stark Industry Carrousel of progress, rock and roller coaster changing into GotG...
That all makes sense!
But this, this is fucking bonkers!
The only think thay doesnt make me crazily mad about this is that we still have the superior version in orlando, an exact copy in paris and a good spin off in tokyo, making it not dissapeat fotever, but im still mad.

Edit: wait. They are talking about orlando? Wtf, i thought they couldnt use marvel on that coast? And would make me super mad.

Uni doesn't have rights to every Marvel character, just the "families" you see represented in Superhero Island. Guardians characters may be some sort of technicality; Uni doesn't specifically have the rights to Guardians, but they do have the Avengers, so if any Guardians characters have been considered Avengers by Marvel it might block Disney from using them.

Also, yeah it's fucking dumb, but this is Disney we're talking about. Instead of immediately building a brand new mega attraction for their mega hit Frozen, they're retheming a D-ticket EPCOT boat ride years later instead. Never question the logic of this company.
Uni doesn't have rights to every Marvel character, just the "families" you see represented in Superhero Island. Guardians characters may be some sort of technicality; Uni doesn't specifically have the rights to Guardians, but they do have the Avengers, so if any Guardians characters have been considered Avengers by Marvel it might block Disney from using them.

Also, yeah it's fucking dumb, but this is Disney we're talking about. Instead of immediately building a brand new mega attraction for their mega hit Frozen, they're retheming a D-ticket EPCOT boat ride years later instead. Never question the logic of this company.
I was always under the impression that Maelstrom would have closed down even if Frozen never happened. Also I think Star-Lord and Gamora made past appearances at the Studios before. Still, it's a damn shame. ToT at WDW is the perfect theme park attraction to me so I hope it's not true. The worst rumors always end up happening though.


Screamscape wrote up some nice stories about the Uni/Disney Marvel licensing agreement for FL... Its a bit of a long read, but here it is...

Is Disney planning to begin talks with Universal over the rights issues with Marvel characters on the East Coast? While Iger just mentioned during a shareholder meeting that they internally discuss the concept periodically to determine if the time was right to enter into possible negotiations currently, "there isn't anything active at the moment."
With that in mind, Screamscape was sent an interesting message that points out not only when Disney is thinking of opening negotiations, but what they realistically hope to get from the deal, as they will be negotiating from a weak standpoint because Universal's existing Marvel deal is ironclad.
Timeline first... our source says we should look for the talks to begin sometime in late 2016, after Disney has entered their new fiscal year (starting Oct 1, 2016) and after they have finally birthed the giant Shanghai park into the world one and for all. Shanghai is putting a bit of a strain on things, financially, right now so they aren't ready to take on any more shake-ups this year.
So what is Disney after? Actually, it sounds like Disney may be taking a very realistic approach to this situation and they aren't just going to offer to open up the checkbook and buy Universal out. Much like how I described things many months ago, Disney now realizes that Fox has no intention of giving up their X-Men universe characters anytime soon (no one is sure where they stand with the Fantastic Four), and while Sony wasn't willing to give up Spider-man, they were willing to make some fascinating partnership deals with Disney instead. So what does Disney want from Universal?
First of all, in exchange for dropping the clause from the existing contract that gives Universal exclusive theme park rights to Marvel characters East of the Mississippi, Disney is willing to let Universal continue to have the exclusive licensing of all the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Spider-man universe characters, thus freeing up Disney to be able to use their current Marvel Cinematic Universe characters at Walt Disney World.
Second, they want Universal to stop using the name "Marvel" in the park, as well as their marketing. So instead of Marvel Super Hero Island, it would simply be shorted just to "Super Hero Island", or whatever alternate concept Universal may dream up.
The third and final point is said to involve the future of The Hulk character, and I'm told Disney is still willing to make a deal with just the first two points, as this issues is more complicated than just the theme parks, as it involves the studio side of things because Universal Studios still hold film rights to any solo film about The Hulk character, while the Hulk is allowed to be used as much as Disney wants without Universal saying a peep about it as a guest character in any other Marvel film like The Avengers as well as being confirmed to be in the next Thor film as well. Meanwhile Universal Orlando is unlikely to want to drop the Hulk theme as they will soon be reopening The Incredible Hulk coaster.
So will it happen? I think there are good points across the board to make this a win-win situation for both Disney and Universal. Even if Universal keeps the Hulk theme, it really wont hurt Disney that much, and if they drop it... it's not difficult to think that they could eventually repaint the Hulk coaster a different color and give it a new name and theme. Speaking of new themes... one thing that has kept Universal from making new Marvel attractions was that Marvek (aka: Disney) would have had to sign off and approve of them, which just isn't going to happen. But with a new deal giving Universal the rights to use the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Spider-man universe characters, perhaps they could negotiate permission for something new after all. Deadpool: The Ride anyone?
One more interesting item is that I've heard it said that Warner Bros. would love for Universal to make some DC Comics themed attractions around their new comic film universe plans. DC would love to have their rides replace Marvels, but it wouldn't impossible for both so co-exist in a generic sounding "Super Hero Island", would it? Just something to think about... but then again DC could make a good IP for any proposed 3rd parks in development in the future as well.

I for one would love to see some Marvel characters show up in Hollywood Studios or even MK, but we are still a ways away from that becoming a reality.

Screamscape also touched upon the subject of the ToT retheme to GotG... Here is what he had to say on that:

A new Marvel themed project that many will find quite shocking is in the works... and it involves putting a Marvel theme over an existing Disney icon style attraction that has a lot of fans. Rumors of this are already starting to spread, and according to my sources the rumor has moved into discussions about parks that are quite simply not involved yet, or were not really ever intended to be involved. So what is it?TZ_GuardiansOfTheGalalxy
What would you say if I mentioned that a Guardians of the Galalxy themed retrofit of the existing Tower of Terror attraction had been pitched as a possible new Marvel themed attraction concept for Disney California Adventure and the Walt Disney Studios Paris parks? While you are picking up your jaw off the floor, yes... this is a real proposal. But that's it at this point... just an idea being proposed as a way to quickly add a Marvel attraction to DCA in time to take advantage of the Marvel Phase 3 film slate.
How will the Tower be rethemed to fit Guardians of the Galaxy? I really don't know... though the one theory that I've heard seems to try to use The Collector character (Benicio Del Toro) in a similar fashion to Lord Henry Mystic from Hong Kong Disneyland's Mystic Manor. Guests, passing through a vault of The Collectors' rare artifacts disturb something they shouldn't that sends them on a wild adventure.
Again... this is all just a proposal, and from what I'm hearing the concept has been pitched as both a permanent change as well as just a temporary overlay over the existing attraction.
Unfortunately the rumor mill got a hold of this way too soon, and have already started to spread rumors of the concept taking over the Florida Tower of Terror which is mechanically very different from the others and has evolved over the years into serving as the virtual icon of that entire park. In addition, many would be quick to point out that the Tower of Terror represents what many feel is the pinnacle of WDW attraction design. Now, this isn't to say that WDW doesn't know about the plan, as they do, and I'm sure they too have played the "What If?" game to see what would happen if they jumped on the bandwagon. So while anything is possible... this was not the original intent. Nor was sticking another clone in Tokyo DisneySea for that matter. So for now... this is all we know, and nothing has been decided anywhere for any attraction. It's just a proposal, so put away the torches and pitchforks for now.
Two issues I see with the Disney/Uni Marvel situation:

1. As mentioned, Universal's Marvel deal is airtight - they have no reason to loosen up on anything. Spidey and Hulk are still mega hits in IoA, and Disney's films basically gives them free advertising (even more so with the upcoming Spidey solo film). Whatever Universal could gain from such a deal likely wouldn't outweigh their stranglehold on the IP (and associated benefits) in Orlando.

2. Would Disney really have anything to gain with Marvel on the East Coast? No, really, think about it. They already have a ton on their plate with Avatar, Toy Story, and Star Wars, and their construction habits are slow as molasses to begin with. If Disney got full Marvel rights tomorrow, the best we'd see for many years would likely just be meet and greets. Disney isn't exactly hurting for things to add to their parks, so bowing down to Uni's will in order to get even a slice of the East Coast rights seems unlikely.

My two cents. Anything happening with Marvel is wishful thinking at best.

edit - to be clear, I don't mean to tie any of this to the ToT/GotG situation. That could be fair game if Uni doesn't have the rights. I just think the legality may be muddled if the Guardians characters were ever considered Avengers, and if Uni's contract would retroactively give them the rights based on that (since they presumably had non-Guardians Avengers to start with). It's an unknown.


Absolutely vile if that GotG/ToT rumour turns out to be true.

This is much worse than the Maelstrom being replaced, and that was bad enough.


Yeah Its more a joke about that particular coaster, its basically head banging from start to finish.
I did not know that before riding.


The only steel coaster that I'd compare to a bad wooden coaster. I strongly dislike exactly one roller coaster I have ever ridden and that is Ninja. If I had to bet money on where VR goes wrong on a coaster first it's Ninja.
Screamscape also touched upon the subject of the ToT retheme to GotG... Here is what he had to say on that:
A new Marvel themed project that many will find quite shocking is in the works... and it involves putting a Marvel theme over an existing Disney icon style attraction that has a lot of fans. Rumors of this are already starting to spread, and according to my sources the rumor has moved into discussions about parks that are quite simply not involved yet, or were not really ever intended to be involved. So what is it?TZ_GuardiansOfTheGalalxy
What would you say if I mentioned that a Guardians of the Galalxy themed retrofit of the existing Tower of Terror attraction had been pitched as a possible new Marvel themed attraction concept for Disney California Adventure and the Walt Disney Studios Paris parks? While you are picking up your jaw off the floor, yes... this is a real proposal. But that's it at this point... just an idea being proposed as a way to quickly add a Marvel attraction to DCA in time to take advantage of the Marvel Phase 3 film slate.
How will the Tower be rethemed to fit Guardians of the Galaxy? I really don't know... though the one theory that I've heard seems to try to use The Collector character (Benicio Del Toro) in a similar fashion to Lord Henry Mystic from Hong Kong Disneyland's Mystic Manor. Guests, passing through a vault of The Collectors' rare artifacts disturb something they shouldn't that sends them on a wild adventure.
Again... this is all just a proposal, and from what I'm hearing the concept has been pitched as both a permanent change as well as just a temporary overlay over the existing attraction.
Unfortunately the rumor mill got a hold of this way too soon, and have already started to spread rumors of the concept taking over the Florida Tower of Terror which is mechanically very different from the others and has evolved over the years into serving as the virtual icon of that entire park. In addition, many would be quick to point out that the Tower of Terror represents what many feel is the pinnacle of WDW attraction design. Now, this isn't to say that WDW doesn't know about the plan, as they do, and I'm sure they too have played the "What If?" game to see what would happen if they jumped on the bandwagon. So while anything is possible... this was not the original intent. Nor was sticking another clone in Tokyo DisneySea for that matter. So for now... this is all we know, and nothing has been decided anywhere for any attraction. It's just a proposal, so put away the torches and pitchforks for now.

The suit or the imagineer that even just had that idea travel through their head, needs a big punch in the face. It seems more of a suit proposal, but if it was an imagineer, he is a disgrace for the whole team.

And you know, I like this rumour has gone out so fast and big. It means creating chaos, fans enraged and Dsiney maybe thinking twice of proposing ideas that horrible.
We are not talking here about changing the Maelstrom, that was bad enough, but at least made some sense, even if it was a little, we are talking about an icon in theme park industry and imagineering. A ride other rides aspire to be like, a ride multiple designers have as a staple of how to do a modern ride in the spirit of the great classics like PoP or Haunted Mansion. And people still love it, is like it opened just last year, time doesnt pass for it yet.


What the... ToT is the soul of Hollywood Studios. If they replaced it with some knee-jerk marvel crap that would be horrid. This is possibly the worst rumor I have heard coming out of Disney in a while. I am with the other people that if anything should be re-themed it should be Rock'n Roller Coaster.


I feel this needs more traction than it's currently getting on GAF.

Is it worth starting a new thread?

There is plenty of outrage on Disneyworld forums. Management is becoming so cheap and tone deaf it's frightening. Anything that can be done for less and still keep attendance numbers up is approved. When's the last time Disney built a ride that made you think " I must go there now!" Toy Story Midway Mania in 2008? Soarin in 2005? Expedition Everest in 2006? Oh let's put Frozen where is doesn't belong because it's a cheap fix. Now let's change one of the classic rides to fit our new popular IPs. All while this is going on...

There are rumors of $15 resort fees.

Rumor of no outside food or drinks allowed

EMH going away (becoming paid "events" with free water, ice cream and soda for the low price of $150) http://www.wdwmagic.com/attractions...t-coming-to-the-magic-kingdom-this-spring.htm

Don't get me wrong I love visiting Disneyworld but they are slowly introducing a lot of ways to suck their guests dry of every single dime for things that used to be free all the while being very stagnant introducing new, technologically advanced rides. Hopefully Avatar land and Star Wars will fix this but they were a long time coming.
I want to love Disney World, but it doesn't want to love me :l

If I go to any US Disney park for vacation it's always going to be Disneyland. No comparison. Less bullshit.


Some creature footage for Skull Island: Reign of Kong.

I was hoping I'd never have to deal with carnictis ever again after the movie. I did notice that the footage they used for the V.Rex appears to be taken from Kong 360 3D. I don't know if that was just to show off the dinosaur or if they're actually incorporating that ride footage into this one as they've done for a lot of the studio tour attraction adaptations in Orlando.


Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion even with that article, where it's stated that it isn't replacing EMH. Those dates are separate from the usual EMH dates for Magic Kingdom.

It's been a long time rumor that EHM would go away. Disney doing this "event" is a test to see if they can start charging people for EHM. These rumors usually come true eventually and this is how they test the waters.
Some creature footage for Skull Island: Reign of Kong.

I was hoping I'd never have to deal with carnictis ever again after the movie. I did notice that the footage they used for the V.Rex appears to be taken from Kong 360 3D. I don't know if that was just to show off the dinosaur or if they're actually incorporating that ride footage into this one as they've done for a lot of the studio tour attraction adaptations in Orlando.

I'd expect some changes since IIRC the Kong 360 film features a USH tram car. I also don't think the USH film is in Universal's new standard of 4K. My money is on a new film altogether.
I want to love Disney World, but it doesn't want to love me :l

If I go to any US Disney park for vacation it's always going to be Disneyland. No comparison. Less bullshit.

Yeah, I recently went to Disneyworld for the first time in years and it mostly just made me want to go to Disneyland again. So much better.
It's been a long time rumor that EHM would go away. Disney doing this "event" is a test to see if they can start charging people for EHM. These rumors usually come true eventually and this is how they test the waters.
The rumors come out of the idea itself because, I suppose, it's a logical assumption. It could happen, but as it is right now it isn't replacing EMH.


The rumors come out of the idea itself because, I suppose, it's a logical assumption. It could happen, but as it is right now it isn't replacing EMH.

It been a rumor for awhile now that EMH would go away. Correct, as of now it's not replacing it but if this goes well for Disney I have a feeling it will be coming.


Lost Gravity is now open at Walibi Holland.

opening day video:


360° & VR POV:

off-ride footage:





more pics: http://themepark.nl/ubb/ubbthreads....toreportage_Lost_Gravity_24_.html#Post2312967

Modern apocalypse/military theming, has to be one of the most boring and cheapstake type of theming ever for theme parks.
The Swarm at Thorpe Park also uses it, and I also found it really boring, but at least The Swarm had some nice ideas going with that type of theming, more realistic crap thrown together and the station was a crumbling church, something that was a nice touch.
Lost Gravity just looks like unplanned crap.

Now this is awesome. Look like one of those coasters you see super themed with buildings, rocks and trees in RCT3 and Planet Coaster.
Of course, Phantasialand always do top notch work.


Anyone going to opening day of Harry Potter Land Thursday? Looks really nice based on NBC ch 4 news coverage.

You best go get in line now if you want to go visit that land when it opens on Thursday. When the FL one opened, it hit capacity like 1hr after it opened and there was a 9hr line to get in...
You best go get in line now if you want to go visit that land when it opens on Thursday. When the FL one opened, it hit capacity like 1hr after it opened and there was a 9hr line to get in...

Last I heard it was sold out(Online) with few walk in tickets may be available. Also I believe it's $115 to get in..


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Seaworld put up a video of their new Coaster in Orlando.


Mako is a hypercoaster, which means it's designed for speed and "air time."There will be several moments where riders will have the feeling of weightlessness, according to SeaWorld.
While Mako has no loops, it will have several thrill elements. With a 200-foot drop, Mako will also be the tallest coaster in Orlando, not to mention the longest at 4,760 feet long, and the fastest with a top speed of 73 mph.

Opens June 10th. Too late in the season for me to go, i'll probably check it out in Fall if i'm still in SWFL.
Mako looks alright. Good for Orlando in finally getting a solid hypercoaster. Just not sure from that POV if it beats Magnum, Phantom's Revenge, or Nitro on my rankings. I love that midcourse helix on Nitro. B&M got away from those intense style turnarounds many years ago.

I'm planning a Carowinds, Kings Dominion, and Washington D.C. trip sometime in June. Then in July I hope to hit up Dollywood, Holiday World, and Kentucky Kingdom.
I did not know that before riding.


The only steel coaster that I'd compare to a bad wooden coaster. I strongly dislike exactly one roller coaster I have ever ridden and that is Ninja. If I had to bet money on where VR goes wrong on a coaster first it's Ninja.

Apparently there is a rumor that Ninja is getting better restraints + track fixes.
Hopefully this is true.
Also saw speculation about it getting a Batman theme which I don't really believe. Though I could see it being some other DC character.

It has already been painted blue as well.


I doubt GAF outrage will change Disney's mind :p
I know, I just felt more should know about it.

There is plenty of outrage on Disneyworld forums. Management is becoming so cheap and tone deaf it's frightening. Anything that can be done for less and still keep attendance numbers up is approved. When's the last time Disney built a ride that made you think " I must go there now!" Toy Story Midway Mania in 2008? Soarin in 2005? Expedition Everest in 2006? Oh let's put Frozen where is doesn't belong because it's a cheap fix. Now let's change one of the classic rides to fit our new popular IPs. All while this is going on...

There are rumors of $15 resort fees.

Rumor of no outside food or drinks allowed

EMH going away (becoming paid "events" with free water, ice cream and soda for the low price of $150) http://www.wdwmagic.com/attractions...t-coming-to-the-magic-kingdom-this-spring.htm

Don't get me wrong I love visiting Disneyworld but they are slowly introducing a lot of ways to suck their guests dry of every single dime for things that used to be free all the while being very stagnant introducing new, technologically advanced rides. Hopefully Avatar land and Star Wars will fix this but they were a long time coming.
It's incredibly worrying how little they care nowadays and the tides won't change anytime soon.

Also this still looks like it'll be going ahead on both coasts, unfortunately:

Haven't been back here hardly at all since I broke this news a month ago and as much as I hate to break it to the naysayers, things are still moving forward on both coasts.

From a well-placed source:

"The Tower project is moving along through approvals and design refinements, and the project now has a proposed timeline that closes the attraction this October instead of January as a more elaborate pre-show and queue plan has been given the thumbs up by TDA.

The project isn't formally funded yet as part of Fiscal '17, that won't happen until June or July, but WDI keeps getting happy words and encouragement from TDA and Burbank. TDA could care less about the upset fans, as they consider them to be of the same variety that were upset about Aladdin and Mad T Party closing. TDO continues to balk at the price tag but Chapek thinks the Guardians franchise is the right way to go long term. "

In other words, almost a done deal for Anaheim and still likely for Orlando ... please stick that in your Tweeter!

I know, I just felt more should know about it.

It's incredibly worrying how little they care nowadays and the tides won't change anytime soon.

Also this still looks like it'll be going ahead on both coasts, unfortunately:


Fuck disney managment in the ass if it happens.
Wouldnt surprise me if we had to stay with Paris's inferior and french dub version of the ride in the next years if this fuckers change the originals.
Its not gonna happen, but if they go with it I hope it bites them hard, people hate the change, and need to revert back to the original version. Sadly for this (becuase I really like GotG, but not implemented in this way), Guardians sell a lot now to people who dont give a fuck about this tye of things.


There is plenty of outrage on Disneyworld forums. Management is becoming so cheap and tone deaf it's frightening. Anything that can be done for less and still keep attendance numbers up is approved. When's the last time Disney built a ride that made you think " I must go there now!" Toy Story Midway Mania in 2008? Soarin in 2005? Expedition Everest in 2006? Oh let's put Frozen where is doesn't belong because it's a cheap fix. Now let's change one of the classic rides to fit our new popular IPs. All while this is going on...

There are rumors of $15 resort fees.

Rumor of no outside food or drinks allowed

EMH going away (becoming paid "events" with free water, ice cream and soda for the low price of $150) http://www.wdwmagic.com/attractions...t-coming-to-the-magic-kingdom-this-spring.htm

Don't get me wrong I love visiting Disneyworld but they are slowly introducing a lot of ways to suck their guests dry of every single dime for things that used to be free all the while being very stagnant introducing new, technologically advanced rides. Hopefully Avatar land and Star Wars will fix this but they were a long time coming.

All of these changes, is one of the reasons why I have been slowly shifting my park focus away from Disney and over to Universal Orlando. A few years ago, when I would head down to Orlando for vacation, I would always stay on property at WDW and visit Universal for just a single day. This last trip I took down in Oct 2015, I stayed at AKL for 3 days, and then I moved over to Cabana Bay for 3 days.

Disney has been really shitting the bed lately with the way they treat their guests and the attractions they are building. You have a ride like Everest, where the Yeti has not worked since 2008? And they refuse to fix it. Yes, I know its a major fix, that would require a lot of downtime, so maybe it'll get done when Pandora opens, but its just a shame that this AAA ride has a broken effect. The only reason I still like hitting up Disney is for the classic nostalgia of it all and the Food & Wine fest. Other than that, there is no reason to stay on property or visit the parks.... I think that the next time I will be truly interested in visiting a Disney park is when Star Wars opens...

Universal on the other hand has been consistently knocking it out of the park over the last 5-10 years. Attractions like the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (both parks), the new Skull Island: Reign of Kong attraction, their agreement with Nintendo, the new hotels they are building (Cabana Bay is a gorgeous value hotel that rivals most, if not all, the Disney value properties), and their Halloween Horror Nights. Those are all the reasons why I am slowly shifting over to staying at Universal for the majority of my vacation time, with maybe a one or two night stay in Disney.

Its a shame that people will pay $150 for these magic hour "events" now, especially when they used to be free... the FP+, while cool is a mess. There are longer lines now for the FP queue's than there are for the regular lines sometimes... I hope that Disney starts to suffer because of all these new nickel & dime tactics and they start to roll them back to how it is now, or used to be...

I guess thats why their fireworks show is called "Wishes"
All of these changes, is one of the reasons why I have been slowly shifting my park focus away from Disney and over to Universal Orlando. A few years ago, when I would head down to Orlando for vacation, I would always stay on property at WDW and visit Universal for just a single day. This last trip I took down in Oct 2015, I stayed at AKL for 3 days, and then I moved over to Cabana Bay for 3 days.

Disney has been really shitting the bed lately with the way they treat their guests and the attractions they are building. You have a ride like Everest, where the Yeti has not worked since 2008? And they refuse to fix it. Yes, I know its a major fix, that would require a lot of downtime, so maybe it'll get done when Pandora opens, but its just a shame that this AAA ride has a broken effect. The only reason I still like hitting up Disney is for the classic nostalgia of it all and the Food & Wine fest. Other than that, there is no reason to stay on property or visit the parks.... I think that the next time I will be truly interested in visiting a Disney park is when Star Wars opens...

Universal on the other hand has been consistently knocking it out of the park over the last 5-10 years. Attractions like the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (both parks), the new Skull Island: Reign of Kong attraction, their agreement with Nintendo, the new hotels they are building (Cabana Bay is a gorgeous value hotel that rivals most, if not all, the Disney value properties), and their Halloween Horror Nights. Those are all the reasons why I am slowly shifting over to staying at Universal for the majority of my vacation time, with maybe a one or two night stay in Disney.

Its a shame that people will pay $150 for these magic hour "events" now, especially when they used to be free... the FP+, while cool is a mess. There are longer lines now for the FP queue's than there are for the regular lines sometimes... I hope that Disney starts to suffer because of all these new nickel & dime tactics and they start to roll them back to how it is now, or used to be...

I guess thats why their fireworks show is called "Wishes"

Yup, some year ago, I would have loved Disney worked with Nitnendo to make a land with rides.
Right now, the decission of Iwata to go with Universal is the best thing we ever got. I dont like much the starting ride ideas, but apart from that I think they are going to do some great theming and future porspects when they start to add things like zelda are going to be great.
Its a shame that people will pay $150 for these magic hour "events" now, especially when they used to be free...

I agree a lot with what you're saying but this is still an untrue statement. 1) EMH is still free. 2) people aren't paying for the hard tickets. Disney had to give out free tickets to DVC members to fill the event. I can see where people might think it's bad, because despite being optional, it is the result of some poor decisions.


I agree a lot with what you're saying but this is still an untrue statement. 1) EMH is still free. 2) people aren't paying for the hard tickets. Disney had to give out free tickets to DVC members to fill the event. I can see where people might think it's bad, because despite being optional, it is the result of some poor decisions.

My last visit in Oct, they had EMH posted on their website and in my hotel room, and if I had a valid park pass, I could attend those EMH dates... now it seems that eve if I have a valid park pass, I have to shell out $150 to go into the park late at night... which to me, is not fair.

I can understand charging for events like MNSSHP or MVMCP, but for EMH? That is just bad business and showing just how cheap disney is. Most of these upcharges and possible new resort fee's and increases in park passes and AP are all to recoup the costs for building Shanghai Disney... and that is not cool.
My last visit in Oct, they had EMH posted on their website and in my hotel room, and if I had a valid park pass, I could attend those EMH dates... now it seems that eve if I have a valid park pass, I have to shell out $150 to go into the park late at night... which to me, is not fair.

I can understand charging for events like MNSSHP or MVMCP, but for EMH? That is just bad business and showing just how cheap disney is. Most of these upcharges and possible new resort fee's and increases in park passes and AP are all to recoup the costs for building Shanghai Disney... and that is not cool.
Those hard ticket events are on off days to Magic Kingdom's EMH. You still get EMH.


Fuck disney managment in the ass if it happens.
Wouldnt surprise me if we had to stay with Paris's inferior and french dub version of the ride in the next years if this fuckers change the originals.
Its not gonna happen, but if they go with it I hope it bites them hard, people hate the change, and need to revert back to the original version. Sadly for this (becuase I really like GotG, but not implemented in this way), Guardians sell a lot now to people who dont give a fuck about this tye of things.

Unfortunately it won't bite them in the arse because more people will love the changes than hate them.

I remember the days of when Disney cared about quality.
Man the way Shanghai Disney is shaping up I might have to go there asap.
Would be my first big trip outside the US and i'd be going almost exclusively for a Disney park..

Im actually considering bumping other stuff like Japan, Thailand, etc to do that.
I wish Disney and Universal took more risks with original concepts. All this IP farming with Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel, Nintendo, Dreamworks, etc gets tiresome.


Thats the sad thing about this and why Disney can get away with it.
It is rather unfortunate.

It sums up everything wrong with the company today.

Man the way Shanghai Disney is shaping up I might have to go there asap.
Would be my first big trip outside the US and i'd be going almost exclusively for a Disney park..

Im actually considering bumping other stuff like Japan, Thailand, etc to do that.
Some of the ideas being implemented do look interesting.

I'm still not a fan of the castle though.

I wish Disney and Universal took more risks with original concepts. All this IP farming with Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel, Nintendo, Dreamworks, etc gets tiresome.

I'm fine with the occasional character based IP being implemented, but what once made Disney unique were the IP developed solely for the parks.

It's a shame everything now needs an IP attached to it...
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