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Theme Parks & Roller Coasters |OT| The Happiest Place on GAF

Same here, but Uni could've done something original with IoA. Slowly both parks lose their unique identities.

At least the four Disney parks you can tell the difference. You really can't with IoA and Uni anymore outside of the lake in the middle of IoA.
My annoyance lies pretty much solely with Disney with this.
Eh, it depends.

While I do like original stuff, for me if im going so far out of my way and paying a good chunk of money I want complete satisfaction on the typical Disney aspect of Disneyland or Disney World.

That doesn't mean literally everything needs to be Pixar, princesses or Mickey but if it was somewhat successful for Disney it needs decent representation at least.
(Mulan hardly getting anything bugs the crap out of me every time I go, even as a 25yo male. Pocahontas to a much less extent)

And in all my years of going to theme parks I have 2 absolute favorite things.
Tower of Terror - loses a lot of its coolness without The Twilight Zone Theme.
Be Our Guest restaurant - I literally couldn't believe it when I first saw images of it.

Then you get the original stuff like Pirates of the Caribbean, which after the success of the movies had to incorporate a bit of that stuff.
and I had always liked that ideas/rumors like Rivers of America updating the Indian Village to Pocahontas' tribe and such.

I feel the same about Six Flags, every time they introduce some new attraction that isn't heavily themed to a section or WB license it kinda annoys me.


Eh, it depends.

While I do like original stuff, for me if im going so far out of my way and paying a good chunk of money I want complete satisfaction on the typical Disney aspect of Disneyland or Disney World.

That doesn't mean literally everything needs to be Pixar, princesses or Mickey but if it was somewhat successful for Disney it needs decent representation at least.
(Mulan hardly getting anything bugs the crap out of me every time I go, even as a 25yo male. Pocahontas to a much less extent)

And in all my years of going to theme parks I have 2 absolute favorite things.
Tower of Terror - loses a lot of its coolness without The Twilight Zone Theme.
Be Our Guest restaurant - I literally couldn't believe it when I first saw images of it.

Then you get the original stuff like Pirates of the Caribbean, which after the success of the movies had to incorporate a bit of that stuff.
and I had always liked that ideas/rumors like Rivers of America updating the Indian Village to Pocahontas' tribe and such.

I feel the same about Six Flags, every time they introduce some new attraction that isn't heavily themed to a section or WB license it kinda annoys me.
I just wish things were more balanced.

I miss the days of rides like Expedition Everest being introduced.

I take it you're upset at the potential re-theme of ToT then? I still can't fathom as to why Disney would even consider such a stupid idea.


Can you at least explain why? Does turning Space Mountain into Hyperspace Mountain bother you too?

Btw, does anyone believe there's any permanence to this GotG thing?
It's a temporary overlay, so it doesn't bother me.

I just miss the days of when Disney took pride of making original IP in the parks in conjunction with character based IP, but since Iger has been at the helm character IP has largely dominated.

The guy reporting the ToT re-theme (WDW1974) has a very good track record, so unfortunately I do.
I take it you're upset at the potential re-theme of ToT then? I still can't fathom as to why Disney would even consider such a stupid idea.
This was the first I heard of it.
I'd be furious(if it was permanent or even long term), i'd probably not even go to Hollywood Studios until Star Wars land is completed(maybe Toy Story Land)

ToT is literally the best theme/ride I have seen in the world(family rode it 4 times in a row our first trip to Disney when I was 15, came back later that day for 6+ more),
why would you mess with that?
Do it to Rock'n Rollercoaster or something.
It's a temporary overlay, so it doesn't bother me.

I just miss the days of when Disney took pride of making original IP in the parks in conjunction with character based IP, but since Iger has been at the helm character IP has largely dominated.

The guy reporting the ToT re-theme (WDW1974) has a very good track record, so unfortunately I do.
I get it. There's a risk to making everything IP based too. There are a lot of things at Universal I simply do not care for because of it and I'm sure there are others who feel the same about Disney attractions. But I will wait and see how things turn out, though, and I don't think GoTG is going to be all that permanent. I don't care for Cars or even Harry Potter but I feel like both offer great experiences in the end.
I get it. There's a risk to making everything IP based too. There are a lot of things at Universal I simply do not care for because of it and I'm sure there are others who feel the same about Disney attractions. But I will wait and see how things turn out, though, and I don't think GoTG is going to be all that permanent. I don't care for Cars or even Harry Potter but I feel like both offer great experiences in the end.

Funny thing is as a kid(teen) my first time at Disney I hated all the typical Disney stuff.
Now as an adult Im actually open to that stuff and regret not enjoying it more the first time I went.

Like that first time you literally couldn't pay me to get my picture taken with any characters but the Indiana Jones stunt guy, Woody & Buzz and the Xmen at IoA.
Now I wish I had taken them with everyone at that time.
So, is anyone else going to opening weekend at Cedar Point? Just got my tickets and i'm super psyched to hit some coasters (haven't been there since Maverick was built, so i have some catching up)


EPCOT rocked in the beginning. I loved the concept, but Esiner didn't have the courage to follow the original vision.

Oh you mean the Experimental City of Tomorrow right? sad to think that on his death bed walt was still telling people all the tiny details. All the roads in the shopping district would be a circle so you could pass everything once without needing to backtrack.

Then he died and they just made another theme park.

Wish Disney lived another decade to see it through, but from what I know of the guy it was his personality and bullish insistence that it's possible despite what everybody is telling (inc his own brother telling) that made these things a success, can't blame them for aborting without him helming it.

Sorry to get off topic!
EPCOT rocked in the beginning. I loved the concept, but Esiner didn't have the courage to follow the original vision.

You mean the beggining as a look to the future theme park with great ideas or the prototype city of tomorrow Walt had planned?

It would be amazing to see a universe where Walt didn't die of cancer and could have done its planned city.
It could have failed, no doubt about that, the project was huge, but what if it worked? Would be incredible to see.

Oh you mean the Experimental City of Tomorrow right? sad to think that on his death bed walt was still telling people all the tiny details. All the roads in the shopping district would be a circle so you could pass everything once without needing to backtrack.

Then he died and they just made another theme park.

Wish Disney lived another decade to see it through, but from what I know of the guy it was his personality and bullish insistence that it's possible despite what everybody is telling (inc his own brother telling) that made these things a success, can't blame them for aborting without him helming it.

Sorry to get off topic!

Basically. His brother always tried to bring his feet to earth, and as much as Walt usually get away with it Roy then had to do magic with money to make his ideas work out. And at the end of the day, since snow white, he seem to always be on the right side, becuase nearly all his projects work out idea and money wise, no matter how big they were. Disneyland was his major triumph on this.


Some early impressions of Skull Island are saying it's scary as fuck

I am not sure if I'm ready

It's probably the bug trench, right?


I'm looking at what's supposed to be the ride film and this really is pieces of footage from the 360 3D attraction on the studio tour.
Wait, what?! Are people riding it? Is it happening?

It's not soft opened yet, but it seems a select few have ridden it. Probably TMs. There are some vague impressions scattered on ushforums.com and the Orlando United forums. Main takeaways - very scary (including the queue), and an immense sense of scale.
How can people trash theme parks...it's so disrespectful...

Like I'll see the odd piece of trash in queues, and it's like...why? People spent a lot of money and worked a lot of hours to make this nice thing for you to enjoy. Can you at least find a fucking trash can?


I'm annoyed by people leaving trash in general, not exclusive to theme parks. Can't stand it seeing people throw shit outta their car window.. Like, if it's not good enough for your car, why would it be good enough for the street/parking lot/anything else in the world?

Why are people okay trashing the neighborhoods they live in? Why wouldn't you want any place you spend any amount of time in to look nice?
I'm annoyed by people leaving trash in general, not exclusive to theme parks. Can't stand it seeing people throw shit outta their car window.. Like, if it's not good enough for your car, why would it be good enough for the street/parking lot/anything else in the world?

Why are people okay trashing the neighborhoods they live in? Why wouldn't you want any place you spend any amount of time in to look nice?

Littering in public is shitty, but I suppose it bothers me a bit less because it isn't breaking a crafted "experience".

Like, maybe I payed $100 to go to Hogwarts because I'm a mega Harry Potter fan. And I'm going through this immaculately put together representation of Hogwarts assembled by set designers and engineers and architects and human labor, but then I turn a corner and there's a hallway filled with discarded Butterbeer cups. That kind of breaks the setting a bit, and all because people are fucking lazy.

Gah, I hate it.

edit - I don't mean to dismiss what you're saying. Littering sucks, period.


Hey Six Flags over Georgians, turns out Ninja got more than just a new paint job. New trains with new restraints and a reworked track sould make for a more comfortable experience. However the park is also changing its name. Why? 😢 they're letting us vote on it.


Please vote Blue Hawk. Air Commander makes little sense and American Eagle don't make clothes in my size. I would have loved an option to keep the original name... the color scheme is even more ninja like than before. ..


Holy fuck, and I thought Spain was bad treating their home theme parks. This is 100 times worse. Helping your child defecate in the garden, are we nuts?

Is this like some cultural thing in china, treating public areas like garbage?
It's a cultural thing.

People had predicted this would happen.


I'm still not sold on the castle, but it's certainly a beautiful park.

The entrance is dying to be a train station though.


That Tron launch video. God damn that was so cool.

Those are really big ride vehicles for Peter Pan. Too bad Disney World doesn't have those. I haven't been on Peter Pan in forever due to the wait time.
That Tron launch video. God damn that was so cool.

Those are really big ride vehicles for Peter Pan. Too bad Disney World doesn't have those. I haven't been on Peter Pan in forever due to the wait time.

I did two different stints for the college program at WDW, and the wait times on Peter Pan blew me away. Never did I see it less than 45 minutes during the day.
It's a cultural thing.

People had predicted this would happen.
Same thing happened when they opened their park in Hong Kong.

Thats a pity.
How did they combat it in Honk Kong disneyland? Having lot of security and throwing people outside if they did something stupid?

Some photos of the actual park.

This park is really strange. For one part you have this amazing things that elevate it into something wonderful and gigantic. They have probably the most real Tomorrowland seen with the perspective we are right now, and totally cohesive. They have a beautiful and expansive Adventureland, that reminds me to a mix between Anaheim and Paris.
But then you have Mickey's Avenue, that looks great in some parts,
like this (although it literally looks staright out of Fantasyland):


and super strange mismatch in others, I undertand what they are trying to do here, being a chinese park and all that, but Mickey's avenue looks like a super strange mix between Toontown, Fantasyland, Buena Vista Street and Main Street, and not in a good way. Some really random buildings, entrance "station" included, that looks like something mediocre done in RCT3 (sometimes less is more).
Or the gigaenormous castle, that sometimes looks impressive, and other too horror vacui.

And the burton version of the alice garden is a fucking disgrace.

But then, again, you have things like the Tron coaster, and you really want to visit the park. Holy moly, thats fantastic! The music, the sounds, the launch, the dark ride part (I didnt even knew there was an inside part until now). wow!


As someone whose only live exposure to Disney Resorts is that of Paris I don't feel much of the Shanghai version. I really liked the latest Tron movie, but the coaster leaves me kind of lukewarm. The same goes for what I have seen of the Tomorrowland, from the pictures shown here in the last few posts it looks like a more or less generic version of contemporary buildings. The whole Tron-building looks like something I could spot while wandering the streets of Shanghai as well.

Then the just mentioned disjointedness of the not-Mainstreet, and in general the feeling of that being a very different version of Disneyland than I have come to know.


As someone whose only live exposure to Disney Resorts is that of Paris I don't feel much of the Shanghai version. I really liked the latest Tron movie, but the coaster leaves me kind of lukewarm. The same goes for what I have seen of the Tomorrowland, from the pictures shown here in the last few posts it looks like a more or less generic version of contemporary buildings. The whole Tron-building looks like something I could spot while wandering the streets of Shanghai as well.

Then the just mentioned disjointedness of the not-Mainstreet, and in general the feeling of that being a very different version of Disneyland than I have come to know.
The park kind of sums up the Disney of today, even if parts of it are beautiful.

It does a lot of interesting things, but as mentioned comes across as disjointed.
The park kind of sums up the Disney of today, even if parts of it are beautiful.

It does a lot of interesting things, but as mentioned comes across as disjointed.

Who is the one causing the problem here, the suits with some crazy ideas of what designing needs to be, or just new imagineers not being as good as the old ones.

I know suits tried to meddle into Buena Vista Street destroying some of the visions and ideas the imagineers had of it.

As someone whose only live exposure to Disney Resorts is that of Paris I don't feel much of the Shanghai version. I really liked the latest Tron movie, but the coaster leaves me kind of lukewarm. The same goes for what I have seen of the Tomorrowland, from the pictures shown here in the last few posts it looks like a more or less generic version of contemporary buildings. The whole Tron-building looks like something I could spot while wandering the streets of Shanghai as well.

Then the just mentioned disjointedness of the not-Mainstreet, and in general the feeling of that being a very different version of Disneyland than I have come to know.

Shangai's tomorrowland is at least a vison of our real future, as boring it can be that for some people.
The problem and solution of Paris of tomorrowland is a great idea (calling it discoverylanda, and using Jules Verne, a french legend, to create the lands theming) but at the same time, is its own thing and you cant really call it Tomorrowland. Walts idea of tomorrowland is a vision of the future that change constantly, and a land that had to change with the world around it. All other tomorrowlands have become stagnate in the 50's space era, or have a weird mix of 80's things and some shitty Discoveryland rock work and theming details that clash with those.
Thats why I think, that right now, Shangai does it right. The problem is, as you already said, that lots of this futuristic buildings we are seeing there, are done right now as modern on cities all around the world. For example the movie Tomorrowland was recorded in my city, Valencia, becuase we have some museums and opera building with that same futuristic type of architecture.
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