So I was reading this:
"There’s no limit to where video games can take us."
OK, so here's a thing that really grinds my gears. I utterly despise when people come out with shite like "there’s no limit to where video games can take us." or "video games can change the world" or some other similar sentiment that sounds like it's lifted from a starry eyed kids high school essay on his favorite hobbies.
Sure, we all love games here, I hope. Sure, games can help us all through hard times. I think the same could be said about movies or sports or many other hobbies, interests and pastimes. Fuckin, maybe angry ranting can change the world too. Hurrah!
I'm kind of sick of this idea that games need to be something more than just entertainment or play or fun. Like if you just like old school Mario or Metroid for what it is then somehow you are holding back games and, by extension, maybe even society itself.
The context of the article is that diversity is as important as gameplay and I think that this ties to the idea that games can "take us anywhere".
I think that what the writers of these kind of articles are getting at is that they believe that games can actually force changes in the consumer in ways that a movie or a book cannot. I think they correctly see that you can watch a movie and just tune out and ignore the "lessons" the movie is trying to impart. With a game, however, they imagine that since the player is forced to interact with the game they are therefore forced to absorb the message the game is sending out.
It's like the inverse of GTA and "games cause violence". If games can cause violence and sexism in the real world then couldn't they also "convert" people in other ways that we would actually want?
The problem with this, of course, is that you need to break down the idea that games are being played for fun or relaxation etc.
"Simply being ‘fun’ often isn’t enough."
"there are still people who push back, pining for the days when ‘gameplay’ was king"
"For me, ‘gameplay’ means all the interactive parts: the running, jumping, driving, and shooting. It means the verbs."
"These snippets of flavour are what makes games more than a toy. "
I personally feel like there is plenty of room on people's PS hard drive or Switch sd card for games of all different types but I get the impression from reading articles like this that games that exist just to be fun are seen as "lesser".
They want games that they imagine you'll play with tears streaming down your face as you sob "oh-- m-my g-gosh golly gosh this is what it feels like to be a woman in Trumps America". Fuck off.
I'm not saying it's wrong for games to be emotionally driver or story driven. Hell, I think it's even great if someone wanted to make a total Art-House video game that isn't fun and is totally impenetrable.
I just hate this fucking preachy "games can do anything if we all just have a bit more empathy" bullshite.
I understand as well that probably the most memorable games for many people are those that have some kind of emotional backbone in their narrative. That's fine.
I just don't think it supersedes fun and enjoyable gameplay.
"You can count on one hand how many games feature an Arabic protagonist or a disabled hero."
Look, I'm not trying to be an asshole here but if the game was "Wheelchair Racing" and it was fast and fun and a good laugh to play then I am all on board. Hell maybe you could have a story mode that showed a real positive outlook on life for people who were dealt a fucking raw deal. That could be grand.
If I'm to be subjected to some preachy "edutainment" bullshit about the challenges of disability then I don't really give a crap if I'm "holding games back". I'm just not going to be into that.
"Now, more than ever, we need games to let us be someone we’re not. We need to spend a while in someone else’s skin. Let’s start 2019 with a little more empathy. "
No. No we don't need to spend a while in someone else's skin.
Sure, as a society we could probably do a lot more when it comes to having more empathy for others.
I just don't think that you can force this by assuming that if Basement Bob the 40 year old incel plays "The Blue Haired Adventures of Pussy Hat Penny" for long enough he'll be voting Democrat for sure in 2020.
This is why i think gameplay is STILL king when it comes to gaming. The best you can hope for with a video game is that the player enjoys the thing so much that they forget about their own shitty life for a few hours after work.
Escapism beats Forced Diversity every single time, in my eyes.
Plus what do you REALLY learn if you play as a woman for a few rounds of BattleField V?
Like if I were to ask the wife to tell me her 5 most prominent difficulties that she thinks are directly linked with her being a women then how many of those would be addressed by playing Uncharted: Lost Legacy or Dishonored: Death of the Outsider? Probably none.
"You might be the only agent of change in many games, but you are not the protagonist of reality."
Fuck. Off.
Sorry, for the rant. Thoughts on the article?
How many folks would actually rather play an preachy game that will teach you valuable political lessons?
How many would just rather do a few rounds of Smash Bros for fun?
Or is the "sweet spot" somewhere between those two?