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There is a lot of OLD MAN YELLING AT CLOUD vibe here


Can’t Git Gud
True. It's much better now.
I love this takes.
One person always goes in the other direction and says "nah, it's all good" without any example.
I know aspects are better. PS5 is awesome, games are technically better and we have a lot of cool games. But also tons of shovelware and woke crap


I had to double check and make sure I didn't accidentally go into the wrong forum.

Progression? More like regression removing anything even remotely offensive to the woke mob but at the same time jamming garbage politics down people's throat who just want to play a fuckin game without hearing how "oh this character is trans/gay/latinx/ etc etc.
You're spot on.

There was a woke-tacular "radio host" character that kept popping up during "Miles Morales" that was so unbelievably obnoxious I wanted to throw my controller out the window. You can't skip the several minute long clips unless you pause the screen and break your flow, either.

Maybe it is my age... but the "counter culture" of today's younger people feels like a dirt cheap knockoff of what ours was - and that's because when every corporate ass hat selling soda , jeans or video games is in on it ... it's no longer a counter-culture. It's a joke.


I'm almost 40 and agree with op completely.

With the creation of that other forum, a lot of people started seeing Gaf as "the exact opposite" of all that wokeness. So it attracted a lot of "gatekeeping boomers"

Dont need mentioning that both extremes sucks. But at least here you have free speech, and there are still some people with brains

I'm 40 and I agree with you...
Almost 40 and agree with OP. happy to see I’m not alone.

It’s the classic south park situation. Sometimes one side is right or the other, but most of the time the extremes on each side are just depressingly exhausting.

I come to the GAF because I’m too lazy and also too likely to say something to get banned from ERA. But to pretend people yelling “woke sjw” is worlds different than “nazi bigot” 24/7 as a response instead of specific critique just causes an eye roll and scroll.


Almost 40 and agree with OP. happy to see I’m not alone.

It’s the classic south park situation. Sometimes one side is right or the other, but most of the time the extremes on each side are just depressingly exhausting.

I come to the GAF because I’m too lazy and also too likely to say something to get banned from ERA. But to pretend people yelling “woke sjw” is worlds different than “nazi bigot” 24/7 as a response instead of specific critique just causes an eye roll and scroll.
lol if you made the opposite of this thread on resetera the OP would be banned and the thread memory-holed, but yeah totally the same


You're spot on.

There was a woke-tacular "radio host" character that kept popping up during "Miles Morales" that was so unbelievably obnoxious I wanted to throw my controller out the window. You can't skip the several minute long clips unless you pause the screen and break your flow, either.

Maybe it is my age... but the "counter culture" of today's younger people feels like a dirt cheap knockoff of what ours was - and that's because when every corporate ass hat selling soda , jeans or video games is in on it ... it's no longer a counter-culture. It's a joke.
You can bet your ass that "counter culture" wasnt the same as its today because it was not as easy to reach customers as it is today. Consumerism has evolved tons.

And even then, the whole "punk" culture was very marketed back then. But it didnt have internet, advanced videogames and etc. to really spread its wings.
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No way people agree with a thread like this. It looks like those retarded kids pretending to be a smartass by using a recent criticism of a certain game using fancy words(progression lmfao) followed with "boomer". This attitude happens all the time, its not exclusive to GAF.


What's with some of you guys. "Games arent made for US anymore" (for starters who is this nebulous "us" you are including me in) and OMG WOKE reactionary claims at the slightest provocation, most recent evidence the reaction to the new Saints Row. This ingrained idea that nothing should ever change and evolve, but but but these are not the purple clad gangsters that I grew up with! Its Boomer as fuck. You'd think a vidjagame forum would be more open to novelty, something different, progression, but so much reaction is "IN MY DAY THINGS WERE BETTER", you sickly housebound nerds are old before your time.
Good Point I Agree GIF by ALLBLK (formerly known as UMC)

Kev Kev

because the cloud is a fake woke, pandering, self righteous, attention whore who doesnt give a singly tiny fuck about being progressive or making the world a better, more equal place. they only care about talking down to everyone who doesnt agree with them, behaving as if they have an authority which they dont actually possess, all the while getting the attention they so pathetically crave.

the culture theyve created has evolved into this fake, bullshit and now the big corpos have jumped on the band wagon to cash in, and the whole idea of progressive culture has been lost to bad actors and greedy suits.

that being said, i dont yell at the clouds much anymore lmao. just doing my own thing, ignoring the fakers and the old men alike. but i understand where they are coming from. and i agree the old men can be a little bit overkill sometimes, and equally as annoying as the fake woke crowd
What's with some of you guys. "Games arent made for US anymore" (for starters who is this nebulous "us" you are including me in) and OMG WOKE reactionary claims at the slightest provocation, most recent evidence the reaction to the new Saints Row. This ingrained idea that nothing should ever change and evolve, but but but these are not the purple clad gangsters that I grew up with! Its Boomer as fuck. You'd think a vidjagame forum would be more open to novelty, something different, progression, but so much reaction is "IN MY DAY THINGS WERE BETTER", you sickly housebound nerds are old before your time.
You gotta fight fire with fire.


Unconfirmed Member
Have any of y'all seen how the people from the culture these games borrow from are dressing these days?

half of these aren't even from gang culture. Kanye for example grew up as the child of a professor. And Drake used to be a child actor from Degrassi.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
half of these aren't even from gang culture. Kanye for example grew up as the child of a professor. And Drake used to be a child actor from Degrassi.
I'm aware; you think Saints Row was a depiction of realistic gang culture?

They took characterizations from all over the place really.

Either way, the kids are dressing weird these days lol


Unconfirmed Member
I'm aware; you think Saints Row was a depiction of realistic gang culture?
Maybe the first one, but come one, the new game's cast look like bloggers. The SR3 and SR4 cast were exaggerated, but at least they looked like gangsters, even if cartoony ones.

Either way, the kids are dressing weird these days lol
I mean, the suit Drake wears looks dope. I'd wear that for sure. He isn't a kid though so whatever.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Maybe the first one, but come one, the new game's cast look like bloggers. The SR3 and SR4 cast were exaggerated, but at least they looked like gangsters, even if cartoony ones.

Don't get me wrong; I'd love a straight up Menace II Society version playing as O-dog killing engrish speaking liquor store owners too

I just think the anger is silly... kids these days didn't grow up with Menace II Society.. nor did they grow up with 2300 murders a year happening in Los Angeles.. they grow up w/ 230 happening.

It's just not as big of a part of pop culture, so it's not shocking to see video games changing or moving away from it. Maybe the devs just dont want to make games w/ those references anymore?

It's particularly silly to get angry over these ho-hum twitter responses like someone told you they felt sowwy for yo muva.
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What's with some of you people and your childish inability to accept that people have different opinions than you without freaking out over the fact that people have those opinions?

Learn to accept that there will be people who hate the toys you love, it will make life easier for you.

I mean, why the fuck do you care?
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Fare thee well

Things are worse in gaming overall, and that's just how I feel having experienced what today has to offer and what I have lived through. I don't hate you for enjoying games or finding things to be excited about. I still find plenty of games to enjoy, but rarely are they talked about here. Here, it seems way more mainstream than I expected. It's a lot of triple A talk and talking about franchises with at least a minimum of 5-6 games worth of sequels/reboots/prequels. There is a somewhat noticeable gap between indie games and Triple A studios that used to be filled.

Now as to the more specific nature to this Saints Row topic, because that is what triggered this response? I don't really care how a game wants to politically present itself so long as it's fun and well developed. A lot of times these days, people don't care about having a proper political message as much as they care about stirring up drama for attention. And when it's the latter, I just start to look for the flaming mediocre turd, like ie - the new Ghost Busters movies.

I'm all for social change and gaming evolution though. I want NEW game ideas, believe me. But is that really going to be Halo 8, COD 14, Battlefield 18, Assassins Creed 50, or Saints Row 98? Those IPs were new ideas at one point. Hey, let's make some more new ideas instead eh?
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Is this because of saints row? That game looks like design by committee trash. Hell, the developers were more concerned with "diversity" than making a good game in their interviews. Meanwhile DokeV looks dope as hell, and in their interviews the devs seem concerned with making a good game.


Games and gaming was/were better in the "old" days. Popped the cartridge/CD into your console and away you went. No downloading a patch. No DLC. What you paid for you got. Games weren't made to suit an agenda- they were there for great gameplay. Now that wasn't always the case but it wasn't a time hijacked by fucking activists. Nothing will top the 80/90/early 2000's for gaming. Nothing. The Xbox 360 was ultimately the peak and downfall of gaming.


Could be right or could be wrong: you're 100% wrong. Game direction, art direction, game design, game craft, technical direction really overall has become 10x crappier than before 10 years ago.

It's a crude fact, happens in all cultural industries (cinema is in a crisis, and music is stalling like never since the 1940s). And the paradox is: zoomer are not to blame, they just eat the shit they grow up with, but they don't run and make it. Boomers do.
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*OP and sn0man depicted against "inner city mural" commissioned by their favorite artisanal coffee shoppe while taking a break from penning their screenplay Neogaf post*

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I frequent Both game sites as I like to see both sides of the argument.
The conclusion I have come to - as have others above - is that the extremes of both ideologies/world views are ugly. Real ugly. The middle ground is the better place to be.

i see changes in games I play. Some good some bad. If the bad ones affect gameplay, I stop playing and think ‘well that was poorly designed’. If the bad ones are story, characters and context, I roll my eyes and push through to enjoy the game.

the fact is politics has sunk its teeth into every crevice of life these days. Video games are not immune to this invasion.

the real issue is, no amount of angry shouting is going to change it. Finger pointing and calling each other all kinds of hateful names isn’t going to change it. I’m not about to pretend I know the answer because I genuinely don’t. But the current climate is definitely NOT the answer. It has only led to a stalemate with both sides being so polar opposite. So partisan. That there will be no moving forward as long as it persists. And that IS a problem. A lot of the anger and frustration is down to the lack of forward momentum in our societies. Human societies must move forwards and evolve. It appears to be in our DNA (figuratively speaking).


That Saints Row trailer was awful, even if it didnt have the Saints Row name on it, people would be saying it looks stupid, but at least it wouldnt be destroying a Saints Row reboot.

I'm sick of every game trying to go for that Fortnite art style too. I'm looking at you Arkanes vampire game.


In my day 'late 80's early 90's' buying a game consisted of going to the game store. A small local indie store owned by enthusiasts (main stream stores didn't exist). Choosing a game involved picking up the box, turning it around and looking at the box art. Perhaps chatting to the store owner or putting a few credits into the robocop or mortal Kombat machine in the corner before walking out with your game, going home and enjoying your glimpse into another creative person's mind. No corporate B's, no agenda, no design by committee. Once you bought the game it was your property, no internet, no downloads, no stealing kids money from parents credit cards, no extra paid content at all. A 100% finished full game.

Now you tell me, are things better now?.
I love this takes.
One person always goes in the other direction and says "nah, it's all good" without any example.
I know aspects are better. PS5 is awesome, games are technically better and we have a lot of cool games. But also tons of shovelware and woke crap
So what? Can you not filter or ignore the shovelware?
And why is "woke" crap? Finally we have a choice. The only choice you had in the past was a Mario game for 5 year olds or some FPS with some "super-bad-bro".
Today you have Mario for kids, FPS with "tough dudes" for morons and other stuff outside of this narrow cannon...


Can’t Git Gud
So what? Can you not filter or ignore the shovelware?
And why is "woke" crap? Finally we have a choice. The only choice you had in the past was a Mario game for 5 year olds or some FPS with some "super-bad-bro".
Today you have Mario for kids, FPS with "tough dudes" for morons and other stuff outside of this narrow cannon...
There is no filtering.
Most of this terrible and woke games take place of what would be there oterwise.
We get very few really good games each year. If You are happy with this output, good for you.
There is no filtering.
Most of this terrible and woke games take place of what would be there oterwise.
We get very few really good games each year. If You are happy with this output, good for you.
What do you mean "no filtering"? Don't you have a free will to choose one thing and ignore other?
Just because they made yet another Fast and Furious garbage it won't stop me from enjoying other great films.
Same with video games. Just because there's shit like Doom it doesn't mean I can't fall in love with master pieces like Death Stranding or TLoU2.
And because of variety and the volume of new titles there's always enough quality to choose from.
Bullet point PPT style for the bros
  • I'm old but I still enjoy most games
  • I'm one of the 40 yo guys that realizes that not everything has to be catered to exactly what I like
  • I can find things I like or are cool even if certain elements weren't executed cleanly
  • Inclusion isn't at my expense and I know that. This industry has grown leaps and bounds because of it. That's why we have more games than ever even though they're harder to make
  • There are more games, movies, shows, music available than ever before and it's all super easy to get our hands on
  • If you don't like something move the fuck on and find something else you do like instead of complaining about it
That easy. Enjoy your life bros.


Can’t Git Gud
What do you mean "no filtering"? Don't you have a free will to choose one thing and ignore other?
Just because they made yet another Fast and Furious garbage it won't stop me from enjoying other great films.
Same with video games. Just because there's shit like Doom it doesn't mean I can't fall in love with master pieces like Death Stranding or TLoU2.
And because of variety and the volume of new titles there's always enough quality to choose from.
I don't mean it like that.
I think these worse products take place of good products. That is, dev time and commercial spotlight.
I don't have that big of a problem finding good games. As You say, nobody takes my tlou2, Death Stranding or Last Guardian and replaces it with the new life is strange or saints row reboot lol.
But our fav products of movies and games are becoming niche and harder to find.

It is very easy to loose sight of small, less known games or movies... especially when everyone talks about these big marketing crap.
Some recent examples of games/movies I've almost missed and makes me wonder if I missed anything else
-Lego builders journey. Starting to get some well deserved traction
-Return of Obra Dinn. It is a well known game but I missed it on release.
-Pikuniku... I have no idea how I learned about this.
-Pool Panic (everyone missed out on this one)
-It takes two (Had no idea it came out! )

-Saint Maud
-Promising Young Women
-Green Knight

You rarely see this stuff over the mountains of mainstream shovelware. If even I almost recently Missed these examples, then other people who are not following neogaf or redlettermedia will have no chance to discover this.
And so, because these interesting ideas and concepts sell worse and don't gain a lot of traction, This market will get only more niche with time.

And most important - There was ALWAYS crap all around but I feel by the end of 360 era we saw original ideas executed way more often in AAA and AA products than we do now. Everything is expensive and safe
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I don't mean it like that.
I think these worse products take place of good products. That is, dev time and commercial spotlight.
I don't have that big of a problem finding good games. As You say, nobody takes my tlou2, Death Stranding or Last Guardian and replaces it with the new life is strange or saints row reboot lol.
But our fav products of movies and games are becoming niche and harder to find.

It is very easy to loose sight of small, less known games or movies... especially when everyone talks about these big marketing crap.
Some recent examples of games/movies I've almost missed and makes me wonder if I missed anything else
-Lego builders journey. Starting to get some well deserved traction
-Return of Obra Dinn. It is a well known game but I missed it on release.
-Pikuniku... I have no idea how I learned about this.
-Pool Panic (everyone missed out on this one)
-It takes two (Had no idea it came out! )

-Saint Maud
-Promising Young Women
-Green Knight

You rarely see this stuff over the mountains of mainstream shovelware. If even I almost recently Missed these examples, then other people who are not following neogaf or redlettermedia will have no chance to discover this.
And so, because these interesting ideas and concepts sell worse and don't gain a lot of traction, This market will get only more niche with time.

And most important - There was ALWAYS crap all around but I feel by the end of 360 era we saw original ideas executed way more often in AAA and AA products than we do now. Everything is expensive and safe
It’s an interesting point but for me, that’s more about discoverability than anything to do with wokeness or anything else.

so many games come out these days that it’s difficult to keep up with. A woke person would level the exact same accusation as you, but their list would include ‘gender politics game X.

But ultimately. If you care about those games. You do have a very powerful ability to share your knowledge. Web sites such as this and era exist for discussion and for people to share something they discovered.

far better to be a vocal advocate of something you like/love than use your voice to put down something you dislike/hate. Although I freely admit that can be cathartic and even Down right fun! (I’m looking at you Tomb Raider reboot trilogy!).
I don't mean it like that.
I think these worse products take place of good products. That is, dev time and commercial spotlight.
I don't have that big of a problem finding good games. As You say, nobody takes my tlou2, Death Stranding or Last Guardian and replaces it with the new life is strange or saints row reboot lol.
But our fav products of movies and games are becoming niche and harder to find.

It is very easy to loose sight of small, less known games or movies... especially when everyone talks about these big marketing crap.
Some recent examples of games/movies I've almost missed and makes me wonder if I missed anything else
-Lego builders journey. Starting to get some well deserved traction
-Return of Obra Dinn. It is a well known game but I missed it on release.
-Pikuniku... I have no idea how I learned about this.
-Pool Panic (everyone missed out on this one)
-It takes two (Had no idea it came out! )

-Saint Maud
-Promising Young Women
-Green Knight

You rarely see this stuff over the mountains of mainstream shovelware. If even I almost recently Missed these examples, then other people who are not following neogaf or redlettermedia will have no chance to discover this.
And so, because these interesting ideas and concepts sell worse and don't gain a lot of traction, This market will get only more niche with time.

And most important - There was ALWAYS crap all around but I feel by the end of 360 era we saw original ideas executed way more often in AAA and AA products than we do now. Everything is expensive and safe
But you just proven my point.
You were able to find your jewels in the pile of garbage.

Even if there's plenty of devs creating garbage there's also more good games.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Yeah. I. Not even THAT old (32) but I already miss pace of gaming from let's say 2011. Look at that year wtf. Now we get less worthy games and everything is Fortnite or among us... And has to include LGBT black people just because.
What's wrong with games having minorities? Minorities exist just because. What's your problem with them appearing in media?


What's with some of you guys. "Games arent made for US anymore" (for starters who is this nebulous "us" you are including me in) and OMG WOKE reactionary claims at the slightest provocation, most recent evidence the reaction to the new Saints Row. This ingrained idea that nothing should ever change and evolve, but but but these are not the purple clad gangsters that I grew up with! Its Boomer as fuck. You'd think a vidjagame forum would be more open to novelty, something different, progression, but so much reaction is "IN MY DAY THINGS WERE BETTER", you sickly housebound nerds are old before your time.
You are the biggest geek here
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