Who said it's a feature? Again, minorities exist. In real life. What's wrong with them appearing in media?

This was the main image for Saints Row 3. Pretty diverse isn't it? Did you know how gave fuck about it 10 years ago? Nobody. The game was fun, that was all that mattered.
All the Saints Row games were diverse always and nobody ever talked about it because it was not important. Nobody stood on the stage and talked about it, it was not a selling point and nobody thought it was pushed. Because all the mattered was, is the game fun? And then the insane people took over, Anita Sarkeesian, the Kotakus, Polygons, and all the other mentally challenged. And it was not important anymore if the game was fun, race, gender, and all that stuff was the only thing they talked about.
Want to know who is one of the most beloved characters in gaming?

This is Clementine, people loved her, they wanted to protect her and help her. Did it matter that she was African American or a girl? No, because gamers liked her and because we are not insane. People don't care about this stuff if it is not the only aspect of a game. But with the new Saints Row, the creators and the media talked about 20% about the game and 80% about the characters and their race gender and that they are millennials, and what their hobbies are. Who gives a flying fuck about this shit? Is the game any good? It is released in 6 months so you must have something to show.
Maybe there are some people who have a problem with the diverse cast, but they never probably play a Saints Row game in the first place.
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