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Theresa May refuses to rule out private US firms taking over NHS services

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It's a bit more nuanced than the article headline suggests, but basically May refused "to guarantee she will not water down food standards or open up the NHS to US firms in a trade deal with Donald Trump", whereas she did give explicit answers on torture and climate change.

Prime Minister faces repeated questions over the potential threats to public services and food standards, ahead of her face-to-face talks with President Trump later this week

The Prime Minister faced repeated questions about how much she is prepared to give away, ahead of her face-to-face talks with the President later this week.

Jeremy Corbyn urged her to rule out any deal that would give US healthcare giants a toehold in the NHS – after similar concerns over an aborted EU-US agreement.

And the SNP raised fears that such a deal will open the door to British supermarkets being stocked with meat produced in unhygienic ways currently outlawed across the EU.

In further evidence of growing worries at Westminster over a headlong rush to get close to Mr Trump, a Tory MP demanded a guarantee the UK will not ”facilitate torture".

And Ed Miliband, the former Labour leader, urged her to take along UK scientists who could convince the President that climate change is ”not a hoax invented by the Chinese".

In reply, Ms May said her Government was ”very clear we don't sanction torture" – and made clear she hoped Mr Trump will not walk away from the Paris agreement to cut carbon emissions.

However, she declined to discuss details of her hopes for trade from her trip to Washington, instead saying they were to ”increase prosperity and bring growth".

Mr Corbyn warned of ”a blank cheque to President Trump", telling MPs: ”Many have concerns that, in your forthcoming meeting with President Trump, you will be prepared to offer up, for sacrifice, the opportunity of American companies to come in and take over parts of our NHS or our public services.

”Will you assure the House that, in any trade deal, none of those things will be offered up as a bargaining chip?"

Angus Robertson, the SNP leader at Westminster, said: ”They want to export genetically modified organisms, beef raised with growth hormones and chicken meat washed with chlorinated water.

”Will the Prime Minister tell President Trump that she is not prepared to lower our food and safety standards?"

But Ms May, in reply to Mr Corbyn, said her early meeting was evidence of the bond between the two countries, ”a special relationship on which he and I intend to build".

And, she told Mr Robertson: ”It is very simple – we want to achieve a arrangement that ensures the interests of the United Kingdom are there and are put first."

She did add: ”I can ensure the right honourable gentleman that, in doing that, we will put UK interests and UK values first."



I don't even know what to say to that. Only that it makes me angry.

Out of curiosity:
How accepted is Theresa May in the UK?

She's the leader of the Conservative party. The Conservatives/Tories like her, and anyone who supports them also likes her. Everyone else who supports different parties vehemently hates her.


On behalf of America, I apologize that we are unable to contain our bullshit to this side of the Atlantic.


NHS was the best thing about UK.

Too expensive.

Have a faulty new nuke system instead.

Are the wealthy trying to curb population growth by preventing easy access to health services? Feels like it.


Out of curiosity:
How accepted is Theresa May in the UK?

Sadly people like her because she appears more competent than Corbyn - which isn't hard. British people are aligned to protocol (queueing, politeness, rules) that they will side with anyone who appears suave and civilised, neat and tidy.


Most in Scotland hate her.

Conservatives love her tho.

Yes, they try to paint her as a New Thatcher. Sadly she's a sad pastiche. Even though I dislike Thatcher, at least she had real conviction in her vision - Theresa has no idea what's going on. She's like a nerdy head girl who just wants to please her superiors. She's awful.


Out of curiosity:
How accepted is Theresa May in the UK?

Her Tories are 12 to 15 points ahead of the Labour Party opposition in polling. She seems to be the only one in the room on a national basis save Scotland. But right now, she can't translate that to a bigger hold on Parliament until the UK holds another election: they have a slim majority of seats and that election isn't due until 2020.


Stage 1 - run the NHS into the group - Nearing completion
Stage 2 - get private firms to "save the NHS"
Stage 3 - private firms claim to need more money and private insurance is the only way to achieve this
Stage 4 - bye bye NHS


Out of curiosity:
How accepted is Theresa May in the UK?
Far too accepted.
Entirely too many people are prepared to ignore everything she says and does so long as she goes ahead with Brexit so they can get Europe to stop telling us what to do and so they can stop the immigrants taking their jobs.
More like divisive. She's very popular with Leave voters and very unpopular with Remain voters (with exceptions of course).
Or well, yes, that's probably a better way to put it.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
EU negotiations: fuck you, fuck our shit up
US negotiations: we will keep the best interests of the UK at heart

Sounds plausible.


Fucking evil soulless woman. If you're all about respecting the 'will of the people', how about you chuck £350m a week the NHS's way? After all, that's what the leave campaign was run on and the people supposedly voted for.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
'Bad things'
Responsible for evaluating applications to market new drugs, facilitating access to treatments and monitoring the safety of products, the the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has been located in the UK since 1995.
But, following the UK's vote to leave the European Union, countries including Sweden, Spain, Denmark and Ireland are among those reported to be keen on luring the organisation and its 890 staff to their shores.
Medicine and product standards are going to be affected. Patients and consumers will face the consequences.


People are really trying hard to privatise the NHS over here. It is sad that the Tories will probably do it, anyway.


Are the wealthy trying to curb population growth by preventing easy access to health services? Feels like it.

Don't think so, it's usually older citizens that rely on the NHS and the UK is facing an ageing population with falling birth rates.

It's just the conservative doctrine to privatise anything and everything.


Oh man, I really hate Theresa May.

She's willing to make cuts to elderly sick people who live at home and force them to move into a nursing home. She's scum.


If things stay on track she's going to become the most hated PM ever.

Have you seen the Tory media propaganda show though? Anna Wintour securing her a Annie Leibowitz Chequers Vogue cover... The Torygraph fetishising her (terrible) style. The Daily Mail painting her as Britannia personified. The right wing upper class media cabal are happy to indulge and support their 'team' even if these decisions don't affect them, never have and probably enjoy all of the benefits the left has achieved in this country since WW2.
Man, worldwide news is making me so angry since Brexit and Trump. I'm seriously getting overwhelmed by anger now. Is there anything i can do to relieve this, GAF?

The only thing that seems to work is to just go on media blackouts and not look on my phone or PC.. at all :/


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The neoliberal disease of privatization of human services for profits continues.

Stay safe my UK friends


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I hope your UK healthcare trolls have the following ready for cut and paste:

"US has four of the best research hospitals in the world, therefore has the best healthcare."

Is this a good thing in terms of corporate profits for the US?

Of course it is. Bleeding obese black-pudding munching Rab C Nesbitts into (deeper) debt is going to look like candy to our healthcare industry.
She is a peice of shit that No one voted for.
I'm still amazed there has been no riots to Get her out and force a new election

It's pretty simple.

Tories are happy with her.

The people who don't like her are mainly non-Tory.

A new election would result in a much bigger Tory majority and she'd stay PM anyway.


Worth repeating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHFp3-qE_T8

When you are a little nation negotiating a trade deal with a super power, if you only get partially fucked, it's a good deal. Your best bet is to form a union with other small, like-minded countries and negotiate together - almost like a european union of sorts...
She is a peice of shit that No one voted for.
I'm still amazed there has been no riots to Get her out and force a new election

You'd need the Sun and Daily Mail to turn on her to actually change people's perception, as with basically anything in this country.

Is public support of the Tories still this high after the shit-show that was Brexit with the rats leaving the sinking ship and absolving themselves from the mess?

The opposition is in such a mess the Tories are free to do anything.


People like Theresa May don't give a fuck about what they give up for this Brexit bullshit because they won't be directly affected by the consequences. Look at how David Cameron, the guy who went ahead with the referendum, has managed to quietly slip away and is now completely unaccountable.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Man, You and us (Great Britain and The US) are brothers tied to the hip. When we fuck up we do it together apparently.
Fucking hell we are royally fucked.

Probably going to literally kill my disabled father (has only one hand, due to an accident where he was a passenger in a car, ruined his career and life) who takes over 15 different medicines daily that we'll never be able to afford once we get americanised..

Anyone up for blowing up parliament? I'd appreciate it.

You don't want this, UK.
You really, REALLY don't.

We know. The NHS is one of the best healthcare services in the developed world. For some fucked up reason, we as a country voted in a set of politicians who wore their intent to destroy it on their sleeves. And they've managed to get it so they don't have any credible opposition too, having destroyed the lib dems credibility during the coalition (shifting most if not all blame for bad things to them), while Labour and Corbyn speak for themselves. We've got at least another election terms worth of these assholes too, by which time, we'll likely have taken every bad part of the American approach to healthcare on board.
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