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Theresa May refuses to rule out private US firms taking over NHS services

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I was watching the live feed of the parliament earlier today and what a joke that woman is...she refused to answer almost 90% of the questions that were asked. She keeps saying "I will make sure we are working very hard in this matter", then finish with a witty joke about the oposition and thats about it.

I sincerily feel this will go down even worst than I imagined, and its really a shame...In a time of peace and union, some people fight for the exact oposite.
Is public support of the Tories still this high after the shit-show that was Brexit with the rats leaving the sinking ship and absolving themselves from the mess?




I was watching the live feed of the parliament earlier today and what a joke that woman is...she refused to answer almost 90% of the questions that were asked. She keeps saying "I will make sure we are working very hard in this matter", then finish with a witty joke about the oposition and thats about it.
Being evasive and not giving a straight answer is a built-in attribute when it comes to politicans.


I was watching the live feed of the parliament earlier today and what a joke that woman is...she refused to answer almost 90% of the questions that were asked. She keeps saying "I will make sure we are working very hard in this matter", then finish with a witty joke about the oposition and thats about it.

I sincerily feel this will go down even worst than I imagined, and its really a shame...In a time of peace and union, some people fight for the exact oposite.
Tories have been like that for a while during the PMQs. They either bullshit as above or make a shitty joke and the rest of the Tories sit and jeer like baboons (as far as I'm aware, the other parties don't do that).



The UK really is completely brainwashed and out of touch with reality it seems. I was surprised that people willingly elected the Tories in 2015 after so many shitty years and then I was even more surprised that a small majority selected to sink their entire economy because of racism, and now it's surprising to see support of the Tories after the incompetent mess that was the fallout of Brexit.


Out of curiosity:
How accepted is Theresa May in the UK?

Outside of harcore torries average to awful. Her main saving is the opposition is simply nowhere and Scotland remains in a bubble politically: essentially against her but without population and influence to override her support elsewhere.

Honestly when I look at US and UK right now I just wonder what happened to politics in general as most everyone seems pretty awful/weak/useless. I feel in both cases that many I speak to feel they're trapped trying to chose the lesser of two evils over and over again without really having much confidence in anyone in power.


Tories have been like that for a while during the PMQs. They either bullshit as above or make a shitty joke and the rest of the Tories sit and jeer like baboons (as far as I'm aware, the other parties don't do that).

The opposition leader is a literal buffoon, they have no need to put effort into PMQs.
Out of curiosity:
How accepted is Theresa May in the UK?
Middling. She wasn't even 'elected'* so she has an uphill battle. The thing is, if you start privatizing parts of the NHS the public turns on you like a horde so she needs to step carefully. The issue is that most Tory voters will always vote Tory and any bullshit like this is unlikely to sway them although they will voice their opposition and its likely the House of Lords would as well.

*As a note, in the UK we don't elect our Prime Minister. The parties choose their leader - you can register with the party to vote for that - and then the party with the most MPs wins and their leader is the Prime Minister. So, as much as she wasn't 'elected', its only in the sense of British people voting for parties because of their leaders as opposed to our system works as though we elect a leader.


Tories have been like that for a while during the PMQs. They either bullshit as above or make a shitty joke and the rest of the Tories sit and jeer like baboons (as far as I'm aware, the other parties don't do that).
Yup, pmqs has such a trivial atomsphere. Matters aren't helped when commentators start debating about who slung the best one liner.
The neoliberal disease of privatization of human services for profits continues.

Stay safe my UK friends

Apt way to put it. What ever vacuous rubbish is peddled, the motivation behind the privitisation drive is simply greed - the promise of profit for private sector actors (many of whom used to be public sector managers).

May could get skewered on so many accounts if we actually had press standards and trash like the Daily Mail could be blocked from spreading lies. For instance, how the hell does enabling foreign companies ownership of UK services sit with the discourse around Brexit, 'bringing control back to Britian', etc? Such an easy target and yet powerful vested interests manipulate the public discourse to limit many people's capacity to perceive the blindingly obvious.


The UK really is completely brainwashed and out of touch with reality it seems. I was surprised that people willingly elected the Tories in 2015 after so many shitty years and then I was even more surprised that a small majority selected to sink their entire economy because of racism, and now it's surprising to see support of the Tories after the incompetent mess that was the fallout of Brexit.

All the other parties are essentially jokes and buffoons.


Well UK. I hope you don't have any pre-existing conditions. And are good at researching in-network providers. And ask every one of the doctors that see you in the hospital/when you are having surgery if they take your insurance.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Food standards slipping into the abyss was my biggest fear of leaving the EU.

Here we already are. Seeing the peak and then fall of a country is rough fucking going.



Although many Brits want to bring Scotland down with them to preserve the Union. Yay!



Awww, look how little UK trying so SO hard to be just like USA. From getting Hersheys and Reeses Pieces, the NFL, obsessing over shitty sugary excuses of cereals (Lucky Charms, Capn Crunch for £6 a box) and garbage doughnuts (Krispy Kremes) to now this. How cute.


My Mum is disabled and requires a lot of NHS funded medication to pretty much stay alive.

What the conservatives are doing to the NHS is scaring the fuck out of me, because nor me or my Mum can afford that medication ourselves.


Why would they need to privatize parts of NHS if they now have 350 million weekly pounds freed up from leaving the EU?


She cant be serious?

Fuck I hope no politician in Australia is this stupid.

Me too mate.

However, I don't think the public here would allow for Medicare to be gutted. Look at the outrage at the Medicare co-payment saga a couple years back.


Tory cunts. It's a shame Labour are a fucking joke because they can pretty much do whatever they like for the foreseeable future.
She's pretty popular, especially with her stance on Brexit.

This. While most of GAF and most 'remain' voters hate her, she is by far the most popular leader of any political party. Large elements of the press absolutely worship her.
She's very good at giving the impression that she knows what she's doing and most people aren't politically engaged enough to check the facts behind her bullshit.
Unlike Trump, she says very little, but says it in bold quotable soundbytes. Most of the time, she doesn't say enough to be caught in a lie because her main policies are meaningless ("Brexit means Brexit!", "We'll get the best possible market access!", etc.).

Sadly, the leader of the opposition is basically a less popular and more socialist version of Bernie Sanders who lost a vote of no confidence among his own elected MPs by a ratio of about 3:1 but refused to leave because he could still win in our equivalent of the primaries (the <1% of the population who are registered labour supporters tend to like him). He has a similar problem to the Democrats since his party base is young metropolitan liberals and old working class union people. Most of their support comes from leave-voting areas while most of his voters supported remain.
The rest of the opposing parties have a much clearer focus but are hopelessly split between the Scottish, who mainly vote for the scottish party (but that is only about 10% of the seats), and the Liberals, who would be a good opposition, but threw away a lot of goodwill by forming a coalition with the Tories. UKIP are an ever-worsening dumpster fire of a party, which is probably a bad thing because their voters are going back to the Tories now that Brexit is happening.

Unlike America, our shit won't be fixed for a good 9 years. Theresa will ride comfortably on her slim majority for 4 more years, then thrash Corbyn's labour and get another 5 with a huge majority.
The only thing that can stop this is a catastrophic Brexit that causes the Tory party to fight amongst itself. Tories are loyal when facing the opposition, but also hate each other and will commit 'regicide' as soon as they think it's safe to do so. But even I don't think that trashing our economy to get rid of the Tories is a good plan.

Ah.... one day I'll write a concise political post that doesn't go all ranty.


Honestly when I look at US and UK right now I just wonder what happened to politics in general as most everyone seems pretty awful/weak/useless. I feel in both cases that many I speak to feel they're trapped trying to chose the lesser of two evils over and over again without really having much confidence in anyone in power.

Both countries have a strong right-winged media presence and some talented and ambitious hard-right movements (Tea Party, GOP, UKIP), so I can understand the similarities. Both countries also ran in parallel during the 80's with Reagan and Thatcher, which both countries still are feeling effects of.


Middling. She wasn't even 'elected'* so she has an uphill battle. The thing is, if you start privatizing parts of the NHS the public turns on you like a horde so she needs to step carefully. The issue is that most Tory voters will always vote Tory and any bullshit like this is unlikely to sway them although they will voice their opposition and its likely the House of Lords would as well.

*As a note, in the UK we don't elect our Prime Minister. The parties choose their leader - you can register with the party to vote for that - and then the party with the most MPs wins and their leader is the Prime Minister. So, as much as she wasn't 'elected', its only in the sense of British people voting for parties because of their leaders as opposed to our system works as though we elect a leader.

New Labour were the ones who privatised the most out of all the parties when it came to the NHS, and no-one cared because they were pouring money into it and quality went up.

I honestly don't think the majority of the population care if a contracted private provider takes their appendix out after consultation from a doctor. People will care if they have to buy insurance or you need to think about payment when you go to hospital, but the inner dynamics of who provides which bits of what services under the NHS umbrella is not a winning argument I think.

People care about their care options, their experiences and the overall quality of healthcare. Until they have to start paying for services, the majority won't care about a private provider doing bits of it.
Well good luck to everyone who voted brexit because a lot of you are going to feel this more than anyone. I'm fine going private but that would only be the case if I still wanted to stay here.
Enjoy, people who voted to leave the EU because of bullshit. My family is rich as fuck so I'll personally be fine if I had to pay for healthcare, but many people won't be. Whether I would need to perhaps pay depends on whether I can find the opportunities that can allow me to emigrate.

It'll be too bad for the working classes who might bear the brunt of this in future, who will then be unable to work in Europe if they get tired of the Tory system because they voted to leave.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
i would laugh hard at the brexit assholes if all they got out of this was US healthcare, but i also have a lot of friends in the UK :(


You'd be like the 4th bigliest state. Probably could fit 2 1/2 UKs in Alaska alone.

I don't think anyone outside of the USA would consider land size the measure of size of a country... ;-). In population terms, the UK is at roughly 63 million compared to 39 million for California.
I don't think anyone outside of the USA would consider land size the measure of size of a country... ;-). In population terms, the UK is at roughly 63 million compared to 39 million for California.

If England joins as a state you get state of 50+ million that would pretty much reliably be a red state. Enjoy the new election maths.


If England joins as a state you get state of 50+ million that would pretty much reliably be a red state. Enjoy the new election maths.

There isn't a chance on Earth England would be a red state. Look at the results of all the polling pre election of Hillary versus Trump. We're a centre right country on the whole, and the utter insanity and crazyness of the Republican Party is a huge turnoff. Also don't forget the religious angle - English voters do NOT like visible religion in politics.
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