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Theresa May signs £100m fighter jet deal with Turkey's Erdoan

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USA, Russia, Turkey, UK is the new Axis of Evil.

But not Germany?

Germany's arms export boom is getting even boomier, with sales of weapons worldwide up 7 per cent to €4.03 billion in the first half of 2016, due in part to a jump in sales to Turkey.

German small arms sales stagnated slightly in 2016 but bullet sales have jumped 10 times, according to a six-month report by Berlin's federal economics ministry, which issues arms export permits.

Six of the top-10 customers were Nato partners though the top customer was Algeria, which spent €1 billion; €484 million of arms were exported to Saudia Arabia, in third place. Others in the top 10 include United Arab Emirates, South Korea and Turkey.

In the six months before Ankara put down an attempted coup against the Erdogan administration, Germany issued export permits for €76 million worth of arms to Turkey, lifting it from 25th to eighth place in arms companies' most-valued-customer list.

I remember I used to think highly of the U.K., and could actually picture living there.

Now it's just a pile of poorly-governed crap like the U.S. has become, and I will have to fight to make sure Canada does not end up the same.

Got some bad news for you mate.
My point is i get that the Erdoğan regime is iffy as fuck, but that never stopped the defense industry before. Why is everybody freaking out all of sudden as if this deal is suprising.

Because Turkey changed a lot over the recent months.
It effectively stopped being a democracy and became a dictatorship with the crackdowns against any opposition in politics and media recently.
Good deal for May but why is it so cheap. Is it like a training jet?

edit: it's supposed replace the F16? Give me a break. Turkey don't have the resource to pull it off.

This is going to be one of those Russia/India/T50 sucker deal that India pay literally billions of dollars and not getting anything back for years. 100 million won't even get them a pair of wings.
Is this the thing they are building for them?

Looks like a mix of Eurofighter and F-35.
One Eurofighter costs 90 million euro after development cost, an F-35 is between 90 and 115 million us dollars.

What kind of joke is a deal about 100 million pounds?!??
You guys do realise that Turkey has 115 F-35's on order, which is a joint project of multiple countries. That their current new main battle tank (Altay) is a hybrid of the Korean K2 and German Leopard tank. That their attack helicopter the T-129 is basically a souped up version of the İtalian A-129. This list goes on and on. My point is i get that the Erdoğan regime is iffy as fuck, but that never stopped the defense industry before. Why is everybody freaking out all of sudden as if this deal is suprising.

Plus, they're in fucking NATO.


What kind of joke is a deal about 100 million pounds?!??

its most likely consultancy to be honest. Its a very small percentage for development of a fifth generation fighter, if that is what Turkey intend it to be.

You guys do realise that Turkey has 115 F-35's on order, which is a joint project of multiple countries. That their current new main battle tank (Altay) is a hybrid of the Korean K2 and German Leopard tank. That their attack helicopter the T-129 is basically a souped up version of the İtalian A-129. This list goes on and on. My point is i get that the Erdoğan regime is iffy as fuck, but that never stopped the defense industry before. Why is everybody freaking out all of sudden as if this deal is suprising.



We know about the UK's other dodgy deals selling arms abroad, that's not really the whole story.

After threatening Europe with a possible plan to turn the UK into a tax haven if the EU doesn't roll over May goes sucking up to Trump and now Erdogan for trade deals, giving the two insecure "strongmen" the legitimacy they crave. What a fall from grace!


Line them up so we can sell them BAE tat.

It's probably the best thing for world peace because that shit barely works

Lets sell them destroyers which can't sail in warm water

The Royal Navy’s fleet of six £1bn destroyers is breaking down because the ships’ engines cannot cope with the warm waters of the Gulf, defence chiefs have admitted.

They also told the Commons defence committee on Tuesday that the Type 45 destroyers’ Rolls-Royce WR-21 gas turbines are unable to operate in extreme temperatures and will be fitted with diesel generators.

Rolls-Royce executives said engines installed in the Type 45 destroyers had been built as specified – but that the conditions in the Middle East were not “in line with these specs”.


If you add that the SA80, Nimrod, PWR Nuclear reactor issues, the Bowman radio fuckups, the Queen Elizabeth class design fuckup and the general fact that everything bought from BAE runs later at near double the initial estimate, then surely the safest thing for the Kurds would be for Turkey to buy British.
What a morally repugnant country I live in.

You're British. You shouldn't be worried about a £100 million deal (insignificant for now) but by the use of banned bombs on civilians in Yemen... that come from your country and somehow made it into the hands of those conducting airstrikes in that country.


Just read this article a couple of days ago:

What I’ve witnessed in Turkey is an assault on democracy itself
I visited the newspaper Cumhuriyet, whose office lies in the shadow of Trump Towers Istanbul. So many of its journalists have been arrested, it is on a skeleton staff. Moreover, 189 journalists have been physically or verbally abused, and hundreds have had their press cards confiscated – in effect banning them from their job. And opposition papers are being commercially asphyxiated, with advertisers pressured to withdraw.

Then there’s the opposition: members of the leftist HDP have faced mass arrests, offices raids and accusations of terrorist links. The secular centre-left CHP told me: “We represent western values, but the west has abandoned us.”

Journalists and civilians alike have been rounded up for the crime of “insulting” President Erdoğan. Perhaps in solidarity the people of the world should make his name the ultimate insult. As he cows opposition, the president now intends to rig the constitution to grant himself even more sweeping powers.

We should not be supporting the regime there.


Because the EU was looking to expand with Turkey.

No they weren't, that was being pushed on the "long haul" for ages now, and after Erdogan started to become even more detached from reality by asking to get people arrested in other countries for opinions? And then the coup?

Well after that the EU pretty much told Turkey that there would be "no way". The only one pushing for it? Boris Johnson and some people in the UK's government.
It's a shit BAe deal. Basically a bribe for the UK to stop talking shit about Turkey. BAe will not build a functional jet for 100 mill. It'll be like the Saudi deals where we sold them shit that didn't work in exchange for not rocking the boat about their awful human rights. Also giving massive illegal kickbacks to the Saudi royals and presumably Erdogan and his cultists in this case.

I'm never sure if it's Oscar Schindler-style cunning or sheer incompetence that lead to most of our arms sales to despots being unfit for purpose. But I expect it's the latter.


Its not like they are totally ignoring what Turkey has been doing.
Its easier to apply pressure to a country if you're countries has lots of money tied up in another as well.
“I think those are separate issues; Turkey is an important Nato partner, so our cooperation on both security and defence is in line with that.”

She added: “The PM’s approach is quite clear: she thinks it is important and in the UK’s interests to engage with Turkey”.

Speaking alongside Erdogan in his vast office, May did take the opportunity to raise the issue of human rights, saying, “I’m proud that the UK stood with you on the 15 July last year in defence of democracy and now it is important that Turkey sustains that democracy by maintaining the rule of law and upholding its international human rights obligations as the government has undertaken to do”.

And I can't say I'm surprised by this, Turkey is part of NATO, has been using F-16's since the mid-80's with some roughly 250 of them currently and this is slated to replace it as well as be exported to other countries.
This deal isn't about this 100M deal, its about the long term.
If everything goes right this'll be worth a lot more.
Every company and country that could wants to get involved in development of this fighter.
BAE Systems is on the verge of signing a multi-billion dollar four-year contract with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI).
As part of Turkey’s national fighter programme, also known as TF-X, the Turkish Government launched a competition last year for a foreign collaboration company (FCC) to assist with the project.
The enormity of the job will not be lost on BAE Systems, with Turkey wanting the jet to fly in 2023, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk founding the secular Islamic state.
BAE Systems held off European rivals, Airbus Defence and Space (ADS) and Saab, to be selected late last year. It will work with TAI as FCC and negotiations over a four-year contract have been on-going for several months now, according to one source. “There have been pre-contract studies between BAE Systems and TAI over the last few months and, once finalised, more contracts can be awarded. The FCC has joint responsibility for the design of aircraft with TAI and, together, they will work out the detail.”
If the discussions fail, then it will fall to ADS or Saab to deliver. However, most people expect to see the deal with BAE Systems signed within a few months.
One source said: “It is not easy to set up such a programme because it is not just about TAI and BAE Systems working together. Other stakeholders, representing the engines and avionics, have all to be considered.”
Export rights, industrialisation, as well as strategic aspects, are all under consideration, with the engine being the most crucial part of the latter. Rolls-Royce and Eurojet are both likely to be considered, although everyone is remaining tight-lipped about whether it will be a one or two-engine jet.
The Turkish Government is seeking the new fighter to replace its fleet of F-16s, with the Block 30s being the first.
The new fighter will eventually work alongside the F-35 Joint Strike Fighters on order by the Turkish Air Force, which will replace the F-4E Phantom 2020s.
TAI already has experience of working with future fighters. It signed a $100 million, long-term agreement with Northrop Grumman in June 2005 to produce composite parts and subassemblies for the F-35 centre fuselage, developed by Northrop Grumman. Delivery of the first one, from Ankara, took place in March 2011.
If BAE did not get this deal some other company and country would be snapping it up instead.


No they weren't, that was being pushed on the "long haul" for ages now, and after Erdogan started to become even more detached from reality by asking to get people arrested in other countries for opinions? And then the coup?

Well after that the EU pretty much told Turkey that there would be "no way". The only one pushing for it? Boris Johnson and some people in the UK's government.

Yes. None of that changes the excuse that British politicians used to campaign for Brexit, that Turkey would join the EU.
"There was a young fellow from Ankara
Who was a terrific wankerer
Till he sowed his wild oats
With the help of a goat
But he didn't even stop to thankera."

Boris Johnson - Britain's Foreign Secretary and a key member of May's Government, who won a contest with this poem about Erdogan.

Yet we are basically now grovelling to him and Trump.... It disgusts me.
After being spoon-fed about how worried of the emerging Turkey trying to join the EU by the leavers

Im baffled. Im so confused.
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