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Things you've never done?

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I'm 21, and I've never, EVER, done my own laundry. I even live on my own! I either take it to my parent's house, grandparents, or the dry cleaners for the dressy shit. I'm hoping to find a suitable women pretty soon who'll take over this matter so I won't ever have to!


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
One thing I've never done which amazes me is fly. I've never been far enough out of New England to warrant it. We can drive to Montreal and New York, which is about as far as I've gone. :(


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
20 y/o and I've never kissed anyone. I don't see why I should unless I really care for them and the situation is right, the two of which have never combined. I'm not attracted to girls who don't share my understanding of life at least at a base level, which is rare since I'm a devout christian but don't rely on the christian majority to tell me what to think about things (as they often add to and/or dont listen to scripture). So there have only been 3 girls I've been seriously interested in and they all had boyfriends already. Oh well.



Good god, quite the nose he has there!


I've never gone skydiving, though i would love to. I just can't bring myself to put myself in a situation where, if the chute doesn't open, my last few minutes alive would be spent thinking "was this really necessary?"
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