Satyamdas said:I don't make rape jokes, and when I hear them my reaction is usually disgust. And I suspect this is the case for most people. Rape is a terrible thing, but it is not magically off limits from being made light of, just like other terrible subjects like racism, the holocaust, or any other "bad" thing.
My contention is to the degree to which this narrative exists. By saying we are awash in a rape culture implies that the vast majority of the populace is totally cool with rape and sexual assault, that it is so common as to be regarded as a natural and normal occurrence. And if rape culture doesn't imply complicity of rape, then the term is being erroneously and dishonestly used to stir emotions rather than to accurately describe. It's tarring and feathering everyone for the actions of a small minority, for no good reason.
You know who is really the victim here? The people who are perpetuating a society that culminates in the continued occurance of rape. It is their feelings we should be protecting, first and foremost. As for the rape-victims, well, we WOULD say that society should do a better job of treating sexism with disgust, as the resulting empowerment would counteract the normalization (and reduce the number of instances) of rape, but doing so might offend people who believe themselves to be avidly anti-rape (regardless of what behaviors they engage in which actually promote its recurrence), and really, it's the feelings of the non-rape-victims which are most important here.