Everybody holds the door for you (and will go out of their way to hold a key-card door for you).
Everybody asks you "what floor?" in the elevators.
Everybody says "excuse me."
Everybody says "thank you."
Everybody says "please"
And everybody apparently returns lost items to the front desk (I lost my dorm keys in the bathroom last night and I just picked them up at the front desk a few minutes ago. I returned a cell phone a few weeks ago as well).
Go Bucks!
Everybody asks you "what floor?" in the elevators.
Everybody says "excuse me."
Everybody says "thank you."
Everybody says "please"
And everybody apparently returns lost items to the front desk (I lost my dorm keys in the bathroom last night and I just picked them up at the front desk a few minutes ago. I returned a cell phone a few weeks ago as well).
Go Bucks!