Why has listening to random idiots on Twitter become a thing?
Half the news stories I see online these days are just written around tweets they sawWhy has listening to random idiots on Twitter become a thing?
Most of them are straight up mentally challenged and yet we take their word for gospel?
If we all hate twitter so much, there's one way to stop it; just don't look
Half the news stories I see online these days are just written around tweets they saw
So is claiming you've been cancelled because some people talked shit about you onlineBeing anti-vaccines is stupid imo, but so is cancelling people for their opinions.
You got a point there, mate.So is claiming you've been cancelled because some people talked shit about you online
While I agree that "cancelling" is really overused (kinda like racist and white supremacist these days), lets not kid ourselves into thinking people can't be really terrible online when they see an opinion they don't like. There are def examples of people trying to get others fired and deplatformed. I don't know if that's the case here but it does happen.So is claiming you've been cancelled because some people talked shit about you online
So is claiming you've been cancelled because some people talked shit about you online
You got a point there, mate.
My line of thought here is "when is it actually ->cancelling<-".In a vacuum, that would be correct. But we’ve seen this enough times to know:
Act 1: Feigned moral outrage
Act 2: Real world consequences
The people committing 1, know that’s the case as well. They’re typically trying to achieve it.
My line of thought here is "when is it actually ->cancelling<-".
Just talking shit about somebody online isn't. Yoboman is right on that one.
It's when they start to try to influence somebody who is employing that person to not do that anymore when it's getting into 'cancelling', imo.
And you were told that they are most likely aware of the inevitable consequences and are specifically doing it to invoke them.
Don’t talk shit about people unless there’s a good reason to do so. All the more so in today’s world, where you will start the public judge, jury, and executioner proceedings.
I am not sure how this example if relevant to what we witnessed here with Letitia Wright.Stiflers Mom
For example, let’s use someone we know. Someone we really like, and have a real name for. That makes it hit home more.
Evilore. He makes off-color jokes sometimes. Cool people do that.
If I go on Twitter, knowing what will happen, and say ‘Evilore’s real name’ said such and such on Gaf, am I any less of a piece of shit, whether I do it maliciously or without malicious intent?
And I like talking shit too. But I will forever stay miles away from this moral outrage stuff, because I know what it does, and so does everyone at this point.
I am not sure how this example if relevant to what we witnessed here with Letitia Wright.
Isn't this more of a case of "she publically said stuff that people find dumb and gets called out for it?"
I don't do Twitter for a reason, but if you put yourself and your "strong opinion" out there, you probably should not cry if you get flak for it.
There is a german proverb that says "wer Wind sät wird Sturm ernten", roughly translated "those who sow wind will reap storms".
I doubt it's just being called an asshole. You know how it goes with these people.Seems to me people are just calling her an arsehole for retweeting anti vax bullshit.
Which is absolutely the right thing to do.
I didn't say that I personally find this view stupid (I have not made up my mind about it, to be honest). I just wrote that some people find this opinion dumb.Speaking of all cases, Flak/wind = losing your job, losing your friends, and being surrounded by torches and pitchforks? That’s some flak.
Dumb/strong opinion = Having doubts about a rushed-to-market Coronavirus solution?
You have a very special worldview, if that’s genuinely what you believe. I don’t think it is. I think you’re being stubborn.
I didn't say that I personally find this view stupid (I have not made up my mind about it, to be honest). I just wrote that some people find this opinion dumb.
And if you put yourself out there with an opinion about a topic like this it's not unnormal that you will get flak for it in a world with a few billion people with opinions.
And my second point is, that it's not automatically cancelling if someone finds your opinion dumb and voices that.
So maybe I just don't get what your point is, then?Your second point was already addressed in detail, and your first as well, so I ask again, what point are you trying to make?
Apologies for being a bit harsh, but way too many Gaffers conduct discussions like this, wherein a point is countered, and the reply completely ignores that, and goes right back to espousing it. It makes discussion utterly pointless.
So maybe I just don't get what your point is, then?
I just (pardon me) read some hysteric rhetoric about evil people trying to "cancel" a brave woman, whereas I only see some random internet people talking shit about somebody they are not on the same opinion train on.
Grow a thicker skin, I guess?
It dose concern me the growing sentiment of anti-vax around the world though.
yeah, tell me about it...Ego is a hell of a drug, isn’t it?
Never occurs in a vacuum. Generally comes from people predisposed to believe conspiracy theories due to a) ignorance of facts due to spending way too much time on the internet, rather than actually searching for proper evidence, b) poor educational standards, and c) coming from cultural backgrounds that pre-dispose them to believe in things that have no evidence.
Also an element of wanting to have a voice in an ever expanding and increasing chorus. Conspiracy theorists tend to suffer from low self esteem issues, and by being something like anti-vax it gets them the attention they crave... and are most probably denied in day to day life.
Never occurs in a vacuum. Generally comes from people predisposed to believe conspiracy theories due to a) ignorance of facts due to spending way too much time on the internet, rather than actually searching for proper evidence, b) poor educational standards, and c) coming from cultural backgrounds that pre-dispose them to believe in things that have no evidence.
Also an element of wanting to have a voice in an ever expanding and increasing chorus. Conspiracy theorists tend to suffer from low self esteem issues, and by being something like anti-vax it gets them the attention they crave... and are most probably denied in day to day life.
Or based on past history, governments are happy to do whatever they like, the public health be damned
How's America water supply doing?
Mass DDT exposure, dont worry everyone its save!
Anti vaxx no, cautious, 100%
Not against this vaccine, but don't expect me to trust what I'm being told 100%, thats just as dumb (to me anyway), wanna get vaccinations for your family, go ahead, not my place to judge, and 8 fully understand if you think it'll protect your family and other around you (more power to you) but the door has to swing both ways
Just because some have concerns, doesnt make them full blown Alex Jones
A lot of it has to do with the rise of social media imo. So much easier to organize groups and spread misinformation. Nothing wrong with asking questions, it is the core foundation of science. The problem is most of the people are very ignorant of what they talk about medically, so they spout nonsense when they don't understand in from a fundamental level. Kinda the reason flat earth is getting so big now.
I'm talking purely here about the anti vax crew. The ones that think there's some vast conspiracy behind vaccinations to control them, or track them, or whatever other dumb garbage they've seen on Facebook.
I will not take a vaccine until I know it's been approved by regulatory authorities. Anyone would be stupid to do anything otherwise. But once it has been approved, I'll take it, because there isn't a vast government conspiracy, there isn't an ulterior motive, and covid is a dangerous disease that is killing thousands and thousands of people a day (3000 just in the US).
And frankly, I don't live in America, so I've not been exposed to the kinds of stuff you're talking about when it comes to water supplies and DDT exposure. Though that strikes me more as incompetence than conspiracy, on that score.
Absolutely. It's the worst thing about social media by far. When you get a lot of people who don't read books (well, more than one), don't understand science and don't have access to a decent education system, and let them talk to one another via the miracle of the internet, you're bound to get this kind of stuff cropping up. Blind leading the blind.
I don't think it's right to call people "anti-vaxx" for scrutinising a rushed/unproven vaccine. We've seen how badly these can go multiple times (Even just a few years ago).
What vaccines are you referring to here?
The Pandemrix vaccine in 2009 against H1N1 cause widespread narcolepsy and some cases of brain damage.
Sixty victims (Mostly children and hospital workers) were recently given £60 million in compansation from the UK government.
The Pandemrix vaccine in 2009 against H1N1 cause widespread narcolepsy and some cases of brain damage.
Sixty victims (Mostly children and hospital workers) were recently given £60 million in compansation from the UK government.
Er... where are you getting sixty victims and £60 million from?
It was all over the news earlier this year (Each victim got £1 million each).
Just a few news articles, but there are plenty:
.Victims of swine flu jab to get £60m payout
SIXTY people are to receive a multimillion-pound payout from the government after they suffered brain damage caused by a swine flu vaccine. Most of the victims are children but they also include sixwww.thetimes.co.uk
Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation
Children who reacted badly to vaccine now suffer from debilitating sleep disorder narcolepsy.www.ibtimes.co.uk
Those articles are from 2014 and those pay outs never happened from what I can see. Where’s the court ruling? I can’t find it.
Even if they didn't get the compensation in the end. Doesn't change the fact that it caused brain damage in the first place . The argument isn't about the money, it's the actual side effects.
There are far worse cases of bad vaccines if you wish to research further into European history. It's all out there.
Nobody should be insulted for punished for not wanting to take this new one yet. They have every right to be cautious.
I can’t find any evidence anywhere that brain damage was caused. Neither can I find any evidence of the payouts you’re talking about.
You quote two six year old newspaper reports that are conjecturing information that is unproven and unsubstantiated.
The hippie dippy liberal west coast is ground zero for the anti vaccine movement. Back to the land nature first stuff.I love how these chuds equate anti vaxxers to being a trumper. Anti vaxxers aren't a political party and in fact are quite often lefties. Tds knows no bounds.