The text in the winquotes and endings wasn't the same as the graphics for the character names. It all depends on whether it's stored as a font set or each name is stored as its own graphic.Well they weren't very smart, how about that. There were much better and easier ways to rename the character and avoid a lawsuit.
They added the name Charlie to the end and added US font to the endings but they couldn't rename a single character?
I really like Bengus' original Ryu and Ken designs from Street Fighter 1. It sets up their archetypes before anything in the actual games had even started to. Funny how they weren't straight head swaps in SF1.
Oh really? I never knew they were even planning that for Alpha. That does make more sense though.I love those, but these are from when they were originally going to make SF Alpha a straight up SF1 remake. That's where this art is from (circa 1994-ish). This is what the real OG SF1 art looked like:
Announcer voice calling out the character names wasn't added until Super AFAIK.
I was about to back down but lazygecko came in the assist.
But I do understand the communication part of it all. Same thing was going on with Sega (and other companies) back then as well.
[Capcom USA executives] believed they could get sued. But at that time, all the name graphics had already been done, so there was no way to create another graphic just to replace it. ... So whatever fit with the character graphics was OK. I mean, it was not the best choice. There was a lot of argument that "Vega" — that doesn't fit with the character, with the clothes. But there was no other choice. It was a reluctant decision, but getting sued is a much bigger problem.
James Goddard:
We were shot down the first time we pitched Champ Edition. [The team in Japan] said, "Why would anyone want to play the same character, and why would anyone want to play the bosses? We don't think that will be popular here." And that was because they weren't playing head-to-head hardcore. Oh sure, they had tournaments, but it was not their culture. It was not like our culture where it was like, "Man, I'm so tired of your Guile."
super and st have them for sure, because "barlog wins" still makes me laugh todayActually I'm not even sure if they added spoken character names at all to any iteration of SF2... The only thing the announcer calls out is country names.
Well they weren't very smart, how about that. There were much better and easier ways to rename the character and avoid a lawsuit.
They added the name Charlie to the end and added US font to the endings but they couldn't rename a single character?
Because I don't know much about it :3 Plus I treat it as any other 90s console port of SF2.
The 3DO version had an aura about it. It was the only console version available for some time after release I believe.
My friend's dad had a 3DO, it was a special experience to have had access when it was first released.
Oh really? I never knew they were even planning that for Alpha. That does make more sense though.
It had a pretty sweet arranged soundtrack.The 3DO version had an aura about it. It was the only console version available for some time after release I believe.
My friend's dad had a 3DO, it was a special experience to have had access when it was first released.
Anyone else own this cheap piece of crap growing up?
Good times...
Eliza is Guile's sister I believe.
How could the op not mention 3DO super turbo?
Dude, it has the best arranged soundtrack!
Makes you wonder why the 3DO version was these only console version to get the revised soundtracks, why couldn't they port it to the PSX and Saturn with the exact same music sets?
The most glaring problem with the 3D0 version is that the Old characters are completely missing. It also has lots of missing animation. For example, all of Zangief's ducking punches are the same animation in the 3D0 version.
Other known differences :
- All characters get CPS1 chains
- Gouki/Akuma's Red Fireball has lesser recovery and can throw another fireball again at the 2nd hit !
Gouki/Akuma's Red Fireball has lesser recovery and can throw another fireball again at the 2nd hit !
Haha. I discovered a cheap as hell corner trap with his red fireball. If you knocked them down in the corner and tossed one as they were rising, they would be forced to block if it was meaty (easy enough to do). The block stun on it was so fucking high (in conjunction with his ridiculous recovery on it), that you could toss another one before it ended and chip them to death that way. I never bothered using double air fireball shenanigans, but I would do this crap if anyone let me put them in the corner.
Vega's SF5 theme < probably my new favorite SF track.
To celebrate the anniversary Redbull put up a SF trivia quiz.
Anyone who doesn't get 100% on this easy ass nonsense can turn in their gamer cards immediately.
Yoko Shimomura said:Chun-Li has big thighs, right? So back in the day, I asked Mr. Yasuda, "Why does she have such big thighs?" And he started shouting and went off and was like, "I can't believe you don't understand the appeal." And he started explaining the attraction. And you know, I'm a woman and I asked the question but it kind of got awkward when he started explaining his fetishes. I mean, he has really strong feelings toward his creations. There's a reason for everything being the way that it is. When I heard that, I thought maybe that's something that everybody thinks, but everybody doesn't go out telling everybody. But he just told me.
Some pretty sweet concept sketches from Polygon's article on the anniversary.
They should totally bring back the knight/templar looking dude.
Weird how they used Street Fighter V Ryu in the artwork (notice the padding around the knuckles), yet it's Street Fighter IV Ryu who's actually in Smash 4.The Super Smash Bros. rendition of the original japanese cover is obligatory. It was redrawn by Akiman himself.
Weird how they used Street Fighter V Ryu in the artwork (notice the padding around the knuckles), yet it's Street Fighter IV Ryu who's actually in Smash 4.
If it's SF4 Ryu why does he have the Joudan kick?
Makes you wonder why the 3DO version was the only console to get these versions of the revised soundtracks, why couldn't they port it to the PSX and Saturn with the exact same music sets?
One of my favourite childhood SF2 memories was this British Street Fighter 2 player's guide video that came with an issue of Nintendo Magazine System (like if a Nintendo console wasn't designed for 'entertainment', and was instead designed for 'magazine').
To my shame, I still remember it word for word. I had the tape years before I had my own copy of the game, so I watched this over and over and over because it was almost kind of like having my own Super NES.
Some pretty sweet concept sketches from Polygon's article on the anniversary.
They should totally bring back the knight/templar looking dude.
They should totally bring back the knight/templar looking dude.
the craziest part is that the combos are actually real as fuck and practical