Sir Rugdumph
Good lord....
Edit: Also this. From the same guy!

Some of us are unfortunate enough to be living in the Confederate...I mean the southern United States, so 'round these parts it's not hard to find a person or family member (unless you're living in a major city) who genuinely believes Obama is some sort of constitution-destroying tyrant. Every now and then you meet some otherwise nice people, but then when they post stuff like this, how do you react?
Post your favorites!
bumping this
Planned Parenthood peddles abortion and abortion would have prevented the existence of Simona Stiles
I feel like this is a lowkey attack on the black community too.
Edit: Also this. From the same guy!
I have no idea what's the obsession of some right-wingers in tying several unrelated deaths into one larger narrative. It happened in Poland too, where they tied everything to Smolensk conspiracy because you know, accidents don't happen just like that and tough guys don't commit sissy suicides.
Thankfully nobody I know posted this, but I did see it on a Facebook post about someone going to a Trump rally in CT and seeing this:
The denial is costly.
Liberal Muslims:
I love how BLM has been used as another way of essentially blaming black people for everything and utilising old - incorrect - stereotypes about their criminality.
I love how BLM has been used as another way of essentially blaming black people for everything and utilising old - incorrect - stereotypes about their criminality.
I literally wrote the exact same feelings in an addendum to my post but left it because I couldn't quite word it right, it's almost eerie!With the exception of the "road blocking" bit and maybe the "Trump Supporter Assaulting" (which, when you get down to it, is just "assaulting white people", so not really new at all), you could just swap out "Black Lives Matter" and drop the N word in there. That's pretty clearly what they want to say.
"Black Lives Matter" is this year's exciting new model of not-even-trying dog whistle, time to trade up from last year's "Thug."
I don't get it. Is there something wrong with the picture? Why would anyone be offended by it?
libruls aren't patriotic so this is clearly offensive
Do yourself a favor and DO NOT GOOGLE the author ewwww
We have 2 choices. Hillary is worse than what we have had and a liar etc,. I do not like what he said Eleven years ago. But what he wants to to for America far outways Hillarys plan. Open borders, gun control, Abortions up to 9 months in the womb, and gay marriage rights. We also don't need progressive supreme court justices
My dumbass father, who isn't a marine.
Amazing, I think the page is called 'Britain Furst', it's absolutely hilarious a lot of the time. It's insane the way that people believe shit on Facebook, it's actually quite scary.I'm sorry to hear that. My father's the same. He shared a picture saying that Muslims were allowed to break the speed limit during Ramadan, which actually came from a Facebook page that parodied Britain First (the racist right-wing group in the UK), but he genuinely believed it. Unsurprisingly, I don't have him as a friend on Facebook.
Amazing, I think the page is called 'Britain Furst', it's absolutely hilarious a lot of the time. It's insane the way that people believe shit on Facebook, it's actually quite scary.
If your Facebook friend is going to be an asshole and endorse the killing of the sitting president, then be a prick back by reporting his/her post to the secret service.
someone on my facebook shared "MILO Effortlessly Shuts Down Black Feminist NAACP President At WCU" from Milo's Facebook page
never hide the unfollow button so quickly
I recently found out a new-ish friend was a massive supporter of him and the alt-right movement in general, so I'm trying to find a way to cut all ties with him without losing my other friends who aren't racist assholes.
Oh God, don't even start. I lived in a city with a large Muslim population and (out of about five subways) one did the halal thing and people lost their tiny, intolerant minds. The city i was living in at the time was mostly white and as such our subways remained non-Halal but I still saw a lot of shite over Facebook.Yeah... I'd like the page myself but I'm worried that my relatives will think it's the actual Britain First page. You only have to look at that 'boycott Subway' thing that happened a few years ago to see the power of stupid people on Facebook.
We need to stop being angry at all of these political posts. All the politicians are liars, hypocrites and self serving so this is nothing new about any of them. It is just who you prefer to vote for because of your own reasoning. No one needs to put the other one down because most all of the people running are bums. We should vent our anger at the politicians and not the people posting things. We all have our agenda. That is why we are divided because we want to blame each other for their beliefs if they dont match ours. And we wonder why we are not a very "UNITED" states. If we would learn to stick together rather than knock each other maybe this world would BE a better place. We are all guilty. The person criticizing others for their choice of president is just as guilty of causing this world to never agree or be at peace. Divided we fall.