If you think Horizon stunk, this thread isn't for you. I'm talking to people who enjoyed the first game but are maybe having troubles with the second. Don't post story spoilers, please. I'm only halfway through.
The original Horizon was my favorite game of last gen. I loved the combat, the environments, and the story a lot. I enjoyed it so much that I played it through three times. Granted, some of those replays were because I couldn't find anything else I wanted to play.
I recently got a PS5, bundled with HFW. I've put about 50 hours into it so far. Here are my thoughts.
edit: See this post for updated impressions after 100 hours:
Good Things
- Much deeper sidequests than in the first game. Some of the sidequests have been quite good.
- There is much more dialog in the game, including follow-up dialog with characters from side-quests. They put a lot of work in.
- Although it takes a while to get going, the story takes some unexpected turns. It's not as intriguing as the first game, but it's a sequel, so that's expected.
- Lip synch and facial animations are much improved. This makes the emotions much easier to read. It helps interactions feel more real.
- Visually, the game is a lot better than the first. The first was already a looker, so that's no mean feat. Environments, textures on clothing, effects, everything.
- Ability to tag machine parts. Maybe I missed it, but I don't remember that being in the first game. Very helpful.
- There is much more verticality. The glide wing is fun. Nice addition. I'm still learning how to use it in combo with the Pullcaster (another nice addition).
- Plenty of new machines, new armor, new societies, new environments, new weapons, and new mechanics. They certainly didn't half-ass it in that department.
- Ability to reset skill points. I appreciate them adding this option.
- Combat is still fun and engaging. Plenty of options and room for strategy.
Not So Good Things
1. The game feels crowded and overstuffed. Although I listed "new stuff" as a positive, I think they overdid it. There are multitudes of quests, dozens of quest subcategories, a constant influx of new machines, new settlements, new people, new armor, new weapons, new mechanics, and icons all over the map. More is not necessarily better. Sometimes less is more. I liked the original's world. It didn't feel empty to me. It felt edited. Like a good sentence is concise, not overstuffed with verbiage. This feels more like a Ubisoft game, with a crowded map full of icons and tasks. It makes me feel like I have an endless to-do list.
2. At a certain point, it dawned on me that I wasn't enjoying the game so much as checking off boxes. It felt more like I "should" play it, because I needed to get X or Y accomplished, rather than wanting to play it because I was having fun or wanted to see what happened next. I'm not sure if this complaint is specific to Horizon FW or just a part of my general dissatisfaction with videogames, because the same complaint can be levelled at a lot of games. It feels more like I'm being "hooked" into playing, in order to tick something off the to-do list, rather than just enjoying the game.
3. Aloy is less pleasant to be around this time. She's not unpleasant, but she's less likeable. In the original, she was strong, but she was also, at times, confused, sad, and overwhelmed. She even developed a sense of humor in the Frozen Wilds. This time, she is more remote, more "masculine" in a way. Headstrong. "I don't need nobody. I've got to save the world, and nobody can do it but me." I haven't seen any humor in the game so far, apart from Erend being comic relief. I know her attitude (doing it alone) is part of the character arc, so I get why they set it up that way, but still... I enjoyed hanging out with the original Aloy. This version, not so much. She also has a very breathy voice that she didn't have in the original.
4. The way Avad, Erend, and Varl all simp for her in the beginning. Cringey. Particularly Erend. Reel it in, guys. Sheesh.
5. I am getting a little tired of seeing spindly-armed women in charge of tribes or troops. I understood it with the Nora; they are a matriarchal society. But here it's happening everywhere, in all the societies: little woman in charge of burly men. To be clear, I'm not objecting because it's "woke." I'm objecting because 1) it's unrealistic, and 2) it pulls me out of the game.
It's unrealistic because warrior tribes -- societies that are based on violence and fighting -- would not have women in charge 50% of the time. Occasionally, sure, but half the time? I can only suspend disbelief so many times. And it pulls me out of the game world because it makes me think about the
writers and their desire to have equal gender representation in the game. I don't want to be thinking about the writers; I want to be immersed in the game world.
6. Not a fan of having to spam R3 all the time. I had to turn the cliff markers to "always on." Not ideal, because it makes the landscape look artificial, but it's better than having to constantly scan for handholds. Fortunately, I've got enough resources in my stash that I don't have to spam R3 for plants etc. so much as in the beginning.
7. They really nerfed the Tripcaster. Bummer. I enjoyed playing around with that a lot in the first game.
Those are my impressions at the 50 hour mark. The first and second cons have caused me to take a break from the game. I was playing for a few hours every day for a week. I think I burned myself out on it. I'll return to it later. I'm less than halfway through, so these are just preliminary impressions. I may feel differently by the end, who knows.