Spike tapped into some deep shit with the end of Do The Right Thing, damn.Property damage elicits a more visceral, disgusted reaction than social injustices.
it's a shitty situation.. and unless both sides admit to the reality of it... it's only going to get worse.
Baltimore Police say they have received a "credible threat" that rival gangs have teamed up to "take out" law enforcement officers.
Police said in a statement that they have received information that members of "various gangs" including the Black Guerrilla Family, the Bloods and the Crips have "entered into a partnership" to harm police.
"Law enforcement agencies should take appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of their officers," police said.
Capt. Eric Kowalczyk, the agency's chief spokesman, said he could not immediately elaborate on how the information was received or why police found it credible.
There have been tons of peaceful protests done on this topic yet nothing gets resolved. People are outraged that once again an American citizen has been killed due to police brutality. The protests didn't happen until after the system that is supposed to protect and serve American citizens once again failed. These violent protests, while not acceptable, do draw national attention to the topic. There have been plenty of peaceful protests and things aren't changing. I'm not justifying that people destroying innocent people's property is okay but that it is understandable when numerous attempts have been made to change things through peaceful protests and through the legal system in the past. When all methods and systems in place for their voice to be heard hasn't been working; people are going to try other ways to get their voice heard.
Pouring out a grape soda like a 40 while burning a fried chicken bucket and handing a backwards flag. I'm thinking he's insinuating that he'll be using that rifle to go out and kill some black people.What is that image even supposed to mean? Lol
this showed up on my facebook feed today...
backwards hanging flag, grape soda and a kfc bucket. smh
This protest as it currently stands is a lost cause because of the ill will it has caused in the general public due to the violence and vandalism.That's not what he's saying.
What he (and many others in this thread) is wondering is why is the riot violence of a select few the thing that makes his blood boil, and the thing that drives him to post in this thread? Not the peaceful protests or the unjust murder of Gray, but the small minority of rioters who smashed windows. He cares so much about broken windows yet he said nothing of the senseless killing of unarmed minorities. The rioting and violence were already condemned by the peaceful protests and family of the deceased:
The OP's article also has several other quotes condemning the violence. Clearly those who want to spread the message of justice are distancing themselves from the violent outbreaks.
But yet there are still people in this thread who insist on joining the two together, and using the violence as a facile excuse to dismiss the message entirely.
If you're in this thread talking about nothing but broken windows that speaks mountains of your priorities. You're not "condoning police brutality", you are ignoring it, which in and of itself is a problem.
Yeah, Bloods and Crips came together to protest.
Not supporting one side doesn't mean he agrees with the other side. He is condemning their rioting behavior. Isn't he/she the same one that said both sides are in the wrong and two wrongs don't make a right?They are protesting against police brutality and he wrote that he no longer supported them. There was no leap of logic, it is exactly what he wrote.
First of all the only people who say Baltimore isn't safe are white people who are scared to leave the county and only go downtown. I've been living here for 22 years and this city isn't that bad unless you either don't have street smarts or are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Also your next point is wrong as well because the Police did break off into smaller groups so just be quiet because you clearly don't know what you are talking about.
Baltimore only cares about the inner harbor and the surrounding hotspots because that is where tourists and white people go. The inner cities are suffering because of this. Public schools? Getting millions of dollars cut from budget. Activities for inner city youth? All rec centers are gone? IT AINT SHIT IN BALTIMORE FOR THESE KIDS TO DO. But they damn make sure county schools and kids have everything they fucking need. These kids riot because they know they won't be whitey.
This protest as it currently stands is a lost cause because of the ill will it has caused in the general public due to the violence and vandalism.
From what I understand, another protest is supposed to happen this weekend where they are going to try again and hopefully not turn out the way this one did.
The people rioting are the ones that are keeping the message from being heard and gaining mass appeal. Even if they are the minority in the group, they are scaring people and making the entire tone of the protest sour. I don't feel like any progress will be made if every time a protest starts, violence breaks out. If anything, it is just going to make the situation even worse.
"white male 30 year old charged with rape in the inner city"
all bolded items are markers. there's no excuse AT ALL for what cops have done in issuing unusually extreme (and/or lethal) force in near blatant acts of racism and/or profiling .. but to want to throw specific markers out completely and standing firm that those markers are just wholesale racism (they're not inherently), is basically just going to strengthen the actual racists' beliefs.
This is such stupid, victim-blaming bullshit.The people rioting are the ones that are keeping the message from being heard and gaining mass appeal. Even if they are the minority in the group, they are scaring people and making the entire tone of the protest sour. I don't feel like any progress will be made if every time a protest starts, violence breaks out. If anything, it is just going to make the situation even worse.
edit - and I mean I am just stupid for posting anything in here.. I get it. I just don't see the paths that both extreme sides are heading on as resulting in a win for anyone.. just further ideological and political segregation for this country... and who the hell knows where that will end...Sorry some of you guys took offense. Was not my intent.
this showed up on my facebook feed today...
backwards hanging flag, grape soda and a kfc bucket. smh
Criminal organizations always band together against the police. The fastest way to gain street cred is by killing a cop regardless of your affiliations. It's about street cred.
Rioting is not a valid form of protest IMO, no sympathy is wasted on those guys getting arrested. I think we shouldn't let it distract from the peaceful protests though, the voices still needs to be heard.
People are free to be in those streets. It is a constitutional right under the first amendment to have freedom of speech and right of assembly. It's what's being done in those streets is what matters. If people get out there and are act civil and voice their frustrations, they are not doing anything wrong and their cause will gain support.No matter what you say or how you feel, There will still be people in those streets.
People are free to be in those streets. It is a constitutional right under the first amendment to have freedom of speech and right of assembly. It's what's being done in those streets is what matters. If people get out there and are act civil and voice their frustrations, they are not doing anything wrong and their cause will gain support.
When people on those streets are smashing into businesses and cars, robbing people, harassing reporters, and threatening others with knives, the protest is simply not going to get the support from the general public.
Public perception is a plays a huge role in social advancements. Look at how successful the gay community has been in the past decade with their protests. They did tons of protests and slowly but surely, they gained so much public support and have gotten gay marriage legalized in many states now. All of this was done without violent protests.
Public perception is a plays a huge role in social advancements. Look at how successful the gay community has been in the past decade with their protests. They did tons of protests and slowly but surely, they gained so much public support and have gotten gay marriage legalized in many states now. All of this was done without violent protests.
People are free to be in those streets. It is a constitutional right under the first amendment to have freedom of speech and right of assembly. It's what's being done in those streets is what matters. If people get out there and are act civil and voice their frustrations, they are not doing anything wrong and their cause will gain support.
When people on those streets are smashing into businesses and cars, robbing people, harassing reporters, and threatening others with knives, the protest is simply not going to get the support from the general public.
Public perception is a plays a huge role in social advancements. Look at how successful the gay community has been in the past decade with their protests. They did tons of protests and slowly but surely, they gained so much public support and have gotten gay marriage legalized in many states now. All of this was done without violent protests.
Stonewall Riots anyone?
You sure?
What about the boston tea party? shays' rebellion?
it's suddenly ineffective because it's black people rioting and it scares white people?
I didn't realize the Stonewall Riots happened within the past decadeROFL!
Stonewall Riots anyone?
You weren't kidding. Official Baltimore Police statement:
Shits about to hit the fan.
I didn't realize the Stonewall Riots happened within the past decade
People are free to be in those streets. It is a constitutional right under the first amendment to have freedom of speech and right of assembly. It's what's being done in those streets is what matters. If people get out there and are act civil and voice their frustrations, they are not doing anything wrong and their cause will gain support.
When people on those streets are smashing into businesses and cars, robbing people, harassing reporters, and threatening others with knives, the protest is simply not going to get the support from the general public.
Public perception is a plays a huge role in social advancements. Look at how successful the gay community has been in the past decade with their protests. They did tons of protests and slowly but surely, they gained so much public support and have gotten gay marriage legalized in many states now. All of this was done without violent protests.
this showed up on my facebook feed today...
backwards hanging flag, grape soda and a kfc bucket. smh
You realize black people have had a public perception that was fucked form the beginning right? You realize we're labeled as the enemy regardless of what we do right?
You realize the infrastructure country was built on the destruction of the Native Americans and the enslavement of Black People, right?
Gay people have had it bad too throughout history, but despite those parades being interracial, majority of those people in the parades are white, right?
Its demographics, its still a white majority in this country and therefore its only natural there are more white gay people. So your comparison is flawed. White people will be sympathized with by white people.
It was always an uphill battle for us. 150 years ago we were still in chains. 50 years ago we were "granted" the right to vote and be counted as "citizens"
My grandfather just turned 93 years old a couple weeks ago. That means he was 43 when he was "allowed" to vote.
This country is fucked. Sorry, not sorry.
I'm not homophobic, but comparing the struggles of the LGBT community to the struggle of black people shows how out of touch you are. They're not comparable, though they were both bad.
And why are you even in this topic still? You're just letting us know that because of a few people, the entire protest will be undermined like that's okay and our fault. Instead, if you truly cared and felt sympathy, you would be upset that people would get distracted by riots and group all protesters in. Instead you seem to agree with that idea. Take your "I even say 'Good day' to officers because I couldn't be one" ass on somewhere.
shhhh, everything was peaceful!
I said in my post within the past ten years. If anyone was moving goalposts, it was him for bringing up riots from ~40 years ago to try to disprove my point.
Whoa whoa whoa, personal attacks and ad hominem against me? Classy. I'll have you know that I was accepted into the police academy but decided to pursue a different career instead.
And I did not say the protest being undermined was your fault. It's the fault of the rioters. I'd love to be proven wrong and this does gain more support, but I firmly believe that violence is not going to this systemic/institutional issue.
I said in my post within the past ten years. If anyone was moving goalposts, it was him for bringing up riots from ~40 years ago to try to disprove my point.
Because you saw a picture of a dude breaking a window?That's not a police car, unnecessary property damage basically kills any support I have for these protests.
I really wish more people understood this.
I know it's asking a lot that they do, but seriously.
Indeed. While vigilantism will be far too indiscriminate on a per officer basis this kind of retaliation that police may have to face will hold them as an institution more accountable than any court or federal probing could ever bring in our current environment. And it's so damn sad that that's what our environment is.Treat your citizens like enemy combatants and they'll respond as if they are.
Your arbitrary timeframe is entirely irrelevant. The Stonewall Riots are arguably the single most important catalyst for a structured and successful LGBT rights movement in the US. When they happened doesn't matter, but they were most certainly not peaceful, thoroughly discrediting your argument.I said in my post within the past ten years. If anyone was moving goalposts, it was him for bringing up riots from ~40 years ago to try to disprove my point.
Whoa whoa whoa, personal attacks and ad hominem against me? Classy. I'll have you know that I was accepted into the police academy but decided to pursue a different career instead.
And I did not say the protest being undermined was your fault. It's the fault of the rioters. I'd love to be proven wrong and this does gain more support, but I firmly believe that violence is not going to this systemic/institutional issue.
No, you just left out the most important part of the revolution either because you didn't know or because it was inconvenient to your chosen argument.I said in my post within the past ten years. If anyone was moving goalposts, it was him for bringing up riots from ~40 years ago to try to disprove my point.
I said in my post within the past ten years. If anyone was moving goalposts, it was him for bringing up riots from ~40 years ago to try to disprove my point.
I know the comparison isn't apples to apples and I do agree that black people have it worse than the gay community did/does, but I still felt it was a comparison worth making because they are both social issues and there isn't much else like it to compare to in America.You realize black people have had a public perception that was fucked form the beginning right? You realize we're labeled as the enemy regardless of what we do right?
You realize the infrastructure country was built on the destruction of the Native Americans and the enslavement of Black People, right?
Gay people have had it bad too throughout history, but despite those parades being interracial, majority of those people in the parades are white, right?
Its demographics, its still a white majority in this country and therefore its only natural there are more white gay people. So your comparison is flawed. White people will be sympathized with by white people.
It was always an uphill battle for us. 150 years ago we were still in chains. 50 years ago we were "granted" the right to vote and be counted as "citizens"
My grandfather just turned 93 years old a couple weeks ago. That means he was 43 when he was "allowed" to vote.
This country is fucked. Sorry, not sorry.
You know normally I would say that's tragic and shouldn't happen but seriously fuck the Baltimore PD. I have a brother on the force and based of the stories he's told me, fuck him too.
So now I'm racist too? Go ahead, what other insults would you like to call me? You already called the other guy a House N-word, then you accused me of being a cop reject, and now you're calling me a racist? How far do you want to push this?so now you can be a passive racist asshole and not an active one, that's what's up.
it's not because of people like you that put so much fucking focus on a few rioters that you completely forget why people are rioting. it's your fault and people like you.
Not really since that violent act led to these peaceful protests you're championing. can't have one without the other. if you refuse to acknowledge that, then that's your fault and I don't think anyone should seriously engage with you anymore because it'll show you're just here to provoke people.
I mean, has the gay community not made tons of progress in the past decade? I didn't think making that point was out of lineI did that on purpose because you were super-conveniently trying to ignore it.
So now I'm racist too? Go ahead, what other insults would you like to call me? You already called the other guy a House N-word, then you accused me of being a cop reject, and now you're calling me a racist? How far do you want to push this?
How am I the one trolling? Rembrandt has made several insults in this thread, and another guy earlier was throwing the term "whitey" around like it's not a racist word, and even persisted to use it after I asked him not to.Get out of the thread if the only thing you're going to do is troll people.
Your ignorant or just being purpose obtuse.