I really hope it's a soft reboot if they're insistent on that.
I think it will be, especially since it's supposed to be based on the Tron: Ascension screenplay. it's funny that people say this because Tron: Legacy in itself was a soft reboot.
I wonder if this is something Disney has been mulling over a while, and has been using the cryptic posts on the Tron facebook page and the screenings as a way to garner interest.
Been listening to the OST, and just watched Legacy as part of the hype train for this. Still so good, and the young Jeff Bridges CGI still stands up, and looks almost real at a lot of points.
I'd like the cast from Legacy to return, but more in a supporting/cameo type deal, while focusing on Jared Leto's character, if he's the protagonist. Also, please get Bruce Boxlietner signed up on this, he's not getting any younger. I'd like to see him pass the mantle of Tron to a younger character.