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Three of four Al Qaida web sites have Internet roots in the United States...

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Doth Togo



Most of the websites aligned or identified with Al Qaida stem from the United States. About 76 percent of the Al Qaida-aligned websites were registered or supported by Internet service providers in the United States. A study by the Washington-based Middle East Media and Research Institute reported that Islamic groups have increased their dependence on the Internet for operations and recruitment.


I can't wait for the campaign. I hope it's better then the if you smoke weed you support terror one. We all know if you smoke weed you support BC.


darscot said:
I can't wait for the campaign. I hope it's better then the if you smoke weed you support terror one. We all know if you smoke weed you support BC.

I think your on to something. Ricky Williams left the NFL to join Al Queada.
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