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Thumbs up, soldier! Captain Amierca comic book recommendations

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Yeah I know, this should've been made days ago, but I kept neglecting to it do one myself among other things.

Right then, with the Cap moive coming out soon, I thought I'd provide a list of recommended Captain America books to give some people an idea of how awesome Cap/Steve Rogers is, and it's also for those that liked the movie and want to read some more Cap awesomeness.
First off a quick background on the character of Captain America-
Captain America is a fictional character, a superhero that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in Captain America Comics #1 (March 1941), from Marvel Comics' 1940s predecessor, Timely Comics, and was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. Over the years, an estimated 210 million copies of "Captain America" comic books have been sold in a total of 75 countries. For nearly all of the character's publication history, Captain America was the alter ego of Steve Rogers, a sickly young man who was enhanced to the peak of human perfection by an experimental serum in order to aid the United States war effort. Captain America wears a costume that bears an American flag motif, and is armed with an indestructible shield that can be thrown as a weapon.

An intentionally patriotic creation who was often depicted fighting the Axis powers of World War II, Captain America was Timely Comics' most popular character during the wartime period. After the war ended, the character's popularity waned and he disappeared by the 1950s aside from an ill-fated revival in 1953. Captain America was reintroduced during the Silver Age of comics when he was revived from suspended animation by the superhero team the Avengers in The Avengers #4 (March 1964). Since then, Captain America has often led the team, as well as starring in his own series.

Current/Recent Captain America books
Ed Brubaker has been writing the Captain America book for the past 5+ years and his work on the book won him an Eisner Award.
1- Winter Soldier
2- Red Menace
3- Civil War
4- The Death of Captain America Vol. 1
5- The Death of Captain America Vol. 2
6- The Death of Captain America Vol. 3
7- The man with no face
8- The road to Reborn
9- Reborn
10- Two Americas
11- No escape

These are all the Captain America books published so far. In addition, and if you can afford them, you can alternatively get the Omnibuses that collect 20-25 issues per book.
Omnibus Vol. 1
Omnibus Vol. 2
Omnibus Vol. 3

EDIT: Ed Brubaker recently started writing a new Captain America comic, the first issue has been out for a few weeks, so try to get it from a book shop or comic store-
It had around 6 covers, but you can easily identify it ;)

Cap also appeared in a recent Avengers book called Secret Avengers which, fortunately, was also written by Ed Brubaker, however the first TPB of this series is going to be released in August 3rd:
Secret Avengers: Mission to Mars

Classic Captain America stories
The 60s-70s Captain America stories are collected in Essential books. These are in Black and White but contain a lot of issues in them. So far there are 6 Essential books:
Essential Captain America Vol. 1

Jack Kirby would write Captain America during the mid 70s. His entire run is collected in 3 TPBs, AND an Omnibus-
Jack Kirby Omnibus
For the TPBs, please check here

Steven Englehart wrote some Cap stories as well, while some of them are collected in Essentials book, there are 3 Colorer TPBs that collect some of (if not all of) his run and can be found here.

EDIT: Mike Zeck's run as an artist on Captain America was inbetween issues 224-297 of the first one from decades ago. Unfortunately not many of them are collected in any of the Captain America TPBs. You can try to find the single issues in some comic shops though.

Jim Steranko's run on Captain America issues were issues 110-113, fortunately you can find his short run in Essentials Vol. 2.

Furthermore, comic book legend John Byrne had a short run on Cap, and is collected in this book-
War and Remembrance

Ultimate Captain America stories/books
Ultimate Captain America is a different interpetation of Captain America but is at the same time badass as well (Letter on forehead is debate-able).
Ultimates Vol. 1 Part 1
Ultimates Vol. 1 Part 2
Ultimates Vol. 2 Part 1
Ultimates Vol. 2 Part 2

Alt. there is an omnibus collecting the Ultimates book by Millar here

In addition, Jason Aaron wrote this short Ultimate Captain America mini

Millar would return to the Ultimate line with Ultimate Avengers (a black ops Ultimates team, but Cap would appear in this title from time to time)
Ultimate Avengers Vol. 1
The other stories have yet to be collected in TPB, oddly enough (Marvel usually release TPBs a month after story finishes)

Other Captain America books
Christopher Priest wrote a short lived Captain America book prior to Brubaker's run titled Captain America and The Falcon. It is collected in these 3 TPBs:
Vol. 1
Vol. 2

Mark Waid also wrote a mini re-invisioning Cap's first adventures with the Avengers and his awakening in modern day USA-
Man out of time

Viewt said:
616 Cap and Ultimate Cap are both great characters, but for very different reasons. Regular Captain America is great because he's a true patriot (in that he serves the American people, not the American government) and he's the kind of guy you aspire to be. He's awesome in the same way that Superman is awesome. They're different kinds of characters with different kinds of stories, but odds are, if you're a fan of one, you're a fan of the other.

The Death of Captain America trilogy is fantastic, and it's easily accessible for new readers.

Also accessible, and I don't think it's been mentioned yet, was the AWESOME story by Mark Waid and Ron Garney back in the 90s, Operation Rebirth:


Cap actually died well before Civil War, and this is how they brought him back then. It's a really great "back to basics" approach to the character after the horrid "Captain Mecha-merica" extremo-bullshit they had him on previously. And it's got it all: Sharon Carter, the Red Skull, Hitler, the cosmic cube and lots of shield-throwing action.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I was talking about Ultimate Cap, too. He's fun in that "this guy is old and doesn't understand modern politics and customs, and is also a gigantic flag-waving douchebag" way. Which, in my experience, is not WWII vets at all, but hey, that's just me. In any case, he's great when he's written with that "America, FUCK YEAH!" attitude.

Simo said:
Captain America: Mythos #1 is a good read too as it retells the origins of Cap with some beautiful artwork by Paolo Rivera

Marvel.com also has it as a digital comic to read online, good for those you managed to get their free 1 month sub.
Amazon link-
This was a one-shot that's not been collected, but you can search in comic shops for it.
Thanks to Simo for reminding me of this one-shot, it is a beautiful and entertaining read.

That's about it I guess. If someone wants to recommend some books that I've overlooked, please inform me and I'll update the first post and credit you ;3

EDIT2: Thanks for the additional reccomendations guys \m/


^Dunno it was a random image I found on Google =P
Will go look for a different one though ^_^;


Ultimate Captain America is the best characterization.

-Soldier from the 1940s with 1940s solutions to problems.
-Crusader for God and God's chosen country, America.
-Just an overall arrogant asshole, and may possibly be illiterate but fakes it anyways.

It's great, he's so dysfunctional in this new PC world and doesn't care.

In the regular 616, they couldn't have him do that, he has to be a cartoonish squeaky clean image.

But Ultimates can screw around with heroes and make them more "real" in that they're very, very flawed and warped people.
I fondly remember the run with Mark Gruenwald and the Serpent Society. Not sure how it holds up today, but it was great Fu.


jaxword said:
Ultimate Captain America is the best characterization.

-Soldier from the 1940s with 1940s solutions to problems.
-Crusader for God and God's chosen country, America.
-Just an overall arrogant asshole, and may possibly be illiterate but fakes it anyways.

It's great, he's so dysfunctional in this new PC world and doesn't care.

In the regular 616, they couldn't have him do that, he has to be a cartoonish squeaky clean image.

But Ultimates can screw around with heroes and make them more "real" in that they're very, very flawed and warped people.
I'm in total agreement. I proudly own the first two Ultimates Collections.

Has anyone read the Ultimate Captain America mini? I think I'm going to pick up the collection this week.


Tom_Cody said:
I'm in total agreement. I proudly own the first two Ultimates Collections.

Has anyone read the Ultimate Captain America mini? I think I'm going to pick up the collection this week.

Yeah, it's good and it's terrible.

Cap is perfect. Bible-thumping, America-rocks, you disagree, you're a nazi commie atheist scum.

However, the villain is LITERALLY a paint by numbers condescending atheist. That's not a spoiler, it's on the first page.

Pretty lame writing, there's better ways to contrast your villains.


Tom_Cody said:
I'm in total agreement. I proudly own the first two Ultimates Collections.

Has anyone read the Ultimate Captain America mini? I think I'm going to pick up the collection this week.
Either love it or hate it. It's written by jason aaron who is the current writer of Wolverine. The ending is hit or miss too, but overall Cap is badass in it.

Oh and I personally prefer 616 Cap over Ultimate Cap.


Having never read Captain America before (I'm more of a Batman guy) and being a fan of Ed Brubaker, I bought and read the first Captain America omnibus. I found it kind of boring to be honest. Not enough action. How is the Death of Captain America omnibus? More or less action?

Also, is there a book that deals with only the WWII stuff?


jaxword said:
In the regular 616, they couldn't have him do that, he has to be a cartoonish squeaky clean image.

Oh I don't know about that. Imo 616 Cap is far from squeaky clean. Especially in all of the fantastic stories by Ed Brubaker.

Dude makes mistakes, gets people killed, and often handles situations the wrong way.

What happened in Civil War is a good example.


Captain America: Mythos #1 is a good read too as it retells the origins of Cap with some beautiful artwork by Paolo Rivera

Marvel.com also has it as a digital comic to read online, good for those you managed to get their free 1 month sub.


Angry Fork said:
I wish we had a thread like this for all characters in general. Hulk, Deadpool, Green Lantern etc.

@Simo- Dude thanks for reminding me of that one-shot, gonna go and add it in the first post \m/


Dacon said:
Oh I don't know about that. Imo 616 Cap is far from squeaky clean. Especially in all of the fantastic stories by Ed Brubaker.

Dude makes mistakes, gets people killed, and often handles situations the wrong way.

What happened in Civil War is a good example.

That's true, but remember 616 cap has been around like 50 years, so only recently has he gotten more dark and cynical in its writers.
Anybody else really dig Reiber and Cassaday's Marvel Knights Captain America run? It was cut short I think, but I'm a total sucker for Cassaday art.


616 Cap and Ultimate Cap are both great characters, but for very different reasons. Regular Captain America is great because he's a true patriot (in that he serves the American people, not the American government) and he's the kind of guy you aspire to be. He's awesome in the same way that Superman is awesome. They're different kinds of characters with different kinds of stories, but odds are, if you're a fan of one, you're a fan of the other.

The Death of Captain America trilogy is fantastic, and it's easily accessible for new readers.

Also accessible, and I don't think it's been mentioned yet, was the AWESOME story by Mark Waid and Ron Garney back in the 90s, Operation Rebirth:


Cap actually died well before Civil War, and this is how they brought him back then. It's a really great "back to basics" approach to the character after the horrid "Captain Mecha-merica" extremo-bullshit they had him on previously. And it's got it all: Sharon Carter, the Red Skull, Hitler, the cosmic cube and lots of shield-throwing action.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I was talking about Ultimate Cap, too. He's fun in that "this guy is old and doesn't understand modern politics and customs, and is also a gigantic flag-waving douchebag" way. Which, in my experience, is not WWII vets at all, but hey, that's just me. In any case, he's great when he's written with that "America, FUCK YEAH!" attitude.


Viewt said:
EDIT: Oh yeah, I was talking about Ultimate Cap, too. He's fun in that "this guy is old and doesn't understand modern politics and customs, and is also a gigantic flag-waving douchebag" way. Which, in my experience, is not WWII vets at all, but hey, that's just me. In any case, he's great when he's written with that "America, FUCK YEAH!" attitude.

Yes, but real-world vets have had 70 years to reflect and see their friends die and realize maybe things were not as "good vs evil" as they seemed.

Ultimate Cap literally walked out of WW2 into modern America. He has no reason to pause and second guess himself.

Dead Man

Quoting myself from the comic thread:
Dead Man said:
Captain America has returned my childhood to me. When I was but a wee lad, my mother bought me a Captain America hardback, I read it and loved it, even if it made no sense to my young self. I had no idea of the story arc, but it had The Hulk, damn it. Then 15 years later my mothegave it away while I was overseas. She meant well, so I didn't have the heart to get it back. Only over time did I realise how much that book meant to me.

I tried a few times over the years to track down the book, but no luck. Slowly I accumulated leads based on the hazy memories of the book. I found out it was from Jim Sterankos run. I found a similar edition that was published in 2 parts, but it was not the same. Then I found out what it was. It was a special edition published only in the UK.

Today, through the miracle of Ebay, Cap has returned:
He only did three issues, but to my mind they are some of the greatest comics ever, nostalgia may have tinted my view of course.

hey big thanks for this thread, I was about to make a thread requesting for essential Captain America graphic novel recommendations but now I don't need to


^You're welcome, hope you enjoy the books \m/

Sorry for the late update guys but the first post now has a few more stuff ;)

EDIT: NVM, was thinking of a different book.


This is not really what you are looking for but I highly recommend the Earth X series if you want a cool depiction of Capt. America



jaxword said:
Ultimate Captain America is the best characterization.

-Soldier from the 1940s with 1940s solutions to problems.
-Crusader for God and God's chosen country, America.
-Just an overall arrogant asshole, and may possibly be illiterate but fakes it anyways.

It's great, he's so dysfunctional in this new PC world and doesn't care.

In the regular 616, they couldn't have him do that, he has to be a cartoonish squeaky clean image.

But Ultimates can screw around with heroes and make them more "real" in that they're very, very flawed and warped people.

Highly recommended, love the Ultimates. Such a pity that Ultimates 3 was such a turd.


@jambo- To be fair, Millar's Ultimate Avengers counts as a continuation of his Ultimates run, just don't ask what happened inbetween and enjoy the book(s)~

MC Safety said:
John Byrne and Roger Stern had an excellent run on Captain America.
That would be war and rememberrance-
http://www.amazon.com/Captain-Ameri...37/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=131192382 2&sr=8-2


jambo said:
Highly recommended, love the Ultimates. Such a pity that Ultimates 3 was such a turd.

YEah, Jeph Loeb ruins everything he touches.

Ignoring Ultimates 3 (and Ultimatum), Cap's 1940s jerk character has been good.

I both hated and loved Ultimate Captain America's miniseries.

I hated how nuke was a stereotypical HEH PRAYING IS FOR FOOLS villan.

However, I liked how Cap's victory was COMPLETELY hypocritical, and the final scene has a tiny detail that shows Cap is completely full of hypocrisy when he opens the Bible...to the middle...and starts quoting the opening scripture.

Ultimate Cap can't even read the Bible but still believes in it. Awesome take on the jingoistic RAH RAH AMERICKA type.
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