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Time For The Flu Shot-Recommended For Everyone This Year

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Suairyu said:
Right, but that's not a solid argument against vaccinations by any means.
Certainly not - I didn't intend it to be. I'm just saying that if you feel crummy after getting a shot, there's an explanation for it that isn't "omg the shot gave me the flu."


jmdajr said:
right, and I think the dude is PRO vaccine. So he's pretty much agreeing with you.
Right, what I said didn't imply that I thought he wasn't.
Edit -
badcrumble said:
Certainly not - I didn't intend it to be. I'm just saying that if you feel crummy after getting a shot, there's an explanation for it that isn't "omg the shot gave me the flu."
Don't worry, I totally got that you didn't mean it to be. We can point-counterpoint whilst still sharing the same viewpoint on a matter.


I want to get one but I have to weigh getting a shot against getting sick and so far I'm on the fence. Guess I could get the nasal spray.


ScrabbleDude said:
No, but not getting something is not a good way to determine that something works. There are a lot of people and children that experience negative side effects from the flu shot. And sometimes these side effects can be worse than just getting the flu. Do you remember the Dallas cheerleader who became disabled after getting her flu shot? I'd rather get the flu, thanks.
For the USA:
Flu-related deaths range from 3,300 to 48,600 (average 23,600).

A summary of vaccine related complications is on the following site. One note for USA studies was "In a study of more than 250,000 children aged <18 years, the investigators did not identify risk for any important adverse events after TIV.‡3". Australia stopped giving a particular brand of the vaccine to children less than 5 years of age due to reported febrile seizures after the vaccination.
The ACIP recommends that Afluria should not be used in children aged 6 months through 8 years. Other age-appropriate, licensed seasonal influenza vaccine formulations should be used for prevention of influenza in children aged 6 months through 8 years. If no other age-appropriate, licensed seasonal influenza vaccine is available for a child aged 5 years through 8 years old who has a medical condition that increases their risk for influenza complications, Afluria may be given, and providers should discuss the benefits and risks of influenza vaccination with the parents or caregivers before administering Afluria.6

Zoe said:
You're not talking about the Redskins girl which is likely a hoax or all in her head, are you?
That's the girl I was talking about. I don't buy that it's all in her head. I understand the logic of them thinking so though. She hears that she can run normally and walk backwards normally and all of a sudden she can, but I just don't see it as being in her head. And I don't think it was a hoax. That girl would need to be a fantastic actor.
I think the last shot I got was when I started college or something. maybe. but that was like 7 years ago. Haven't had one since.


I usually never get them, and the proactive people that do break the chain of infection. Thanks all you shot-getters! :D


Scheduled to get mine at work next Tuesday.

This business about everyone else getting the flu shot so some feeling they may not need it.. Wouldn't the people that got the flu shot potentially still get the flu and still be able to transmit it, just that they would presumably already have the necessary immune protection to keep from developing the full virus?


ScrabbleDude said:
That's the girl I was talking about. I don't buy that it's all in her head. I understand the logic of them thinking so though. She hears that she can run normally and walk backwards normally and all of a sudden she can, but I just don't see it as being in her head. And I don't think it was a hoax. That girl would need to be a fantastic actor.

Did you see the update?
ScrabbleDude said:
My wife, children, and I do not get flu shots. The children are too young to decide for themselves and the wife and I don't believe they are beneficial.
Congratulations on being morons.


I had a physical like 3 weeks ago and turned down a flu shot. The doctor was like, "Well, I'd recommend it, but not a big deal."

I figure if my doc didn't push it on me, GAF acting all psycho over the flu shot is pretty funny.


Futureman said:
I had a physical like 3 weeks ago and turned down a flu shot. The doctor was like, "Well, I'd recommend it, but not a big deal."

I figure if my doc didn't push it on me, GAF acting all psycho over the flu shot is pretty funny.

Yeah but your doctor also didn't say it was a crazy idea to get one because it might kill you.

It's fair to say that at a healthy young person who gets the flu probably won't die. But saying that's it's stupid or completely worthless to get it is false.


Futureman said:
I had a physical like 3 weeks ago and turned down a flu shot. The doctor was like, "Well, I'd recommend it, but not a big deal."

I figure if my doc didn't push it on me, GAF acting all psycho over the flu shot is pretty funny.

It is being pushed by the government and the corporate world for economic reasons. Taking care of sick people costs money. People missing work reduces productivity.
I am recommending it because I work in a hospital and I see how miserable for adults and children the flu can be. I have been through it myself. The time and money spent for a flu shot is like insurance, you never know ahead of time whether you will benefit.
Dechaios said:
Don't be a dick.
I'm really sick of irrational and selfish beliefs that put everyone else at risk, and people who harbor such fundamentally misguided ideas are not going to be convinced otherwise because they lack rational basis in the first place. They are operating on another plane of thought. Just like the Autism parents.
Is it normal for most anyone to get flu shots in the US? In the UK I think it's the very young and the very old we dish them out to.


J Tourettes said:
Is it normal for most anyone to get flu shots in the US? In the UK I think it's the very young and the very old we dish them out to.
It's recommended most for people in high risk groups yes.


RE: the "pharmacutical companies just want you to get them to line their pockets" arguments. It's a standard practice amongst all countries with public health care services, too. Those governments would leap at the chance if they could justify not spending money on free vaccinations. But they don't. So can your stupid paranoia and stop playing the life of your kids by pretending you know better than the bulk of world scientific reasoning.
J Tourettes said:
In the UK I think it's the very young and the very old we dish them out to.
And anyone in between who have conditions that would be agitated by the flu virus. It's very easy to get the jab if you want it.


I never have gotten any flu shots nor have my family.
Though as a northern european we do have stronger resistance to these viruses.

It amuses me how flu is being tolerated here. Only people who seems to get problems are those whom constitution is awful and have forgot to maintain their stamina.

Aka, if you're already so weak, these marketed vaccinations aren't the real solution for your issues against flu.


A friend of mine recently went to Egypt. I think they forced him to take about 5 different types of vaccines before he left. For real, they are important and can save your life.


I did not get a flu shot for at least 10 years (because I am not allowed to) and I had no flu the last 10 years.


Ignis Fatuus said:
I'm really sick of irrational and selfish beliefs that put everyone else at risk, and people who harbor such fundamentally misguided ideas are not going to be convinced otherwise because they lack rational basis in the first place. They are operating on another plane of thought. Just like the Autism parents.
I rarely ever got a flu shot as a kid and if I ever did get the flu I was fine. It's a fairly simple virus that people get all the time and are fine afterwards. You may be paranoid about getting sick but for most people it's just a part of life. There's no need to go insulting people who aren't hypochondriacs.


Dechaios said:
I rarely ever got a flu shot as a kid and if I ever did get the flu I was fine. It's a fairly simple virus that people get all the time and are fine afterwards. You may be paranoid about getting sick but for most people its just a part of life. There's no need to go insulting people who aren't hypochondriacs.

the least amount of time I spend sick the better. My wife has had this horrible nasty cough for about a month now. I'm sure if they told her she could have prevented it by doing A, B or C she would in hindsight choose to do so.


Ignis Fatuus said:
I'm really sick of irrational and selfish beliefs that put everyone else at risk, and people who harbor such fundamentally misguided ideas are not going to be convinced otherwise because they lack rational basis in the first place. They are operating on another plane of thought. Just like the Autism parents.

And again we begin with the mass hysteria and advertisements from governments telling everyone it's our "civic duty" to get the flu shot to not only protect ourselves but everyone else around us. :lol


jmdajr said:
the least amount of time I spend sick the better. My wife has had this horrible nasty cough for about a month now. I'm sure if they told her she could have prevented it by doing A, B or C she would in hindsight choose to do so.
I completely agree, but the chances of getting the flu are pretty slim even if you don't get a shot.

(especially if you are really hygenic and watch where you touch/wash your hands all the time)

Good habits go a long way.
Manics said:
And again we begin with the mass hysteria and advertisements from governments telling everyone it's our "civic duty" to get the flu shot to not only protect ourselves but everyone else around us. :lol
are you afraid of chemtrails and water fluoridation too


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
My 1 year old is allergic to eggs--any other options out there?


badcrumble said:
are you afraid of chemtrails and water fluoridation too
He wasn't saying anything that crazy or conspiratorial.... He's just saying people fucking shove the flu shot down your throat. Perhaps for good reason, but even so.
Not getting one. Don't remember if I ever have. I have family who are in medicine and was told as I don't usually get it that I shouldn't worry about it. Even if they did recommend it, I doubt I would have gotten one, as you have to pay where I live and I'm not wasting money on one.

Que Smug/Self-RighteousGAF comments about how I'm irresponsible and bringing down the human race by not injecting this seasons pharmaceutical product into my blood.


Blue_Gecko said:
Not getting one. Don't remember if I ever have. I have family who are in medicine and was told as I don't usually get it that I shouldn't worry about it.

Que Smug/Self-RighteousGAF comments about how I'm irresponsible and bringing down the human race by not injecting this seasons pharmaceutical product into my blood.
Seriously, people here feel that if they do something, that's the only way everybody should choose to live their lives. It's really surprising how worked up these people get over a shot that probably won't make even make a fucking difference.


Dechaios said:
I completely agree, but the chances of getting the flu are pretty slim even if you don't get a shot.

(especially if you are really hygenic and watch where you touch/wash your hands all the time)

Good habits go a long way.

I agree the odds are in your favor. But getting the vaccine doesn't make my ODDS worse either. In fact it's the opposite.

I wonder if this vaccine fear just a modern thing. I'm thinking years ago people wished they had the resources to take advantage of such medical advances.
I'm getting one this weekend (free through my mother-in-law, who's a nurse). I would rather have a sore arm for a few days than get the flu, which feels awful.

I can see both sides of the issue, though. Honestly, if I didn't get one so easily and for free, I'd probably skip it too.
Manics said:
And again we begin with the mass hysteria and advertisements from governments telling everyone it's our "civic duty" to get the flu shot to not only protect ourselves but everyone else around us. :lol
Yes, but at least with my family, we are very careful when we are sick. We make sure our hands are always washed if we cough in them. We don't touch other family members or shake hands unless absolutely necessary. And we don't visit grandparents and other elderly people because passing that shit on to someone older is a dick move.


How about this...

Will Elder Senior Gaf be getting flu vaccines once the time arrives? Or will some still be afraid?
jmdajr said:
I wonder if this vaccine fear just a modern thing. I'm thinking years ago people wished they had the resources to take advantage of such medical advances.
I don't know, but I will tell you that the flu vaccine is the only vaccination we don't do. Our kids get everything else. We don't skimp on the smallpox vaccination or the tetanus vaccination. I don't personally want to give the kids the chickenpox vaccination though.

Edit: And yes, when I am elderly I will be getting the flu shot.


Dechaios said:
He wasn't saying anything that crazy or conspiratorial.... He's just saying people fucking shove the flu shot down your throat. Perhaps for good reason, but even so.

Yep, immediately you get attacked when you suggest you don't need the flu shot. My wife and I are in good health, both our kids aged 5 and 3 are in good health. Nobody in our family got the flu shot ever, and we don't plan on it again this year. We've discussed with our pediatrician and he's ok with it...but I guess the posters in GAF know better.
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